AdapterId 07CEEh AdapterName "OS/RAM32 Memory Adapter, Capital Equipment Corp. " NumBytes 4 FixedResources pos[3]=11x1xxxxb pos[0]=1xxxxxxxxb NamedItem Prompt "BIOS ROM Address" choice "Segment_c800" pos[1]=xxxx0100b mem 0c8000h-0c9fffh choice "Segment_ca00" pos[1]=xxxx0101b mem 0ca000h-0cbfffh choice "Segment_cc00" pos[1]=xxxx0110b mem 0cc000h-0cdfffh choice "Segment_ce00" pos[1]=xxxx0111b mem 0ce000h-0cffffh choice "Segment_d000" pos[1]=xxxx1000b mem 0d0000h-0d1fffh choice "Segment_d200" pos[1]=xxxx1001b mem 0d2000h-0d3fffh choice "Segment_d400" pos[1]=xxxx1010b mem 0d4000h-0d5fffh choice "Segment_d600" pos[1]=xxxx1011b mem 0d6000h-0d7fffh choice "Segment_d800" pos[1]=xxxx1100b mem 0d8000h-0d9fffh choice "Segment_da00" pos[1]=xxxx1101b mem 0da000h-0dbfffh choice "Segment_dc00" pos[1]=xxxx1110b mem 0dc000h-0ddfffh choice "Segment_de00" pos[1]=xxxx1111b mem 0de000h-0dffffh Help "Select the BIOS ROM memory address. The BIOS ROM contains code which initializes the adapter when the computer is turned on. This address can be set anywhere in the range just above the video RAM area." NamedItem Prompt "Expanded memory map I/O Address" choice "Port_248" pos[2]=0000xxxxb io 0248h-024fh choice "Port_258" pos[2]=0001xxxxb io 0258h-025fh choice "Port_348" pos[2]=0010xxxxb io 0348h-034fh choice "Port_358" pos[2]=0011xxxxb io 0358h-035fh choice "Port_1248" pos[2]=0100xxxxb io 01248h-0124fh choice "Port_1258" pos[2]=0101xxxxb io 01258h-0125fh choice "Port_1348" pos[2]=0110xxxxb io 01348h-0134fh choice "Port_1358" pos[2]=0111xxxxb io 01358h-0135fh choice "Port_2248" pos[2]=1000xxxxb io 02248h-0224fh choice "Port_2258" pos[2]=1001xxxxb io 02258h-0225fh choice "Port_2348" pos[2]=1010xxxxb io 02348h-0234fh choice "Port_2358" pos[2]=1011xxxxb io 02358h-0235fh choice "Port_3248" pos[2]=1100xxxxb io 03248h-0324fh choice "Port_3258" pos[2]=1101xxxxb io 03258h-0325fh choice "Port_3348" pos[2]=1110xxxxb io 03348h-0334fh choice "Port_3358" pos[2]=1111xxxxb io 03358h-0335fh Help "Select the desired I/O address. Use the F5=Previous and F6=Next keys to change the selection." NamedItem Prompt "Size of memory modules" choice "1 meg" pos[0]=x0xxxxxxb choice "256K" pos[0] = x1xxxxxxb Help "Choose the type of SIMM memory modules you have loaded on your OS/RAM32 board. You can use either 1 megabyte modules or 256K modules, but not a combination of the two." NamedItem Prompt "Amount of extended memory (megabytes)" choice "ALL" pos[0]=xx11111xb choice "ALL" pos[0]=xx11111xb choice "0" pos[0]=xx00000xb choice "0.5" pos[0]=xx00001xb choice "1" pos[0]=xx00010xb choice "1.5" pos[0]=xx00011xb choice "2" pos[0]=xx00100xb choice "2.5" pos[0]=xx00101xb choice "3" pos[0]=xx00110xb choice "3.5" pos[0]=xx00111xb choice "4" pos[0]=xx01000xb choice "4.5" pos[0]=xx01001xb choice "5" pos[0]=xx01010xb choice "5.5" pos[0]=xx01011xb choice "6" pos[0]=xx01100xb choice "6.5" pos[0]=xx01101xb choice "7" pos[0]=xx01110xb choice "7.5" pos[0]=xx01111xb Help "Choose the amount of adapter memory to be assigned as extended memory. Any remaining memory will be used as DOS expanded memory (Lotus-Intel-Microsoft EMM 4.0), if the expanded memory driver is installed with DOS. For operating systems other than DOS, choose ALL extended memory."