What's New: February, 1994

February 28,1994

The Department of Modern Physics - University of Cantabria (UNICAN) in Santander, Spain is running a WWW server.

Chess enthusiasts will be interested in the Internet Chess Library. The ICL has a number of chess-related texts, opening databases, and games. Chess FAQs may also be found here along with information on accessing the Internet Chess Server, a service for real-time chess playing over the Internet. The ICL contains files for specific chess database programs and programs for specific machines and operating systems. There's even a chess art gallery.

Another commercial magazine comes to the Web:
3W Magazine - The Internet with a Human Face
All the Internet - All the resources
Full information and a subscription special offer here.

The Eagle's Nest provides online information about Bridgewater College, its facilities, catalog, and calendar of events. This new server, in its initial growth stages, is sponsored by the C. E. Shull Computing Center.

February 27,1994

WAIS Inc would like Beta Testers to try out its new WAIS-to-Web gateway for searching local or remote WAIS databases. For more information, see the WAISGATE Announcement

A collection of materials related to the British Science Fiction television series Blake's_7 is now available. Scripts for most of the episodes are available, along with sound bites and images.

Engineering Computer Operations at North Carolina State University is pleased to announce the Project Eos Web Server. Project Eos is a distributed academic computing system at North Carolina State University. Begun in the College of Engineering, this network of high-end UNIX workstations uses client/server technology and much of the software developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), IBM, and DEC in Project Athena at MIT. Our Web server contains information and newsletter about Project Eos, information about classes using Project Eos, a nice test of UNIX tutorials, and an on-line version of the book Guide to the Eos Computing Environment at North Carolina State University by Dr. Ellen McDaniel.

The Linda Group at Yale University has set up a WWW site that contains extensive information around Linda, coordination languages, adaptive parallelism, turingware, and the efforts of the local research group.

Rockwell Network Systems now supports a World Wide Web (WWW) server. This server will offer information about the latest Rockwell products and services, articles and analyses written by our staff, and links to other relevant Internet documents. Enjoy!

The English Server at CMU has three new online journals now available in Mosaic/WWW:
  • Bad Subjects: Political Education for Everyday Life offers a forum for work in cultural and critical theory discussing American leftist and progressive politics.
  • CTHEORY is an international, electronic review of books on theory, technology and culture (reviews are posted monthly of key books in contemporary discourse as well as theorisations of major "event-scenes" in the mediascape).
  • Cultronix is an interactive online magazine to be published on the English Server. The topic for the first issue of Cultronix is the implications of technology on postmodern culture.
  • The Physics Department at the University of Pennsylvania announces a new WWW server. The server includes Physics course materials, information on high energy physics, and pointers to other servers of interest to the physics community. The server is still under development and is expected to acquire additional materials in the near future.

    The Palo Alto Historical Association, of Palo Alto, California, USA, proudly announces its arrival on the World-Wide Web on a server operated by Digital Equipment Corporation

    The DOS Internet Kit for new Internauts coming in from DOS/Windows machines has been updated by Dean Pentcheff to include new software releases. Installation instructions and the disk images are on the WWW server tbone.biol.scarolina.edu (or by anonymous FTP from the same site). It is a self-installing package to get PCs connected to Internet resources (including Gopher, Mosaic, Telnet, etc.). It now includes Trumpet Winsock 1.0 (with SLIP support), Windows Mosaic 2.0 Alpha 1, updates to the Crynwr packet drivers #11, NCSA Telnet 2.3.07b, and updated configuration instructions.

    The University of Michigan Historical Center for the Health Sciences (HCHS) is pleased to announce an electronic clearinghouse for information on primary resources in the history of health care and the health sciences as they relate to Michigan. This WWW information service is designed for use by historians, educators, policy makers, archivists, librarians, and manuscript and museum curators interested in promoting the exchange of ideas and the utility of history in the development of ethics and policy, and in managing health science resources.

    The EXPO has expanded in a new direction with the addition of a restaurant. The restaurant serves only the some meals of the world-famous school for French cookery Le Cordon Blue.
    If you have some intersting data that you would like to be part of EXPO, please contact Frans van Hoesel at hoesel@chem.rug.nl.

    The Institute of Systems Science (ISS) at the National University of Singapore is now on the Web. They provide information about their location, facilities and research and educational programs.

    February 24,1994

    The Computing Support Team, Inc. announces GEMS, Global Electronic Marketing Service. Our first commercial project is providing a Real Estate information service. Home owners and realty agents are invited to advertise property and services.

    Fishnet is a weekly collection of assorted stuff discovered while browsing the Internet (primarily netnews). The contents are unpredictable, but are likely to include miscellany connected with computer culture, bizarre humor, fringe politics, technology and environmental issues. E-mail subscriptions are also available from fishnet-request@cs.washington.edu. Fishnet could be considered as an initial attempt at human-based approaches to intelligent information handling in the age of the Internet.

    Some great real world examples of the power of WWW are on a new server by Electric Press, Inc. Electric Press specializes in high quality layout and design, with digital artists on staff. Electric Press is an "invisible" publisher, operating servers under the names of its customers alone.

    The Department of Computing Science, at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is pleased to announce it's new WWW server. Click here to come and check it out. Things are pretty bare-bones so far, (there is a connection to our gopher server) but give us some time.

    The Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Victoria (UVic) now has a Web server running. We provide information about our location, our Department and our research activities. We are also serving a number of Documents and we provide pointers to other services here at UVic.

    EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne) now has its home page on the Web.

    The Chemistry Department at Brown has begun a WWW server. The server currently contains information concerning the graduate program of Chemistry available at Brown; short resumees of the faculty members including their most recent works; and current phone book information for faculty, graduate students, and staff members.

    The JASON project has made it to Belize, packed in 20,000 pounds of gear and are ready for their first show this Monday. They have started sending daily updates to the JASON Project Home Page and posting them in the "Letters from the Rain Forest" page.

    The Duke University Department of Chemistry would like to announce its new WWW site. The primary goal of the site is to promote and advertise the Department and its on-going research. The site currently features an extensive multi-media exhibit of the research of Dr. Michael G. Prisant in chemical physics at surfaces and geometric aspects of protein structure and function. This exhibit contains mpeg movies and gif images produced using computer modeling and state-of-the-art raycasting technology.

    A new page has been added to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's WWW server describing EMBYR, a probability-based landscape scale simulation of wildfire. This page describes an actual historical fire that occurred in Yellowstone National Park in 1981, and then simulates this historical burn in an MPEG movie. Check it out!

    Austin World Wide Web User Group (AWWWUG) in Austin, TX has now formed. The purpose of AWWWUG is to provide a salient technical and organizational infrastructure which can support the local WWW community, while its mission is to promote the academic, commercial, and educational use of the WWW. If you are interested, there is an online survey fill-out form which can get you onto the AWWWUG mailing list.

    The Center for Telecommunications Research at Columbia University has just started up its WWW server. It contains pointers to other Columbia information sources, but it currently doesn't have much local data.

    February 23,1994

    On February 23rd, 1994 EcoNet will release the League of Conservation Voters' 1993 National Environmental Scorecard via the Internet. The Environmental Scorecard rates members of the United States House and Senate according to their voting records on critical environmental issues for the past year, and also gives environmental "scores" for regional and state delegations.

    The Hub is an Internet resource for mathematics and science education, maintained by TERC on behalf of the Regional Alliance.

    The Computer Science Department at University of California at Davis now enters the ever growing World Wide Web with its first homepage prototype. Items of interest are : Melvyl , a UC wide library system, several on-line courses, campus profile of UC Davis, the UCD gopher and anonymous FTP site , and some really interesting links to other home pages. We have just added access to CS technical journal archives in all diciplines of computer science. Also look for some forms-based documents coming soon!

    The University of Tennessee High Energy Theory Group has started its WWW server. Among its resources is a large collection of Mandelbrot set images.

    The Experiments Online is a collection of home pages of many high-energy physics experiments, and a link to databases covering experiments in particle physics. Coming to you from SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center).

    Two new resources are presently available at Hahnemann University: NetBiochem - a medical biochemistry course, and UBUdex - a hyperindex to the Macintosh software archives at the University of Michigan.

    Python is an object-oriented scripting and prototyping language which some prefer over Perl, TCL or Scheme. Python, developed at CWI in Amsterdam, is free, extensible, and runs on Unix, DOS and Mac. The Unix version has optional X11 and Motif interfaces and considerable multimedia support for SGI and Sun platforms. All documentation and sources for Python are now available on-line via the World-Wide-Web as well as via ftp.

    February 22,1994

    WIRED Magazine has joined the fight against the Clipper Chip by setting up a web page devoted to the subject, with several selected text files pulled off the net, plus two pre-publication articles to appear in the April issue of WIRED, one by Brock Meeks and the other by John Perry Barlow. The site is provided as a public service by WIRED magazine to educate people about its dangers. Wired's WWW site also includes the full text from every issue up through the January issue (including key word searches), as well information on how to subscribe, how to advertise, and how to submit articles to WIRED.

    The Earth Resources Laboratory, part of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT, is pleased to announce its new server. ERL is primarily concerned with applied geophysics as it relates to tectonophysics, seismology (especially seismic exploration), environmental engineering, and parallel computing.

    February 21,1994

    As a first WWW link to Croatia we invite you to visit home page of the Telecommunications Department , University of Zagreb. It will provide you links to currently existing net resources in Croatia, and more.

    The Astronomical Observatory of Padova has set up an experimental WWW server. Through this server you can reach the Astronet network which connects most of the italian Astronomical Institutes. Some of these nodes are WWW servers themselves.

    TRIUMF, Canada's National Meson Research Facility, conducts research in subatomic particle physics, accelerator design and operation, and various applied programs including medical applications of accelerators. Our new Web server has a small but growing collection of information about the laboratory and its activities, lists of preprints and internal publications, and descriptions of software available from TRIUMF.

    February 20,1994

    The Space Shuttle Small Payloads Project at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has a new Web server which provides information and graphics for those interested in the "Hitchhiker" and "Get Away Special" (GAS) payload programs. Learn how your organization can fly its own experimental payload on the Shuttle.

    The Radio Astronomy Laboratory at the University of Calgary is now on-line with its WWW home-page. The document includes information on a proposed high-resolution survey of galactic neutral atomic hydrogen (HI), documentation on user support software for the Russian Space VLBI project RadioAstron, information on graduate studies in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, and a pointer to the University of Calgary's gopher server.

    RiceInfo, the campus-wide information server for Rice University in Houston, Texas, is now available via WWW as well as via gopher.

    The Supercomputer Computations Research Institute at the Computing Facilites at SCRI, and pictures and descriptions of some of the equipment we use.
  • Recent Publication Information, and listings of several thousand abstracts from recently published articles.
  • Information about Software developed at SCRI, available on the Internet. Notable projects include SciAn, DQS, and Dmake.
  • Notes on Tallahassee Free-Net, a SCRI-sponsored public-access Internet provider. Free-Net provides public Internet access to approximately 17,000 local Tallahassee residents.
  • Links to other campus resources (gophers, ftp sites, etc.)

    The Baylor College of Medicine is now on the Web providing Biomedical Research and Educational Information.

    The combined WWW/Gopher server for The Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) who supply numerical, statistical, symbolic and visualisation systems plus compilers and tools has moved to a new server here. A direct interface for those interested in the IRIS Explorer visualisation system can be found here, this is also a new address.

    The NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center has a WWW server running for it's Workstation User's Group . The WUG, sponsored by Hughes-STX corporation, serves to link workstation users together to share their knowledge and experience and to provide for the open exchange of information and ideas as users from various tasks describe their experiences. It contains useful information for people who work with scientific data.

    Professors Henry Wright and Sharon Herbert have made the preliminary report of the 1993 season of the joint University of Michigan/University of Asiut survey in the Eastern Desert of Egypt available on the Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology server.

    The University of Southampton Astronomy Group now provides an index of recent International Astronomical Union (IAU) telegrams. To avoid breaching the copyright on the circulars, the full text of the telegrams is only available locally. However, if you have your own legitimate source for these documents then this search tool will tell you which telegrams to look in for news on particular astronomical objects and events.

    The University of Massachusetts Astronomy Program now has Greek letters in place in their pages. A tar file containing these transparent bitmaps is available. If you haven't been there in a while, much has happened. Look in on their What's New Page.

    The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) has a new WWW server online. The CfA combines the resources and research facilities of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory to pursue studies in astronomy and astrophysics. Information about the research activities at the center, its facilities and achievements is available. Also soon available on the server the CfA preprint series and astronomical catalogs and images.

    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Washington is pleased to announce the opening of its HTTP server to the outside world. Information accessible on our local web includes an overview of the department and its research, descriptions of our graduate educational programs and research summaries and on-line technical reports. Regional information is slowly being collected.

    The Queer Resources Directory (QRD) is now available via http at vector.casti.com . The QRD provides information on HIV/AIDS, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered issues. Contributions and information come from around the world and are categorized and stored appropriately. Come and explore!

    Nadine , the magazine that wishes it were a band, has a new Web electrosphere. Nadine is written and published primarily by students at Yale University .

    ANSWERS The Magazine For Adult Children of Aging Parents, is written for anyone facing the questions, issues, and concerns from having an aging parent. The magazine covers all aspects of looking after an elderly parent, including how to deal with your feelings and where to get help if you need it. Sample articles and a subscription form are available. ANSWERS is brought to you by Internet Distribution Services.

    A home page for the Cyberpunk/Fantasy role-playing game, Shadowrun, is now online. It provides access to many sites for information about Shadowrun, and Cyberpunk related issues in general.

    The Los Alamos Physics Papers has moved, and now provides complete form-based access to the physics e-Print archive. The site is also mirrored at http://babbage.sissa.it/ in Italy.

    February 17,1994

    The independent norwegian telecom newspaper, Telecom Revy, is online with a Telecom Update of the Olympics (in english). This is a cooperation between the Norwegian Telecom Research and the newspaper. Telecom Revy may also be found on the Norwegian Homepage NORWEB), which also have pointers to other Olympic servers.

    A new home page for the JASON PROJECT is now available. JASON V: Expedition Planet Earth, will take place in Belize, Central America from February 28 - March 12, 1994. Scientists and students will follow the path of a raindrop as it forms in the atmosphere and makes its way to the rainforest canopy, floor, the river and limestone cave system of Belize, and out onto the coral reefs. Studies in atmospheric chemistry, biology, botany, ethnobotany, geology, archaeology, anthropology, and related environmental studies will be undertaken by expedition participants and their counterparts at the Primary Interactive Network Sites (PINS).

    The Dept. of Astronomy at Cornell University is proud to announce that its Web server is now up and running. It includes information about astronomy graduate studies at Cornell and summer student programs.

    The Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory has gone public with its web server. Notable offerings:
    • Virtual documents about how things work. Using model-based reasoning and machine-generated explanation technology, these documents explain the behavior and structure of engineered systems (e.g., thrusters on the NASA space shuttle, power generation plants). They dynamically generate answers, in natural language, to questions as the reader browses the document. These are true virtual documents in that they are generated from underlying models and are not simply remote user interfaces to conventional software.
    • A library of shareable ontologies and knowledge bases, with related papers and software, related to the ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort. The domains include engineering mathematics, elevator design, bibliographic data, thermodynamic systems, and object-oriented knowledge representation. There's even an answer to the question, What is an ontology?
    • Agent-based servers for engineering that encapsulate conventional CAD software. Built for the SHADE project in collaboration with Lockheed AI Center and Enterprise Integration Technologies, these agents talk standard protocols and languages to support distributed, concurrent engineering.

    The Sisters Of Mercy pages are now up and running... these include links to all lyrics and tab available on the net, along with record details, scanned pictures, interviews... etc. Check it out !

    February 16,1994

    Due to overwhelming demand, a mirror site for Olympic Information has been established for North America and the Pacific Rim. Over 100 000 requests were logged the first day that the Norwegian server was up ! Please use this link/URL to lessen the impact on the trans Atlantic links. The server here will provide much improved response to all in North America and Asia.

    The Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia has an illustrated project description available, including sections on the Center, our on-line text collections, our users, and the training we provide. Comments can be sent to etext@virginia.edu.

    The presentation of Slovenia is now spread over J. Stefan Institute and University of Maribor servers. Both now jointly offer general information about Slovenia (geographical, cultural, tourist, ...); some hints about Slovenian wines and food recipes are also served. Links to other WWW and Gopher servers in Slovenia, as well as links to on-line information and library services are provided from home pages.

    A list of commercial services available over the Web is now being maintained.

    There is a home page for the anarchy-list, a mailing list for discussing society without governments. Some introductory material and a complete archive are available, as well as instructions for subscribing.

    Spunk Press, an electronic publishing effort with an emphasis on anarchist and alternative material, is now also accessible through WWW. Our current catalog comprises some 200 articles, books, magazines, etc.

    Project GeoSim has started a WWW server to distribute Geography Education software developed by the Departments of Geography and Computer Science at Virginia Tech. The software will run on MS-DOS, Macintosh, and DECstations running X-Windows. The GeoSim Gopher server is also available.

    The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) now has its Abstract Service available via WWW. It provides access to currently about 160,000 Astronomy and Astrophysics abstracts with a sophisticated searching system. Using Lynx, this now also provides access to this service from character based terminals. More information about this service is available in the Abstract Service Help Pages.

    RISKWeb is now available to the WWW community. RISKWeb provides information of interest to persons interested in Risk and Insurance issues, as well as additional Gopher and WWW information served locally at the University of Texas at Austin campus and throughout the world.

    WebStars: Astrophysics in Cyberspace is for those who are interested in the application of computers & networks -- especially the World-Wide Web -- to support the work of astronomers & astrophysicists. It contains hyperlinks to:

    The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory's Facilty Manual is now online. DAO is a national facility operated by the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics of the National Rsearch Council of Canada. The Canadian Astronomy Data Centre is a group within the DAO which is responsible for the Canadian archive of data from the Hubble Space Telescope as well the archive of data from the Canada France Hawaii Telescope. You might also want to check out the DAO Virtual Library.

    The Space Data and Computing Divison of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center now has a Web server. This server provides access to information about the NASA Center for Computational Sciences, the most active UniTree mass storage site in the world, the HPCC Earth and Space Science Applications Project, a project is to accelerate the application of high performance technologies to meet the Grand Challenge computational needs of the U.S. Earth and space science community, and NASA's Digital Library Technology Project, a project to support the development of new technologies to facilitate public access to NASA data.

    February 13,1994

    A Web server for Winter Olympics Information in Lillehammer, Norway is now available due to a joint effort between Skrivervik Data, Oslonett, and Sun Microsystems. Check out the Daily Olympic Events schedule, or the Chronological List of Events , both will be updated starting on Feb 12 (MET).

    Coombs Computing Unit, Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University, now operates a specialist Social Sciences WWW Server.

    The Medical Image Processing Group, Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania has now joined the growing Web community. The server contains information on 3DVIEWNIX, a data-, machine-, and application-independent software system for the visualization and analysis of multidimensional images. We also offer 3DVIEWNIX Demo via FTP. Please send all your comments and requests to Vhelp@mipgsun.mipg.upenn.edu.

    The Geometry Center proudly presents a gallery of 5 new interactive World Wide Web applications for you to explore. See fill-out-forms taken to amazing new extremes! This exhibit is intended for those who want to experiment with the cutting edge of modern research geometry and have fun at the same time. Also available is a new version of Mpeg Player with a motif user interface.

    The Telemedia, Networks, and Systems Group at the MIT Lab for Computer Science has some cool video-on-demand demos for Mosaic users running X on an 8-bit display with a reasonably fast connection to our site. Members of the group are studying a number of topics in the domain of distributed multimedia systems including Host Interface Design for High Speed Networks, Toolkits for Real-Time Data, Visual Programming Environments, Information Extraction from Video, Flexible Video Models and Protocols, and ATM Network Striping. Recent publications are available, and we also maintain an index to relevant calls for papers.

    The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Data Archive at NGDC is now accessable via the Web. DMSP is a two satellite constellation of near-polar orbiting, sun-synchronus satellites monitoring meteorological, oceanographic and solar-terrestrial physics environments. The DMSP Web pages contain sample imagery, applications and documentation.

    The U.S. Department of Commerce in cooperation with the Office of Management and Budget(OMB) has made the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1995 available in electronic format to the Internet community. This marks the first time the entire budget has been available to the public in electronic format.

    The Best of the Web '94 Awards is now accepting nominations. Awards will be given in 15 categories, as well as a Hall of Fame. There is a forms-based nomination page, as well as instructions for submission via e-mail. Anyone is welcome to submit nominees.

    World-Wide WAIS-Searchable WWW Catalogues are now available at Colorado for: Please add your institution's home page, or URL's for interesting items in these categories, or for other categories you define.

    The Tropical Data Base (Base de Dados Tropical - BDT) collects, organizes and disseminates local and regional information. It is a department within the Fundacao Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnologia "Andre' Tosello", a Brazilian not-for-profit, private foundation.
    The site has the following big topics:

    The S-Cubed Taxing Times information server now has 450+ of the 750 IRS tax forms, instructions, and publications on-line in Portable Document Format. State forms for California and New Jersey are also available. Many forms are also available as PostScript(TM) and TIFF files. All forms are free. The Missing Children Database is also now complete. <begin_commercial>The cost of this service will (hopefully) be supported by on-line sales of the ChipSoft(TM) tax products and the Adobe Acrobat Reader(TM).<end_commercial>

    The Christian Resource List has been updated to include the complete King James Version of the Bible , the Louis Segond translation of the Bible (French), Johannine Hours, and various other Christian related WWW servers.

    The Command Decision Electronic Mailing list now has a server to distribute information about playing GDW's Command Decision miniature wargame. Access is provided to the archive of cdmailer postings and general information about the game.

    Generality is new to Wimsey Information Services in Vancouver Canada. Generality features the aArt Gallery, for photographraphy, Drux, a gallery for electronically produced artwork, and the Druid Science Reading room. Currently at the Art Gallery: Female Nudes, photographs by Skai Fowler. Drux is still under consrtuction, but features stereo pairs by Kent Barrett for viewing in 3D.

    Thomas Boutell is the new maintainer of the Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ) for the newsgroup comp.infosystems.www. The FAQ is a good document to hand to potential new Web users and includes up-to-date information on FTP sites and telnettable browsers to help new users get off the ground. It is available in text form in the newsgroup, and also in html form (see above!).

    February 9, 1994

    The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Laboratory for Hydrospheric Processes has installed a WWW server. On the server you will find links to the Oceans and Ice Branch , the Physical Oceanography Group , information and data from on going projects (TOPEX/Poseidon, AVHRR Pathfinder, Ocean Modeling and SeaWiFS), links to other sites of interests to Oceanography and staff home pages. As new information becomes available it will be posted.

    The UMass Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics now has a home page, containing descriptions of the Lab's research and some mpeg robot demos. This page also contains pointers to Lab publications.

    The University of Florida, Department of Computer and Information Sciences is proud to announce the Perl Web site . In conjuncture with our Perl FTP Site we are attempting to provide a complete set of perl tools, documents, and relevent information. Contact Stephen P Potter (spp@cis.ufl.edu) with any changed, additions, or omissions.

    Those interested in recent political developments in Ireland might like to read the full text of the Joint Declaration on Peace, issued on December 15 last by An Taoiseach, Albert Reynolds, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, John Major.

    Lateiner Dataspace's new WWW server is now online. It provides information on research being performed at Lateiner Dataspace Labs. This includes discrete physical simulation, volume visualization techniques, and other three-dimensional computing technologies. Information includes the illustrated text to a paper recently presented at Medicine Meets Virtual Reality on Stereoscopic Volume Visualization.

    Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang Web Server is now available for access. The server provides general information of USM, academic programmes, research (eg. Machine Translation), etc. Also included for potential visitors to Penang Island is tourist information on Penang which includes maps, pictures, interesting places to visit, local food, etc. Have fun...

    Branch Information Services provides advertising and marketing services using WWW, gopher, telnet and ftp. Full color photos, descriptions, and order forms with fax delivery.

    The University of Notre Dame WWW server is now online at www.nd.edu. There is also an "underground" server, The Orange Room (orange-room.cc.nd.edu), which is up and running from ND. Both have image and sounds, AppleScript-based services, and some great looking pages.

    SCO, the world's leading developer and supplier of UNIX System software for computers based on Intel microprocessors, has now made it's WWW server accessible through the Web. The SCO home page provides access to a company overview, product information, services, (ftp archives, technical help documents, course descriptions and catalogs), developer programs, and 3rd party products and services.

    Clarkson University's home page is adding more information on a (somewhat) regular basis. One of the newest additions is HTML Documents: A Mosaic Tutorial by Prof. Dennis Horn of the Technical Communications department. This tutorial gives a step-by-step example of an HTML document and encourges a "try-as-you-go" learning process. Feedback concerning this tutorial can be sent to horn@craft.camp.clarkson.edu.

    The University of Texas at Dallas now has a WWW server as part of their CWIS system.

    The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities has a Web Server with information about computing in the humanities at the University of Virginia, plus Research Reports, Technical Reports, and a Web-wise demonstration of the Institute's Image Annotation Tool.

    Postmodern Culture, V4 N2 (January, 1994) is the first issue of PMC to be designed for publication on the Web. It includes PMC's first hypermedia article, a popular culture column on Krazy Kat.

    The Oregon Bach Festivalis pleased to announce a new WWW server. See whats in store for the Festival's 25th year, get a free color brochure!

    Yale University's Computing & Information Systems is now on-line to Web surfers.

    Announcing a server at the Australian Defence Force Academy. This is an academic institution.
    Apart from the campus WWW service, a number of other services are also hosted here:

    A new Winter Olympics Page is available, with North American TV schedules, listings by events, and photos and video coming soon. Medals will be posted each day of the Games.

    Just in time for Valentine's Day, the Orange Room -- Notre Dame's Hip Underground Web Server -- is proud to announce: The Internet Candy Dish. Come visit, and you'll get a handful of random candy hearts. Have fun!

    The Department of Mathematics at Brigham Young University announces their WWW server. Currently online are small blurbs about the people in the department and our degree programs.

    The NASA Internet Connection provides links to NASA's Webs, Gophers, FTPs, WAISes, and Telnets by protocal/organization. This is to complement the already available NASA subject trees such as the NASA Information Sources by Subject page.

    Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) is pleased to be the first school of public health on the Web. The server offers the School's entire 1994/95 bulletin, current schedule of Public Health Forums (including a campus map to help get you there), and more. Future additions to the server will include department-specific information, as well as course material (syllabi, notes, etc.) offered by professors to BUSPH students. The server is provided courtesy of the Department of Environmental Health.

    February 7, 1994

    INFACT ONLINE has MOVED. Due to tremendous interest in the tobacco industry campaign many if not most users were encountering the anonymous FTP limit set by the netcom system and were unable to view our materials. They have moved INFACT Online to "http://siva.cshl.org/~boutell/infact.html". Those who had trouble accessing information on INFACT's tobacco industry campaign previously should be able to view the pages now. PLEASE adjust any links or hotlist references appropriately! Thanks.

    A page has been created for Niel's timelines and scales of measurement list. Science/technology, evolutionary/geological, and cosmological timelines are available. Also available is a useful scales of measurement list. The documents are available in TEX, DVI, and ASCII formats.

    NASA Langley Research Center now has over 200 technical reports in the Langley Technical Report Server. If you take a look, please fill out the feedback form There is also a list of reports servers by subject.

    The Cyberspace Report, a public affairs radio show aired on KUCI, 88.9 FM in Irvine, CA, is now available on-line from the Department of Information and Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine WWW server. Social issues of computing is the theme of the Cyberspace Report, explored using interview and topic shows. Currently available shows explore online romance, the future of electronic mail, the information infrastructure in Singapore, and the future of communities on the Internet. Notable guests include Dr. Nathaniel Borenstein of Bellcore, Professor John L. King from U.C. Irvine, and Professor Phil Agre from U.C. San Diego.

    McDonnell Douglas Aerospace - Houston now has a WWW server on-line! The server provides demonstrations, descriptions, and points-of-contact for the engineering services and technologies available. A "What's New ..." page keeps visitors abreast of newly-published exhibits, and a "Technology Profiles" section indexes topics of interest by category.

    The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Web Server is now up and running. No terribly exciting indexes, but lots of information about the school's programs, projects, and technology resources. Please be gentle, it's only over a 14.4 connection.

    February 5, 1994

    The Department of Computer Science at Salzburg University, Austria is proud to announce its Web Server. Most of the documents are in German, but some, including the Map of Information Systems in Austria and the Star Trek page are in English.

    The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), College of Medicine, Department of Radiology is now serving information and pointers to information about RADIOLOGY. We hope to offer access to the Encyclopedia Radiologica sometime in the near future. We also offer FTP Access to the ACR / NEMA Standard (DICOM 3.0) In the future, we hope to have the DICOM documents in hypertext! In the meantime, stop by, browse, and feel free to send us (webmaster@xray.hmc.psu.edu) comments, ideas, pointers, images, documents related to Radiology!!

    The School of Law at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand has recently joined the Web. The server contains a variety of information including details of the degree programmes that are offered, staff profiles, links to other 'net' resources, and miscellaneous other information....as well as lots of nice gifs :-)

    INFACT, the corporate accountability organization, has opened a World Wide Web service offering information on the INFACT Tobacco Industry Campaign, which seeks to stop the tobacco multinationals from marketing their products directly toward children. INFACT graphics and fully hypertext-referenced documents on the campaign are available.

    The Department of Art History at the Australian National University now offers a FORMS interface whereby the 2,800-record experimental database of Prints & Print History may be accessed, together with its images. Newly available is a FORMS interface to a 2,500-record (and 2,500-image) experimental database largely dedicated to Classical Architecture of the Mediterranean Basin. Both are also available via the main page of ArtServe, the ANU Humanities Server.

    The Hungarian Home Page has been set up at the Process Control Department of the Technical University of Budapest. Sensitive map and links to the Hungarian WWW/NIR servers.

    A new WWW server is now online at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center . Dryden FRC is NASA's premier high-performance flight test research facility. This server contains information about present and past flight research projects conducted at Dryden FRC. Also include are capabilities and services available at the various research facilities at the center.

    EINet Galaxy is providing a up-to-date searchable Hytelnet gateway.

    The WWW server at Novell is finally back online! This server provides tools for solving Technical Support issues about networking using their Technical Support Database which contains over 10,000 support-related documents. There is also an area dedicated to the UnixWare product line. Services include on-line databases, patches, support forms, Product Info. forms, buyers guides, etc.,

    Quadralay Corporation is now on the Web.

    The MathWorks, Inc. , (the maker of MATLAB and SIMULINK technical computation software) has completely updated its WWW server. On the server you'll find a product tour for MATLAB, SIMULINK, and all the Application Toolboxes, a MATLAB gallery with cool pictures and movies , information on the network services provided by The MathWorks, a selection of MATLAB-related textbooks, access to the anonymous FTP site, and much more.

    Indiana University's UCS Support Center provides a Knowledge Base of computing information, as well as a WHOIS gateway for looking up information on IU students, faculty, and staff.

    A new home page for NASA's upcoming ocean color from space mission called SeaWiFS is now available. Project-related imagery (still and movie loops), technical reports, mission announcements and software will be accessible through the Web. Major upgrades and features will be announced as they become available.

    Georgetown University has come on-line with a home page that includes links to the Catalogue of Projects in Electronic Text and other services at Georgetown and around the net. Stay tuned for further changes and improvements.

    We are pleased to announce the Shebuté World Server. This server represents a think-tanks and action groups to create innovative ways to apply information technologies to the problems of global education and sustainable world development. Based heavily on the the efforts of Al Gore, the NII and United Nations - Agenda 21, this server uses "The Big Bang" analogy made in Gore's 1/11 speech at UCLA as the foundation for The Ultimate Video Game

    Stanford Netnews Filtering Service is now accessible through the Web. It provides a personalized netnews delivery service via email. You subscribe to the service by submitting profiles that describe your interests. Netnews articles that match your profiles will be sent to you periodically.

    The University of Rochester's Near Infrared Astronomy Group has a new WWW server available.

    Future Fantasy , a Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Mystery bookstore in Palo Alto, California is now online. You can browse their inventory and place orders. This service requires forms support.

    The University of Portland's Multnomah School of Engineering announces its new WWW server, www.up.edu. The server currently includes general information about the University, a campus map, and a faculty listing of the Engineering School.

    An interactive map of Australian Web sites is now available from the Australian National University`s Bioinformatics Facility.
    CSUWEB is the WWW server run by undergraduate volunteers in the CS department at Virginia Tech, dedicated to educating the next generation of computer scientists about the potential of WWW and similar services. Includes the Ultimate Cookie Jar, a forms-based cookie (fortune) server, and much more.

    The NASA Planetary Data System Infrared Subnode is now online. It will contain information about Infrared spectroscopy from both laboratory and remotely sensed (satellite/aircraft) sources. Currently online is the Mariner 9 Infrared Spectrometer (IRIS) data set. TEACHERS! STUDENTS!: They also have a K-12 Education outreach program.

    On the heels of the popular (7800+ invocations in the past 2 weeks) demo saytime.au and gmt-saytime.au CGI scripts for httpd servers comes the saynumber.au CGI script.

    The University of Southern California is now running a Web Server as an addition to it's CWIS. Of some interest may be the USCGopher, specifically the Gopher Jewels, which is a catalog of Gopher sites by category.

    The Department of Information Management & Data Communications at Wageningen Agricultural University in The Netherlands formally announces their WWW server. This server is still under construction, but Mosaic for Windows clients should take note that from this server you can view MPEG movies containing audio--a Web first!?! This feature was used extensively for a prototype of a CAI program to be delivered over The Web.

    GENBBB, a Recursive Bulletin Board generator is online at University of Colorado, with the World Ski Reports as a sample application. World-wide Alpine, Back-country and Nordic skiers come tell us where you've been: new trails, good slopes, ... On a broader front, the Mother-of-all Bulletin Boards awaits your entries, and you can create your own bulletin boards in there.

    Two new index pages exist for institutions and research groups working in the field of supercompuing and parallel computing.

    The Speleology Information Server is now online. The server features cave pictures, clip-art, surveying software , as well as easy access to the cavers-forum archives.

    The NASA - Kennedy Space Center WWW server is now online. You can take a tour of various Facilities at the Kennedy Space Center or find information on Every Shuttle Mission ever Launched including information about the STS-60 Shuttle Mission currently on orbit. Detailed hypertexed information about the Shuttle is also online in the form of the Shuttle Reference Manual or you can WAIS search for many Space related topics.

    The High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, HEASARC, at NASA/GSFC can be accessed through the WWW. The HEASARC server allows access to a vast selection of data from X-ray and Gamma-ray astronomy missions including ROSAT, ASCA, Compton GRO, Einstein and EXOSAT. There is a beta-release astronomical forms interface to the HEASARC database management system, which allows browsing of various astronomical catalogs and archival datafiles. Best results can be obtained by following the configuration instructions, and by using NCSA's Mosaic ver 2.x, for forms support.

    The Center for Innovative Computer Application (CICA) Web Server provides information about CICA, articles and projects by CICA staff, computer graphics, visualization, sonification, high-performance computing, special computing needs, and other areas of interest to CICA. It also contains the Indiana University Bloomington Searchable Campus Map and the Graphical Bloomington Weather Report.

    A flyfishing home page is now available to the Web community.

    The main WWW server for Los Alamos National Laboratory is now available.

    Einstein was a NASA X-ray astronomy satellite which flew from 1978 to 1981. Einstein data, and X-ray images of galaxies, stars and supernova remnants are available from the Einstein Data Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts

    The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory is pleased to announce the start of a new Summer Intern Program in 1994. Undergraduates interested in a career in the physical sciences are encouraged to apply.

    The Image Processing Group at King's College London has a new Web server available. Although still under development it is home to information on the group, on King's College in general, and is the (preliminary) home of information on the Centre for Neural Networks based at King's College.

    An experimental small business server is now available Monday through Friday from approximately 12:00 to 1:00 Pacific Standard Time, bandwidth permitting. The server provides forms-based access to the inventory of a consignment clothing store in the San Francisco area. A feature of the server is the ability to configure a "Personal Shopper" (a record of preferences) which will trigger mail messages to shoppers when new inventory matching their specifications appears. The server is only useful to local users but the designer is interested in feedback on the concept.

    The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Network Services is now running a Web server. The information available through ACM's Internet services includes details on: conferences, calls for papers, ACM periodicals and books, ACM special intrest groups, members services, chapters, technical outreach programs, and the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest.

    The National Geophysical Data Center is pleased to announce a new WWW server. Data, Meta-data, and information are available online. NGDC combines in a single data center activities in the fields of solid earth geophysics, marine geology and geophysics, solar-terrestrial physics, paleoclimatology, ecosystems and environmental data. NGDC is responsible for maintaining World Data Centers A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Solid Earth Geophysics, Marine Geology and Geophysics, Paleoclimatology, and Glaciology (Snow and Ice).

  • This What's New Page was originally created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

    The NCSA What's New Page is officially in the public domain. This means that you are free to do anything you wish with this listing. However, this does not imply anything about the documents which are referenced via this page or any other pages found on this server.

    Copyright © 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation.