What's New: April, 1994

April 27, 1994

The Univ. of Ljubljana, Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy at Slovenia announces Civil Engineering and Architectural Topics, Computer Integrated Construction (CIC) Resources, locally written papers, student projects, pointers to civ.eng. and architectural internet sites.

Catholic University Nijmegen in Holland announces hereby their own KUN-homepage. Things to be found on the WWW-site:

The SURAnet Network Information Center is pleased to announce its new (experimental) World Wide Web server. This server includes pointers to various network information resources located at SURAnet including SURAnet's (Searchable) Guide to Selected Internet Resources, USDA's Current Research Information System, GSA's Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, A Database of Materials Science Projects in the Southeastern US, and FDIC's Gopher. Also found on SURAnet's Web server is information about SURAnet's Internet connectivity and value-added services and information about the Monticello Electronic Library. SURAnet currently supports over 350 Academic, Government, Commercial, and Not-For-Profit organizations throughout the Southeast U.S., the Caribbean Basin, and South America.

A home page for Judaism and Jewish information is now available on the World Wide Web.

The University of Wisconsin Computer Sciences Department announces information about its research projects, courses, technical reports, admissions, etc.

Rare Groove contains charts, sound samples, and reviews of house, hip-hop, and techno music. It also contains information about dj equipment, techniques, and culture.

Project DA-CLOD, an experimental categorized database of links to information on various subjects, has been set up at The Laboratory of Pen-based Computing and Visual Languages at Washington University in St. Louis. This monitored database may be added to by any information provider with a browser that supports the forms interface.

The Open Virtual Reality Testbed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology is pleased to announce its Web home page. A number of MPEG movies highlights work at the OVRT and there is also a pointer to other sites working in the VR field. Try the surrogate travel demonstration which attempts (crudely for now) to integrate Mosaic and virtual environments.

Information and registration material are now available on the WWW for the Artificial Life IV conference to be held July 6-8, 1994 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Artificial Life IV is an Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, organized by Rodney Brooks at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab.

The Condensed Matter Theory Group at the Institute of Physics, University of Mainz/Germany announces its WWW server. It's main purpose is to provide information exchange within the group. In future it is planned to serve also publications of the group, which could be of more general interest.

Ananse at the Law Faculty of the University of Tromsø now "serve" GATT 1994 (Uruguay Round), which i.a. establishes the World Trade Organisation (WTO) - as well as other previously announced international trade law materials (and links).

Games FAQs and Utilities site. It's only a few weeks old but it's growing every day. Offers a number of games related FAQs, as well as links to other games orientated sites. For those that have FORMS compliant browsers, there is a small questionaire requesting criticisms and suggestions. Over 3000 requests in its first 10 days!

The Internet Society takes great pride in announcing the receipt by trustee Robert E. Kahn of the prestigious Marconi International Fellowship award for his pioneering work and sustained leadership in the field of communications technology, including the development of the Internet.

The International Centre for Antarctic Information and Research (ICAIR) is pleased to announce the Antarctic WWW server. The server contains annual programme reports for several nations outlining current projects and activities on the ice, information on Ozone depletion over Antarctica, and links to other Antarctic related Internet services.

Ping experiments to create a connection between the Internet and a TV broadcast. Net users may create a landscape interactively from objects found in the WWW. An eye-agent will then fly through that landscape and broadcast what it sees on Deutsche Welle TV.

The Cygnus Support Information Gallery provides commercial support for free software, including the GNU development suite. Cygnus was recently voted Number One Cool Company by Fortune Magazine. In particular, the Cygnus Support Online Library contains hypertext versions of many GNU manuals, including GCC and GDB. Check it out!

The Astronomical Institute (AIM) at the University of Muenster is pleased to announce its WWW server. It provides information on the institute and its research activities, for example the Muenster Redshift Project (MRSP) -- automated redshift measurements from low-dispersion objective prism Schmidt plates and the ESO Red Sky Survey (ERSS) -- a catalogue of stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies from ESO IIIaF direct Schmidt plates.
The Server will also host information on the History of Astronomy (in german) and a list of Astronomical Internet Resources (in german).

The results of the 1994 NFL Draft are now available on the WWW Sports Information Service . Currently, the service provides a Professional Basketball Server and a newly implemented Professional Football Server. In addition, don't forget to check out the New Additions to the NBA server.

Info-Groep computer science support group at the Free University of Brussels is pleased to announce its WWW-server. Information available includes Info-Groep Research & Development, Internet Relay Chat and campus information.

The Computing Science Dept. at Uppsala University announces its WWW server. It contains some local information about the department, technical reports archive (under construction), a map over the campus and other departments with WWW servers. It also contains the home pages of Mailed Art 94, Uppsala. Deadline for contributions is June 1st for digital art. We hope to have the catalog on-line later.

A WWW page about the Transformers cartoon, movie, and the comic books is available. Most of the information found here has been distilled from the newsgroup alt.toys.transformers.

Digital's Systems Research Center is pleased to announce the Modula-3 home page. It includes descriptions of the programming language and the SRC Modula-3 implementation.

The Association for Experiential Education (AEE) Home page is now available on the Web. AEE is a not for profit, international membership organization with roots in adventure education, committed to the development, practice, and evaluation of experiential learning in all settings. With more than 2000 members in over 20 countries, AEE's diverse membership consists of individuals and organizations with affiliations in education, recreation, outdoor adventure programming, mental health, youth service, physical education, management development training, corrections, programming for people with disabilities, and environmental education.

The Brock University Physics Department at St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada presents information about the Department's faculty, research activity, undergraduate and graduate programs, selected documents and preprints. Also some links to other Brock U. servers and to other Physics servers.

The Science and Technology Wing at The University of Pennsylvania proudly announce their new Star Wars Page . The page contains a great deal of information on the original trilogy and the upcoming trilogy. It is also linked to ftp sites which have Star Wars sounds and images on line.

The Astronomy Group of the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy at Iowa State University is announcing it's WWW Home Page. It contains information about the Astronomy Program at Iowa State and links to the ISU library, gopher and other WWW servers in the ISU campus.

The University of Washington Department of Radiology annouces its Webserver. This server includes the following items: The worldwide radiology community is invited to access these files and to contribute cases of their own to this file to share with the rest of the world.

April 24, 1994

The University of Kansas Home Page now provides easy access to locally produced services. Previously unannounced or recent developments at KU include:

The University of Geneva announces its WWW server. It contains information on Crystallography in Europe, local library services and an interactive map of the University.

Hanover College would like to announce two hypertext pages that have been added to the web: the Department of Psychology and the Career Center. The psychology department has information relevant to both student and faculty interests in the teaching of psychology. This information includes links to other psychology departments that have hypertext or gopher information and the beginnings of tutorials in sensation and perception. The career center has information about its services, resourses for job searching, and also links relevant to the electronic job search.

The department of Emergency Medicine at Highland General Hospital in Oakland, California, along with the Emergency Medicine department at the University of California at San Francisco is pleased to announce the availability of the Global Emergency Medicine Archives. GEMA is a pilot project to demonstrate the publishing of a journal of interest to academic and clinical Emergency Physicians via the WWW. It contains a compendium of Internet medical resources, and will include discussion forums of Emergency Medical topics.

The Microcomputer Lab, UC Santa Barbara runs five instructional labs dedicated to enhancing the learning experience of UCSB students. Our server contains instructional content for courses using the lab as well as links to general UCSB information.

The University of Saskatchewan is pleased to announce its WWW server to the public. Our server contains links to our campus Gopher system, as well as to the First and Best database of notable achievements by U of S faculty, staff, students and alumni. It is also home to Alternate Views, in which our users can present their own views of the Web.

The Entomology Department at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, has recently set up an Entomology WWW server. The server includes color photographs of all your favorite insects, links to entomological databases around the world, and profiles of the research interests of CSU faculty who enjoy the company of six-legged creatures.

The Physics Lab Silicon Graphics Cluster at the University of Missouri-Columbia is pleased to announce its World Wide Web server. This server gives students on the SGI Cluster the ability to publish their own home pages, provides information about the University of Missouri-Columbia and applications on the Silicon Graphics Cluster, and offers access to many of the other Internet infosystems in the State of Missouri.

The Coombs Computing Unit of the Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University, Canberra maintains an on-line WAIS database of abstracts of theses and dissertations written at the ANU.
Alumni of the ANU worldwide - the past, present and the future ones - from all fields of study, including both Sciences and the Arts, are warmly invited and encouraged to contribute to the continuing growth of the ANU-Theses-Abstracts database. If you don't have a browser (eg. Mosaic v. 2) which supports forms, you can still e-mail your thesis details (following the preferred ANU'format) to: abstracts@coombs.anu.edu.au

The Peru Republic WWW contains information about our country and institutions as well as general information and services provided by our network in our country. It also contains general information and images about our ancient past and our present tourism. All the information is officially mandated and representative of our organization, the Red Cientifica Peruana, the Internet Network of Peru Republic. Our organization is a consortium formed by universities, NGO's, research centers of the State, schools, etc, conformed as a non-profit institution.

The Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences at Brown University announces their WWW server. We have included information on the graduate programs in Cognitive Science and in Linguistics, a list of courses that are being offered 1994-1995, requirements for the undergraduate programs in both disciplines, short vitae for the faculty members of the department, admission policies, and information on financial aid available for Brown University.

A new WWW server dedicated to General Aviation at NASA featuring: FTP Sites, World Wide Web Sites, NASA Aeronautical Research Facilities, Civil Air Patrol, Newsgroups and FAQs, FAA Information, and Weather and other Aviation-related information.

Georgia Tech's student run radio station, WREK Atlanta 91.1 FM, is pleased to announce it's own homepage. WREK is known for it's diverse programming, from rock to blues to jazz and everything in between. Interesting items include WREKology, WREK's quarterly program guide, and addlists for music currently in rotation.

The NOAA Geosciences Laboratory formulates and executes programs encompassing technological development and application to phases of geoscience and related fields, including: Earth orientation, geodetic positioning, satellite geodesy, ocean circulation, climate and global change , and marine geophysics.

The Guide to Network Resource Tools
is now available in hypertext format from the EARN information service. It's the 3rd version of the guide.

The Coombs Computing Unit of the Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University, Canberra now maintains two sets of the "What's New on WWW" pages as a part of the The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Project: What's New in WWW Asian Studies
What's New in WWW Social Sciences

Announcing an Ethernet web page. It provides information about the Ethernet local area network technology. Included are guides to the Ethernet system and Ethernet configuration rules, as well as the Ethernet FAQ, an annotated reading list, access to troubleshooting information, etc.

A new server for Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory includes information for the general public on Fermilab and high-energy physics, the study of the fundamental particles and forces of nature. It includes information for high-energy physicists and other technical professionals in related disciplines. Fermilab's education programs and prairie restoration project are described.

A "What's New at NGDC" section is now available at the National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder, Colorado. Included are announcements and brief descriptions of new products at NGDC in: Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Solid Earth Geophysics, Marine Geology and Geophysics, Paleoclimatology, and the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program. Product demonstrations and work under development are available for users to "test drive".

The U.S. Geological Survey is experimenting with World-Wide-Web Home Pages designed for K-12 and we need and invite your input. Set your compasses to:

A new Web server is available at the Tulane University Medical Center in New Orleans. The server contains links to biomedically-related servers, network resources, and electronic publications. It also provides links to a graded progression of introductory Web and Internet material for those just starting out on the net (a major part of our population), pointers to a variety of software archives and mirrors, and an eclectic general interest section. There isn't a lot of Tulane- and New Orleans-specific material yet; that will be coming later this spring. A text-only home page is also available.

The University of Texas at Austin is pleased to announce its Central WWW server. Local highlights include the General Libraries' outstanding Special Exhibitions section and its CIA Maps, a collection of over 125 maps. Other local highlights include the Computation Center's UNIX Resources page, the Microlib/Mac archive of Macintosh software, and links to all Gopher and HTML versions of its User Documents. Two unique and noteworthy pages include WWW for Instructional Use and Personal Pages, both worldwide collections.

The OSCAR document recognition group at Essex University announces it's handwriting recognition home page. This server is under construction but will provide links to research groups working in the field and to related on-line sources of information.

Almost 13 Megs of travel-related information.

April 19, 1994

A new server in Marseille (Faculte des sciences de luminy) about university activity and student life. It is maintained by the RESUS student association and contains a forum for RS6000 users.

The University of California at Berkeley is pleased to announce the Cal Berkeley WWW home page. This server is under construction and is subject to change. It offers access to Berkeley's many gopher and WWW servers.

CityScape Internet Services Ltd, a UK Internet consultancy, are proud to announce a number of new W3 services:

The University of Waterloo Computer Science Club has recently obtained a new machine and is pleased to announce its WWW server running there.

Repost due to a mistake:
The Department of Information Systems of the Institute of Computer Science, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria), announces its WWW-Server.

The Department of Political Science at the University of Oslo announces their homepage. It includes a presentation of the Scientific staff and Administration and general information about the Department, and it also has links to information on Internet that is relevant to Political Sciences and Social science. Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies, August 1-19, 1994, is also presented with a complete program.

A home page for Yugoslavia is now available on the World Wide Web.

ArtSource , is a gathering point for networked resources on Art and Architecture. The content is diverse and includes pointers to image collections, electronic exhibitions, art and architecture gopher sites, and electronic art journals, as well as original materials submitted by librarians, museums, art historians, etc.

The USFWS Forensic Laboratory is part of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Law Enforcement. Our mission is to provide forensic support to Federal, State and International wildlife agencies.

The David LaMacchia Defense Fund was organized to ensure that David LaMacchia gets a fair trial. LaMacchia has been indicted by the federal government for conspiracy to commit wire fraud by creating an Internet bulletin board. The Fund's Web page provides information about the case (from original sources only) and instructions on how to make a donation. The Fund takes no position on the merits of either side's case.

WebStars, at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, is about astronomy & astrophysics; cyberspace; data formats; the Space Science Web Group; software & icons downloading; WWW technical pages & style guides; on-line articles about astronomy on the Web; HEASARC/StarTrax Browse and other online services; and virtual reality.

WebCalc is a simple but interesting demonstration of WWW/CGI/Perl capabilities, using a well-known model: the pocket calculator.

The WWW server at University of Tampere, Finland, is now on-line! The server offers information about the university, its departments, staff, students and more. At the moment a big part of information comes from the university gopher server. More information is being added all the time to the WWW and the gopher.

Do you want to read news and e-mail at your home? Do you want to cut back your phone bill? You don't even have a modem? Do you want to learn to use uqwk and Yarn? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions and you have a PC, you should check the manual for offline reading.

The first issue of the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics is now available. The Journal is a refereed publication, and invites papers in all areas of combinatorics and discrete mathematics.

The UMass Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics has made several new additions since February. We now have a video page and a forms-based demonstration page, both of which illustrate techniques developed at the lab. In addition, we maintain an Robotics resources page for access to other robotics sites on the Internet.

Networld+Interop in Virtual Vegas! If you can't attend the Las Vegas Networld+Interop trade show in person, then visit Rockwell Networking System's virtual booth! It's easy, fun, and you might even win a NetHopper dialup router in one of our daily drawings! Good luck and enjoy!

The Electric Propulsion and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory (EPPDyL) of Princeton University announces a home page for electric propulsion research sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). The server includes links to participating research sites, a searchable database of technical papers, and a bulletin board system for inter-site communication.

The University of Washington is pleased to announce the availability of Willow -- the Washington Information Looker-upper Layered Over Windows. Willow is a general purpose information retrieval tool. It provides a single, easy-to-use graphical user interface to any number of text-based bibliographic databases. It is fully compatible with WWW/Mosaic and the Z39.50 database access protocol. The Willow Information Center documents Willow, with color screen-shots of the interface, live demos, a technical description of the architecture, and more.

BBC launches Networking Club Web pages. The British Broadcasting Corporation has launched a Networking Club to give members Internet access and Bulletin Board support. As part of the project we are pleased to announce our Web pages which include full details of the project and information about BBC programmes.

CommerceNet, the first large-scale market trial of electronic commerce on the Internet, is a consortium of Northern California technology-oriented companies and organizations whose goal is to create an electronic marketplace where companies transact business spontaneously over the Internet. CommerceNet will stimulate the growth of a communications infrastructure that will be secure, easy-to-use, oriented for commercial use, and ready to expand rapidly. CommerceNet's core development team consists of BARRNet, Enterprise Integration Technologies, and Stanford University's Center for Information Technology.

It's not about multimedia. It's not about the Information Superhighway. It's not about 500 channels, CD-ROM, or even video on-demand. It's about changing history. Come to Digital World and witness the revolution that is changing the world we live in. Registration for the Exposition will be free until May 20, 1994.

RSA Data Security, Inc. is pleased to announce that its World-Wide-Web server at www.rsa.com is now open to the public. RSA is a recognized world leader in cryptography, with millions of copies of its software encryption and authentication installed and in use worldwide. RSA's technologies are the global defacto standard for public-key encryption and digital signatures, and are part of existing and proposed standards for the Internet, CCITT, ISO, ANSI, PKCS, IEEE and business and financial networks around the world.

Oklahoma State University announces its WWW Home Page. This document is the main page of OSU's Campus-Wide Information Server and contains links to other OSU Web Servers, OSU's Gopher Server, and other sources on the Net. Some of the features include general information about Oklahoma State University and several pages of information about Computing and Information Services, including the latest CIS Newsletter and the CIS User's Manual. Computing and Information Services maintains OSU's Web server and welcomes suggestions and comments.

There are a couple of areas under construction at the Meiko WWW server:

The Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University has developed a WWW server. It contains information about the institute, its scientific research activity and experiments conducted by the institute. Also links to some other WWW servers in Russia are provided.

A gateway to the Guide to Available Mathematical Software (GAMS) is now available on the World Wide Web. GAMS is an on-line cross-index of mathematical and statistical software in use at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Some 9000 problem-solving software modules from nearly 80 packages are indexed, including a large subset of the netlib collection. The primary indexing mechanism is a tree-structured taxonomy of mathematical and statistical problems. GAMS is also a virtual repository, providing redistribution of abstracts, documentation, and source of much of the software that it catalogs.

The Princeton Regional School's WWW Server is an information server for the school district and abroad. It's purpose is to let people know about upcoming events and promote communications between the schools and the Internet community of sites. We also have built a tremendous base of sites that have to do with K12 interests.

Hybrid Networks, Inc. of Cupertino, CA is proud to announce its homepage. Hybrid Networks, Inc. provides affordable remote access to the Internet at 10 million bits per second over cable TV and wireless networks. The home page includes data sheets, product photos, ordering information, and the latest press releases.

The Avid Explorer provides information on travel destinations around the world. Featured: Travel Forums with specific and up-to-date information on scuba and skiing/snowboarding; the Travel Bazaar, information on a variety of travel service and product providers; and the latest information on cruises, tours, FIT's, and domestic vacation alternatives. The Avid Explorer is sponsored by Explore! Cruises and Expeditions, a full-service travel agency in Chapel Hill, N. C.

From April 18 - 23, a team of scientists, divers, archeologists, and kids will explore the ocean environment of Barkley Sound, situated off the remote rugged coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. And all of it will come live into homes and schools via satellite television. Internet members can join the action by checking out the Safari '94 Mosaic documents including Safari Splash! an electronic daily, or E-daily, newsletter published by the Excite Group at Simon Fraser University.

Information and registration details about the Artificial Intelligence in Design '94 Conference (AID'94) are now available via WWW. The conference, organised by the Key Centre of Design Computing, University of Sydney, will be held 15-18 August 1994 at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. An online registration form is provided.

The Institute of Radiology of the University of Pisa has its own server up 'n' workin'. Several X-ray, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance and Echographic images are available together with documentation on specific items. The documentation served will be continuosly widened with medical articles and images.

New developments at the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex at Brighton, UK. Chris Thornton has prepared a demonstration of his simulation of track-driven robots, "Popbugs", including mpeg movies of the robots in action. In addition there is a calendar of school events.

The Coombs Computing Unit, Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University, Canberra has enhanced its ANU Social Sciences WWW Server (Coombsweb) by constructing yet another facility - the Aboriginal Studies Server . This new WWW system will keep track of leading information facilities of value and/or significance to researchers in the field of Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples studies.

NETCOMTALK,the electronic journal of Boston University's College of Communication is now on-line. NETCOMTALK includes information about the College of Communication, alumni events, student events, and a variety of articles written by faculty, staff, and students. This is a dynamic journal: new articles will appear regularly. Look for videos by our film and broadcasting students, news photos from our photojournalism students, and a broad mix of media from our Mass Comm/PR students. We will include and will give special attention to new media and advanced communication technologies.

Information on high-speed (10 mbps) Internet access via cable TV now available in Washington DC. Innovation Group provides turnkey systems for Internet access and professional & storefront applications.

A server called Dazhdbog's Grandsons had been establised on SunSite.unc.edu. The server is an attempt to show Russia without political issues and basically contains poetry, music, pictures of different places. It has pointers to WWW servers in Russia as well. Much of the material is in Russian, so, please, take a look at the note about cyrillic letters in Mosaic on the home page of the server.

An investment page offers information on stocks, mutual funds, commodities, brokers, the economy, and taxes.

A set of music pages is intended to be a comprehensive list of music resources available on the Web. It currently has over 100 pointers, including over 40 different individual artists or bands.

HungerNet is proud to introduce the new Oxfam Web . This site is under construction but already contains much introductory and expert information on the Hunger Crisis. Site documents and links are designed to facilitate general education, policy studies, research, advocacy, etc. with sources spanning the United Nations, the White House, USAID, UNICEF, WHO, the US Congress, hunger quotes, the Supreme Court, and lots more.

The University of Alaska Anchorage's Math/CS Departments WWW server is the first alaskan WWW server in existance.

A group in Nevada called The Atlantis Project is trying to develop a new country floating off the coast of Panama.

Network Computing Devices (NCD)announces its World Wide Web server. Corporate, product, and support information for NCD's three major product lines - X terminals, PC-Xware, and Z-Mail - is available.

After getting many requests for copies of my poetry chapbook, What the Welsh and Chinese Have In Common, I've made it available in WWW format. The book was selected by Maxine Kumin as winner of the North Carolina Writers' Network Chapbook Contest in 1990 and was sold out of print in about 18 months. So, short of finding a copy smashed in the corner of a local (to Chapel Hill) bookstore, WWW is the only way to get the book.

The University of Toronto is announcing its new Web home page. This page points at a large variety of resources at the University.

Quadralay Corporation, developer of GWHIS and maintainer of the Austin WWW server, is proud to announce it's newest WWW offering, a Cryptography archive. HTML'ized versions of the sci.crypt and PGP FAQ Lists are available, as well as a great deal of other information including pointers to other servers with cryptographic related information.

The guide to Film and Video Resources on the Internet, previously only available in ASCII text through the Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Resource Guides at the University of Michigan, now contains hyperlinks to gophers, searchable databases, filmographies, and review sources.

Cambridge University Engineering Department has set up an http server specifically for Control Engineering information. The server contains links to many other information sources relevant to control around the world, including ftp, gopher and web servers containing technical reports and papers. It also contains some recent papers and Ph.D. theses by members of the control group at Cambridge.

The Shortwave and Radio Catalog is a catalog of hypertext links to FTP, GOPHER, and WWW files and services for the Shortwave Listener and Radio enthusiast and is now on-line. This issue includes links to many AM, FM, Satellite radio and Shortwave broadcaster schedules, digital audio files, graphics, mediumwave, shortwave, FM, Ham Radio, FCC, and other files associated with radio.

CU_HTML.DOT version 1.0 from the Chinese University of Hong Kong is now available for both Word for Windows 2.0 and 6.0. This template can help you create HTML documents without in-depth knowledge of the HTML syntax. The WYSIWYG editing environment of Word is utilized and users simply point-and-click to define anchors and to insert inline GIF images. This version includes new features such as inserting anchors jumping to the same document, and customization for non-English version of MS Word. Also some bugs in the beta version fixed. Here are the package and the documentation.

Need hard-to-find information fast? Knowledge One is the answer! Knowledge One is a new information service, designed to provide information on just about any topic in under an hour.

New on The University of Tennessee, Office of University Relations' server: Tennes see Alumnus - a quarterly magazine distributed to alumni and friends of the University and the second installment of UT Science Bytes - Guess Who!

The MIT Soaring Association now has a WWW homepage. It informs about the MITSA gliding club and has links to several documents that are of general interest to the aviation community. These include a weather page with links to over 20 weather related resources, the Federal Aviation Regulations in two versions and miscellaneous other resources and documents that might be interesting to general aviation.

Flexible tools and services for process improvement.
International Software Systems, Inc. in Austin, TX re-announces its Web server. Here you can find information about ISSI's Process-oriented Software Life Cycle Support Environment product line. The ProSLCSE Product Line offers an organization a graphical, adaptable, integrated, and intuitive tool set, backed by a complete line of services for process improvement. Also at ISSI:

The National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (NCO/HPCC) is pleased to announce the release of its FY 1995 "Blue Book" entitled "High Performance Computing and Communications: Technology for the National Information Infrastructure" on its NCO/HPCC Web server. Within this book are links to additional information servers supported by HPCC agencies (for example links to servers at HPCC-supported High Performance Computing Research Centers).

Canadore College, located in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, invites you to come and see our home page. Canadore offers many courses in many different technologies and has many international connections. Come and experience Canadore and what we have to offer.

After several sleepless nights on the part of the Editor, the April 1994 issue of International Teletimes is finally out on the Web! This month Teletimes features articles on Travel, like Hawaii Pubcrawl and Impressions of Thailand. Also, in the Departments section, there is an interview with John Hiatt, musician/songwriter extraordinaire. This is probably the best issue of Teletimes yet!

A server has been set-up with information regarding the 1994 Manufacturing Partnerships Conference. The conference is sponsored by The Graduate School of Business and the School of Engineering of Stanford University. The central theme of the conference is achieving global competitiveness through manufacturing partnerships. Numerous guest speakers from industry, academia, and the government will be present on May 6th and 7th, 1994.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory announces the availability of online information about the Advanced Neutron Source (ANS), a new research center which will excel in materials testing and development, in research and development for U.S. industry, and in radioisotope production for the medical community. Scheduled for completion in the year 2003, the ANS is expected to be the basis for enabling American science and industry to regain a global competitive edge in neutron research.

Georgia State University's Mathematics and Computer Science Department would like to announce their new Web Site. It contains lists to other special web sites in the Math and Computer Science area, as well as research being done at the Department.

INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE is pleased to announce our home page. ISI is a computer research institute affiliated with the University of Southern California Engineering Department. Included in our home page are descriptions of our various projects, brokering services and technical publications. Also available are archives of Internet Drafts and Notes (Requests for Comments [RFCs], For Your Information Documents [FYIs], Internet Standards [STDs] and Internet Monthly Reports [IMRs]).

Spring is the season for morris dancing, a ritual folk tradition from England. Seabright Morris and Sword describe the tradition and present their schedules of dance for May Day and the rest of the season.

Xanadu Australia has announced a Gopher and WWW home page for Xanadu, the legendary hypertext system that inspired WWW. It features the Bill of Information Rights and the Xanadu FAQ.

The newly formed High Performance Computing Centre (HPC Centre) plans to run courses and workshops on all aspects of high performance computing. The Centre, which is part of the University of Southampton, aims to Raise the awareness of HPC within the South and South West of England. In addition, Centre staff are available to assist users porting their applications to the faster machines provided by the Centre.

April 11, 1994

The Ohio Supercomputer Center, a state-funded computing resource, provides high-performance computing to scientists and engineers at Ohio colleges, universities, and companies. This server highlights current events and users' research, and describes the Center's facilities, services, and initiatives.

If you are going to be at the '96 Olympics in Atlanta and want to take a neat side trip, or if your going to be near the Upstate region of South Carolina and would like to take in some scenery, then check out The Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway!

The Peoria Art Guild of Peoria, Illinois, is pleased to announce the on-line version of their juried exhibition "Digital Photography '94". This exhibit sought entrants nationwide from photographers whose work involved the techniques of "digital" (computer) photography.

The Animations Index in Maryland is growing rapidly. Currently it has 36 links to sites on the Web which serve Animations and Movies, and it is updated almost daily.

State of the Art Review on Hypermedia Issues And Applications by V. Balasubramanian is now available in HTML and postscript form from the University of Ottawa. It discusses Implementation Issues, Database Issues, User Interface Issues, Information Retrieval Issues, Integration Issues, Applications, and A Systematic Approach To User Interface Design For A Hypertext Framework.

As We May Think, Vannevar Bush's amazing article, published in the July 1945 issue of The Atlantic Monthly, in which he first introduces the idea of hypertext is now available from the University of Ottawa. He described a device called memex in which an ``individual stores his books, records and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.'' The essential feature of a memex is its ability to tie two items together and to build trails through the information record.

For all researchers interested in ray-tracing (the image synthesis method), an experimental On-Line Ray Tracing Bibliography has been implemented. This contains over 300 papers divided into sections, complete with abstracts and links to any available on-line as technical reports.

Announcements for two upcoming conferences at Yale University are now available via WWW (including hypermedia directions on how to get to Yale as well as the specific street addresses where each conference is being held):

The Research Libraries Group (RLG) is pleased to announce its Worldwide Web server. RLG, a not-for-profit membership corporation of university, museum, and independent research libraries, archives, historical societies, and other research collections, has inaugurated this server as an access point for information about its purpose, collaborative activities, and user services. These include the RLIN bibliographic information and library support system; the CitaDel article citations and document delivery system; the Eureka search service and Zephyr Z39.50 service, two ways that RLG makes RLIN and CitaDel resources broadly accessible; and Ariel, RLG's document transmission software.

A federal grand jury indicted an MIT junior on felony charges for allegedly running an FSP server that was used to distribute pirated copies of over $1 million in business and entertainment software. The Tech, MIT's student newspaper, has added copies of the indictment and press releases from the U.S Attorney's office and MIT to its news bulletin board. The Tech's story about the indictment is also available there.

Need last minute IRS tax forms? We've got them all, plus forms for CA, MI, MN, NJ & NM. Visit Taxing Times 1994, an Internet collection of tax-related resources and information to help you deal with April 15th. The most popular forms have been converted to plain PostScript(TM) so they can be directly downloaded and printed. Also check out the Northridge earthquake animations done by the S-Cubed geophysics group.

APOLLO ADVERTISING is a new system that will make hunting for goods and services both easy and enjoyable. New business advertisers are welcome. Short advertisements are absolutely FREE and HyperAdverts are offered at the most competitive rates. APOLLO ADVERTISING's server is available for anyone seeking to place their documents on-the-Web.

The Imaging and Distributed Computing Group of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory announces its WWW server. It contains information about the Group activities, the Bay Area GIgabit Testbed, and the "Whole Frog" project, an experiment in applying scientific imaging to education. The Whole Frog document includes a number of images and movies, as well as pointers to the 3D frog anatomy data.

On 27 October 1991, MIT Professor Mark Drela pedalled the human-powered hydrofoil, "Decavitator", to a world-record speed of 18.5 knots (9.53 meters/second) over a 100 meter race course on the Charles River in Boston, Massachusetts. Now you can check out these videos and images of the world's fastest human-powered boat and learn about how it evolved.

The Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre server supplies detailed information about Arabidopsis Stocks and related Arabidopsis information. For the first time you can now browse our seed list, order seed stocks, ask questions or register with the Stock Centre, all with the 'click of a button'.

NeuroWeb, the server for the program in Neurosciences at UCSD, is now available. Check out the page on the department which has information about the program as well as faculty abstracts. Also see a fledgling "Virtual Poster Session" where actual scientific posters enter the WWW and multimedia.

The entire world is talking about the suicide of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. mtv.com has created an area to reflect on this event. The reactions are coming in from around the world and are being posted on a cyber-shrine.

THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FESTIVAL IN TRONDHEIM (ISFIT), the worlds biggest festival of its kind, has finally got a home page. 500 students from all over the world will gather in Trondheim, Norway 6th to 15th October 1994 to discuss the theme HUMAN RIGHTS along with international celebrities.

Alternative college radio station WSRN-FM in Swarthmore, PA is now on-line! WSRN is owned and operated by the students of Swarthmore College and broadcasts at 91.5 MHz in the vicinity of Philadelphia. The WWW page is currently maintained by the General Manager, who also has a WWW page with lots of nifty links to plenty of nifty places.

The Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), located within Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, is pleased to announce its new WWW server. While IGPP covers a wide range of research areas, the WWW server initially contains information on only one of its programs, Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC).

The United States Department of Commerce in Washington, DC has developed a World Wide Web Server. The server currently provides general information on the activities and mission of the Department, contacts and resources within the Department, and links to various department-wide and federal government-wide information services. The Server also links to the World Wide Web home pages of the following department agencies: Information available includes the Budget of the United States, the Economic Conversion Information Echange, the National Information Initiative Home Page, the National Export Strategy, and more. While this service provides access to many services and resources of the Department, it is still under development. The presence or absence of information items on this server by no means reflects on their importance. URL: http://www.doc.gov

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is a technical conference presenting talks by many of the most successful women in the computing field as well as panels, workshops and birds-of-a-feather sessions. The speakers are leaders in their fields and represent the major technical computing disciplines, and the academic, government and industrial communities. It will be held June 9-11, 1994 in Washington D.C.

April 7, 1994

The top ftp archive of Europe, FTP.LuTH.SE has started a WWW-service to speed up accesses for all those using WWW-clients. Online you can find, among other things, X11-contrib, Linux, All GNU stuff and Aminet.

The University of Tennessee, Office of University Relations has developed a web server containing: This web server also includes points to other web servers on the Knoxville campus.

The Lurker's Guide to the Babylon 5 science-fiction television series is available. It contains a schedule of upcoming episodes, synopses, information about the characters and storyline, and more.

A Weekly Summary of Tropical Cyclones, including imagery and text, is now available from the NGDC DMSP Data Archive . The summaries are located under "Weekly Updated Items" on the DMSP Home Page. Visible and infrared images of the cyclones as they progressed during the period are posted. The first summary is for March 20-27, 1994.

HARVARD UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Education announces, with pleasure, their home page. Information about the school as well as pointers to a wealth of educational-related resources are included.

UniForum, the International Association of Open Systems Professionals, has announced their World Wide Web Server, which contains information about the association, its programs and services.
Included on the server is a complete hypertext version of the Open Systems Products Directory, the only vendor- neutral listing of products and services for the open systems community. Over 7,600 products from 2,200 vendors are listed, with indexes by operating system, keyword, vendor name and product name.
Access to all areas of the server is free to all WWW users until April 25, 1994. After that date, you will have to be a general member of UniForum to access the Products Directory; all other areas of the server will still be available at no charge.

Announcing International Teletimes' first annual photography contest, PHOTON '94! Entry deadline is May 31st, 1994.

Generality announces a new exhibit in the Art Gallery, a sampling of the early work of Canadian photographer Matthew Wolchock. Also available are details on Photon '94, the first ever all-Internet photography contest, presented by International Teletimes.

CyberNews, a grassroots newswire on the Internet, now has a WWW Home Page. The goal and purpose of CyberNews is global student-run media (print, radio, tv, etc...) connectivity. Right now CyberNews is carrying live reports from Sarajevo, and some of the posts can be found on this server.

The University of Michigan (UM) Center for Display Technology and Manufacturing (CDTM) is on the Web. The Center addresses a full spectrum of manufacturing issues that are critical to the emerging flat panel display industry in the United States. This server is currently under construction...right now there are links to the CDTM's ftp server and to the UM College of Engineering's gopher server.

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) College of Pharmacy is pleased to announce the availability of a WWW server. This server will include a) information about the College of Pharmacy (including a Faculty directory with research interests), b) a campus demonstration of (NIH/NSF) Template server, gopher and ftp services, c) Oklahoma City area attractions, and d) Pharmacy related Internet Resources (including other WWW servers, listservs, mailing lists, BBSs, and ftp sites). Planned expansion includes inclusion of the College Bulletin with course descriptions etc. and Pharmacokinetic resources.

Two new services are available at GEMS, the Global Electronic Marketing Service. The Product & Services Showcase is a place where companies can easily join the electronic marketplace. And, just in time for the 1994 season, the Internet Baseball Information Center provides members with access to baseball stats, information services, fantasy leagues, and more.

The European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre (EMWAC) maintains a w3 server containing information relating to all of Microsoft software. It has recently released an indexed version of the Microsoft Knowledge Base. The URL is http://emwac.ed.ac.uk/html/top.html. This URL also contains futher information about public domain Windows software, EMWAC reports on Windows NT, and how to get the gopher and w3 servers for Windows NT that EMWAC has written.

The Libertarian Home Page is a place to find out information about Libertarian philosophy and Libertarian Party Politics. It has hotlinks to several Libertarian ftp sites and other Liberty minded Web pages. It has been set up by the College Park Libertarians, a student group at the University of Maryland.

Cirque de la Mama was born to bring works of art to people and to bring people to works of art. Sculptures, paintings, photographs, rhymes, poems, issues and more are coming to Cirque. Link, learn, and enjoy. (bml)

The Florida Institute of Technology exists as a distinctive independent technological university to provide quality education, to further knowledge through basic and applied research, and to provide services to their local, state, national, and international constituencies. The Florida Institute of Technology's WWW Server, known as Arachnophilia, offers access to the University's 1994-1995 Catalog, a link to their World Class Education Gopher, and many other services.

Information about ELSNET, the European Network of Excellence in Language and Speech is now available via WWW. With funding from the European Commission's ESPRIT Programme, ELSNET links together almost 100 European academic and industrial laboratories engaged in R&D in natural language and speech processing.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) server is now available. The Laboratory's Home Page opens the door to information on a variety of activities at this Department of Energy laboratory. Managed by the University of California, LLNL conducts world-class scientific research affecting national security, energy, the environment, health and biomedicine, economic competitiveness, and science and math education.

The ACEDB Documentation Server is a repository for documentation concerned with "A C. elegans Data Base", the generic genome database software designed by Richard Durbin (MRC, UK) and Jean Thierry-Mieg (CNRS, France). The server is intended as a resource for developers, curators, and end-users of all databases derived from ACEDB. This project is sponsored by the Plant Genome Database Project at the National Agricultural Library (USDA). The documentation server is listed on the home page for the Agricultural Genome World Wide Web Server.

Quadralay Corporation, in conjunction with Texas A&M University and University of Texas at Dallas, has formed the Texas Information Servers page, a listing of FTP Servers, Gopher Servers, WWW Servers and Mailing Lists that are located in the Lone Star State. While far from complete at this time, there is much interesting information to be found here and new things are added daily.

Issue #1 of Verbiage Magazine has just hit the virtual newsstands, featuring short fiction by Andrew Solberg, Teresa Velez, Greg Downey, and Edward Ashton, among others. Be sure to submit material for the second issue -- Verbiage pays for stories!

Steve Wolf at California State University Stanislaus is developing a Botany Home Page for teaching his biology students how to use the Internet. It contains a variety of resources of particular interest to botanists.

CinemaSpace ,UC Berkeley's Film Studies program has created CinemaSpace: a new www journal focusing on the cinema and its transformation in the digital age. CinemaSpace will engage writers from a broad range of fields : Literature, Film, Cultural Theory, Computer Science, and Philosophy. The journal aims to break free of disciplinary boundaries and bring a diverse assortment of writers, thinkers and users of technology into mutual collaboration and exchange for the purposes of elucidating the transformation of cinema in the age of digital replication.

The Northwestern University Astronomy Group would like to announce its new WWW server. Contents include information on undergraduate studies and graduate studies, who we are, what we do, and our gallery of gamma-ray bursts as observed by the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) on board the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO).

Internet's first collaborative travelogue is up on the Web. Travels with Samantha is an account of Philip Greenspun's journey from Boston to Alaska and back. This work is illustrated with over 250 high-quality color JPEG photographs and makes an excellent companion to his popular Berlin/Prague Tale, also profusely illustrated with photos of those cities. Contribute insights and information by using the feedback forms distributed through the documents.

The UCB Museum of Paleontology is happy to unveil DILOPHOSAUR!, featuring narration by the discover and namer of dilophosaur, Sam Welles. Also, the mammal exhibits have undergone extensive changes.

The AstroWeb Consortium would like to announce a new World Wide Web resource AstroWeb which contains links to Internet Resources of use to the Astronomy community. AstroWeb is available at: NRAO, CDS, MSSSO, ST-ECF, and STScI. It merges the resource listings which have been maintained at CDS, MSSSO, NRAO, STECF, and STScI. This merging of effort provides a more complete resource listing and eliminates the need to check several different listings. The AstroWeb database currently contains about 650 resource records, about 185 kilobytes of text. Each resource is categorized, e.g., Data and Archive Centers, Astronomy Departments, Space Agencies, ... Many resources have a paragraph describing the resource and containing links to other URLs. There is a searchable version of the merged resource listing. There are HTML forms by which new resources can be added and existing resources can be edited.

Syracuse University's Computer Graphics for the Arts Department has set up a Digital Gallery of collaborative Internet art projects and other computer art related works. This site is the home to an ongoing collaborative hypermedia project entitled Digital Journeys.

A WWW server is now available from Faculty of Arts, Gvteborg University, Sweden. The purpose of this server is to provide information within the Humanities.

April 4, 1994

The Virtual Pub is a place for network beer aficionados to gather information, about themselves and about other things beer-related. Current features include a semi-weekly beer-tasting, a patron's page, and a small but growing set of documents.

More Cool Video Demos are available from the Telemedia, Networks, and Systems Group at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. You can now Browse Late Night Talk Show Monologues and perform Image Processing With Live Video Sources. Also available is Today's NBA Schedule. Descriptions of hardware and software developed by members of the group are included, as well as their recent publications. An index to relevant calls for papers is also provided.

The UCI Bookstore, the academic bookstore at the University of California, Irvine, proudly announces the launch of its World Wide Web site, a source for substantial displays and reviews of trade books, technical books, classical music and jazz, as well as a WAIS-searchable database of books and CDs in stock. There's also a major exhibition of Ansel Adams photographs; the Bookstore is committed to mounting several large-scale Internet-based multimedia exhibitions each year, of which this is the first. Minor pleasures include an already-popular HTML style guide, Elements of HTML Style, and a whimsical introduction to the anteater. Forthcoming: the first functional hypertext on-line travel guide.

NWHQ (New World HeadQuarters) is dedicated to the propogation of post-print culture. Graphics, hypertext, and the electronic literary arts make this well worth a visit. Visit often as NWHQ is a constantly evolving labyrinth of seminal works by Vancouver artists. NWHQ is a publication of the Digital Co-op.

The WWW Sports Information Server is now available. Currently, the service provides a Professional Basketball Server which provides the latest NBA scores and a schedule of tonight's games, the league's standings as of the most recent games, box scores on all the season's games so far, player-by-player cumulative statistics for every team, and complete schedules for each team. In addition, you can get a history of NBA awards like the Rookie of the Year Award or the Most Valuable Player Award.

This is a repost to correct an error:
The Outdoor Action Program at Princeton University is now on the Web. OA is Princeton's outdoor education program that offers wilderness trips and leadership development for Princeton students, faculty, staff, and alumnae. A range of useful outdoor and outdoor program related files will be making their way up to the Web.

Discovery images of supernova 1992bu in NGC 3690 are now available. This supernova was discovered during our 2-micron search for supernovae in starburst galaxies here at IPAC.

IEC Bullentin is in full service from the issue 144 at Ikeda Lab., Chiba University. The texts are supplied from IEC, Geneva. Experimental Library Catalogue for books and magazines in Chiba University is also available. Most of the text are in Japanese, however, you can specify English keywords.

The International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite Data Analysis Center (IUEDAC) is pleased to announce the availability of the IUEDAC Homepage . This homepage contains information about the IUEDAC, provides access to IUE data analysis software and documentation, as well as access to information and services provided by both other NASA Astrophysics projects and ground based observatories.

Introducing the Calvin & Hobbes page. Contains a small number of gifs, bitmaps, and ASCII drawings, in addition to humorour quotations.

April 1, 1994

A WWW server is now available for Alberto's Nightclub in downtown Mountain View, California. It lists current and past monthly calendars, with graphics and audio for many of the artists which play at the club.

A new Coke Machine is available on the Web!

The Cambridge Astronomy Web server continues to develop. New features include the X-ray group's public page, the UK Hubble Space Telescope Support Group's page, an archive of the Starlink Newsgroups, and guides to preparing TeX and LaTeX articles for astronomy Journals.

Internet World & Document Delivery World International 94
The UK's first annual conference and exhibition enabling the business, industrial and professional communities to grasp the commercial and organisational opportunities offered in the exploration of access to Internet and related networks.
Internet World and Document Delivery World International is the only event in London this year solely devoted to the needs of users and potential users in this field. With Tony Rutkowski, Arnoud de Kemp, Tomaz Kalin, Professor David Brailsford, Christopher MacPhail, Peter Dawe, Professor Charles Oppenheim, Michael Strangelove, Peter Stone, Eddie Zedlweski and Ian Watson among many others, the conference programme reads like a who's who of the world Internet and networking community.
Conference sessions will range from simple introductory treatments to the more technically focused information for existing users. The accompanying exhibition will offer a unique opportunity to see all the companies and organisations who can help you start out or develop in your use of this unique technological resource.
Full details are available from the event World Wide Web pages.

The Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory , Warsaw, POLAND announces a new WWW server. The server contains general information about the Observatory and the most up-to-date information on the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) -- a long-term, large scale photometric search for dark matter in our Galaxy using microlensing phenomena. Information on the side projects conducted parallely to the main search are also there.

Several new publications are now available on Wimsey Information Services growing Web server, located in Vancouver, British Columbia,

Check out the World Cup USA'94 server for information on one of the biggest athletic events in the world, which is coming to the U.S. this summer. Get tidbits on World Cup history, as well as USA'94 schedules, qualifying results, latest results from friendly matches, venues, teams, and more.

The Climate Diagnostics Center (NOAA) in Boulder, Colorado, is pleased to announce its Web home page. This page provides an overview of the CDC and describes the CDC climatological data holdings. Although the links to the data files are still being constructed, the metadata describing the datasets are available to browse.

Repost due to a mistake:
FINWeb is a new World Wide Web service that provides access to some of the best economics and finance-related resources that can be found on the Internet. FINWeb features links to, among other things, 1) various working paper archives, 2) Gopher and WWW services provided by leading economics departments, finance departments, business schools, and financial institutions throughout the world, 3) EDGAR (the Security and Exchange Commission's online database), and 4) the Financial Executive Journal. FINWeb is offered as an ancillary service of RISKWeb, a Risk and Insurance World Wide Web Server.

Santa Rosa Junior College has their weekly newspaper The Oak Leaf in electronic format. On The SOLAR System (The Super Oak Leaf Archive Reader System), one will find The Oak Leaf, poetry, journalism projects, art and information about on-campus clubs.

CSC Chemistry Topics provides information for chemistry-related subjects at CSC, including visualization and animation done at CSC. CSC Chemistry Topics includes also a presentation of some chemistry groups and chemistry departments in Finland (more will be added when available) and links to Usenet News, Gopher and other WWW information servers. CSC is the Finnish national supercomputer center located in Espoo, Finland.

ARIAWeb is a World Wide Web server that provides information concerning the programs and services offered to members and friends of the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA). The American Risk and Insurance Association is the premier professional association of scholars and professionals in the field of insurance and risk management. Click here for more information about ARIA. If you are interested in becoming a member of ARIA, here is an application form.

The Faculty of Mathematical Sciences at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, ISRAEL, now has a WWW home page.

The State University of New York at Stony Brook (USB) Chemistry Department announces the addition of it's WWW server to other campus-based servers. The USB Home Page lists servers as they come on line and currently includes links to Physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mathematics and Earth and Space Sciences.

The CMU Genetic Art exhibits (Genetic Art I, Genetic Art II, and Genetic Movies) have all moved to a new machine. If you have links to them, you should adjust them accordingly.

Quadralay Corporation, maintainer of the Austin WWW Server, is proud to announce it's newest service, the Quadralay MarketPlace. The Quadralay MarketPlace is a WWW storefront where WWW users can come to peacefully browse through products that interest them without being bothered by a noisy salesperson. Online purchasing methods will be added soon. Our first store is The Reference Press, Inc., publisher of the Hoover series of business refernce books.

Boston University announces its official web server. You can find general information about Boston University as well as links to college, school, and department servers.

The Student Association of the School of Information and Library Studies (SILS) at the University of Michigan has put their newsletter on the Web. It's called the ILSSA Communicator and features links and articles on activities going on around SILS. Check it out!

The University of Oklahoma's Web Server, OU INFO, features a funky interface allowing access to a Virtual Library , the award-winning campus newspaper The Oklahoma Daily, and an experimental hypermedia Campus Directory. In addition to pointers to the latest in hip web sites, the site also includes general information about computing and campus life at Oklahoma.

The Russian and East European Studies Home Pages are a comprehensive guide to the worldwide network-accessible resources available to scholars in the interdisciplinary study of Russia and Eastern Europe. Resources are subdivided into separate pages by discipline, into Language, Literature, Music, Art, Culture, Government and Public Affairs, Science, Technology, Engineering, Computers, and Communications, Business, Finance, Economics, and History, Geography, Sociology. The resources are also cross-indexed by type. The REES Home Pages are presented by the University of Pittsburgh Center for Russian and East European Studies and the University of Pittsburgh Library System, Networked Information Services Group.

As of April 1st, 1994, EUnet and McDonalds join to offer Global "Internet in a Lunchbox". See the press release for further details of this revolutionary product.

Futuristic Code Tools Alert! Check out the home page for Reasoning Systems. Reasoning sells code analysis and transformation tools for Ada, C, COBOL and FORTRAN that let you-- These products are REFINE Language Tools, and Software Refinery(TM). They run on SPARC, RS/6000 and HP 9000/7xx workstations and are designed to handle millions of lines of source code. Each tool has a comprehensive API so you can extend them to work with different languages and to perform user-specified code analysis and transformation tasks.

The server of the Principia Cybernetica Project has been extended with lots of new material and services (including a Boolean searchable Index). The aim of the project is the computer-supported collaborative development of an evolutionary-systemic world view. Put more simply, it tries to tackle age-old philosophical questions with the help of the most recent cybernetic theories and technologies. Principia Cybernetica Web provides hundreds of texts and hyperlinks on Cybernetics and Systems Theory (glossary, bibliography, societies, journals, ...), evolution, self-organization, complexity, cognition, epistemology, philosophy, transdisciplinary integration of knowledge, and related topics.

New (classical) music related information source in the Web! The Opera Schedule Server provides you information about hundreds of scheduled opera performances from all over the World! The server is operated at the Process Control Department of the Technical University of Budapest.

The COMPS Lab, part of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Iowa, is proud to announce it's World Wide Web server. Among other locally produced services, you can find the Iowa Virtual Tourist, a graphical map of Internet resources in Iowa, the 1993-94 Graduate Handbook, a schedule of colloquia and a gateway to the Geographic Name Server at martini.eecs.umich.edu. Please note that this is not the departmental WWW server.

This What's New Page was originally created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

The NCSA What's New Page is officially in the public domain. This means that you are free to do anything you wish with this listing. However, this does not imply anything about the documents which are referenced via this page or any other pages found on this server.

Copyright © 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation.