What's New: May, 1994

May 31, 1994

Since July 1993, the Australian Science Archives Project (ASAP) has been making resources for the history of Australian science and technology available on the Internet thanks to the ANU Social Sciences Information Services (ftp,gopher,www, wais & several mailing lists) built by the Coombs Computing Unit of the Australian National University, Canberra. The newly created ASAP Web pages contain, among other materials, a hypertext version of the No. 32 (1994) of the HASN - History of Australian Science Newsletter.

The Icon Browser at Pisa University DCS contains over three thousands icons on line. An Icon Browser mirror site also exists. For questions and suggestions about the Icon Browser please write to Gioacchino La Vecchia (gio@virgilio.di.unipi.it).

The Finnish Forest Research Institute is pleased to announce a FORESTRY World Wide Web server, located in Helsinki, Finland. In addition to institute and research information, the server features conference information, forestry mailing list archives, biodiversity information and pointers to related resources on the net. The institute also runs the leading forestry gopher server.

The University of Georgia Libraries now has a WWW Server. We have general information about the Libraries as well as newly begun access to our image collections. Our digital image archive is highlighted by a growing collection of photographs from Works Progress Admnistration (WPA) projects within Georgia.

Dan's World Wide Web Server At The Peddie School is run by a 14 year old student of the Peddie school. It provides peddie information, Peddie News, and A whole bunch of links to other documents. Stop By Today.

The Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at North Carolina State University would like to announce their WWW server. The server contains departmental information such as current course information, faculty and staff information, current research projects, programs, and seminar presentations. The department addresses issues concerning agriculture, biology, the environment, and medicine.

There is now an index of Student Government Associations on the Web, but it is far from complete! If your SGA is not included, please send mail to the maintainer.

The Global Prepress Center is now open for business on the World Wide Web. This building is designed to hold links to businesses, information, and resources for those involved in professional desktop publishing, graphic arts, prepress, and printing.

The Spanky Fractal Database is now online to the WWW. This is a collection of fractal images, programs, documents, papers, code examples, and other fractal related material for free distribution on the net. Information was submitted by contributors or hunted down from various nooks and crannies on the internet. It is all here as a convenient resource for the fractal enthusiast. If you have information on fractals that you want to share contact the maintainer. Enjoy and discover.

The Acoustics Page -- information source in the field of acoustics, exists now on the Auburn University College of Engineering WWW server.

Informix Software, a leading supplier of RDBMS software on open systems, will hold its user conference at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida on July 11-14. The conference includes daily keynote and general sessions, multiple tracks of product/ technology sessions, tutorials, product demonstations and exhibits from Informix partners, and birds-of-a-feather sessions. More information and on-line registration are available on the server.

May 30, 1994

The Chance Server contains information useful for teaching any probability or statistics course that uses current news involving probability or statistical concepts.

There is now a Bulletin Board on Load Sharing and Enterprise Computing available on The Mother of All BBS.

A schedule of Letterboxed Movies On TV is now available. Movie titles are linked to Cardiff's Movie Database Browser and the postal addresses of the listed TV networks are available.

The Guide to the Good Life WWW server is an on-line guide to the restaurants in the South Bay Area of the San Francisco Peninsula. The guide covers cities from South San Francisco to San Jose, and it allows you to find restaurants by cuisine, location and name. It was put together by three students at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, in conjunction with Good Life Publications.

A series of pages devoted to the German writer Karoline von Günderrode (1780-1806) is now available. Günderrode, who like many other German women intellectuals of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries had nearly been forgotten, has comparatively recently been "rediscovered" by contemporary writers and scholars (especially Christa Wolf). Brought to you by Chr*st*n* *uror*'s Personal SpiderWeb.

Learn about the phenomenal Abayudaya Jews of Uganda. This Web site contains text, maps, photos and recordings.

May 29, 1994

The California State University, Fresno, Department of Phyiscs is pleased to announce its WWW server, containing information about the department, undergraduate and graduate programs, Fresno city, and other servers at California State University, Fresno.

Travels with Samantha, Internet's most popular travelogue (and a Best of the Web '94 winner), has been improved with maps from the Xerox Map Server. You won't be disoriented as you follow Philip Greenspun from Boston to Alaska and back. Dozens of new JPEG photos have been added as well, bringing the total number of color photos up to over 300.

MCSNet has announced general availability of its WWW server at www.mcs.net. This server contains information about Macro Computer Solutions, Inc., owners and operators of the MCSNet Internet Provider in Chicagoland. A special feature of the server is provision of an automated scanner which is run nightly for subscriber home pages. These automatically appear in the server's domain every night shortly after midnight central time, so that subscribers may publish their own home pages easily.

May 28, 1994

The Mosaic and the Web International Conference '94 announces a call for papers, panels, and presentations.

There is now a home page devoted to the Eiffel object-oriented programming language. It includes links to the latest Eiffel FAQ, some Eiffel ftp sites, and a browsable archive of articles from the usenet newsgroup comp.lang.eiffel.

You can now learn all you want to know about unicycling from the Unicycling page . Learn how to ride, how to ride better, and where to buy one. You can even watch unicycling, if you need to get motivated.

PROJECT: A-KON is an annual Japanese & American animation convention in Dallas, Texas. Check out all the animation, guests, vendors, parties and other activities at the 5th anniversary show, going on this June 3-5.

Argentina's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, managing ARNET for over 1200 nodes in the country, announces the ARNET Web server.

A new electronic archive for preprints of mathematics research papers in the field of K-theory is being provided by the Mathematics Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Papers and books are stored online in TeX dvi format, and are available for immediate viewing. New submissions are welcome.

CyberNet is the central on-line "jumping off" point for alternative information seekers. Their library of topics range from the bizarre, to the downright scary. If you're after information about anarchy, Nirvana, or goofy art, come on over. The whole splendid thing is maintained by Internet Marketing Inc. (a.k.a. two hip Generation Xers who are cybersavvy about Internet marketing/advertising).

May 27, 1994

After many months of work and waiting, the Best of the Web '94 Awards were announced at the International W3 Conference on May 26th. Awards were given in twelve categories in addition to the creation of a WWW Hall of Fame. The awards exhibit should serve as a set of examples for the rest of the Web to use as a guide.

The Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo Giuseppe S. Vaiana WWW server provides access to 1) Info on Observatory facilities, personnel, current research projects, upcoming events, etc.; 2) On-line preprint and other library services; 3) X-ray sky simulation data; 4) Proprietary ROSAT Images; 5) Selected Astronomy and Astrophysics WWW starting points.

The Princeton Review is the international leader in test preparation and an invaluable resource of college admissions information. Each year, we help almost a million students through our courses, books, software, and videos that include the latest information on standardized tests and the college, graduate, or professional school admissions process. This server provides hundreds of profiles of the top schools in the United States as well as information on key issues like student advocacy, financial aid, and what students really think of the schools they attend. The Princeton Review will continue to expand this server on a regular basis.

The National Academy of Science, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council is pleased to announce their World Wide Web, Gopher, and FTP server for the Internet user communities. Look for current and future reports on the Net. The National Academy Press will be making reports available on-line that address various scientific and technology research studies, along with a directory of their books in print. The Office of News and Public Information will be making available press releases and news of Academy events available.

The Advanced Research Corporation is proud to announce the opening of its home page on the WWW. Its server provides technical reports and information on the viability of NCSA Mosaic and NCSA HTTPD for satisfying U.S. Government information dissemination requirements. Requirments include interactive documents, multimedia, database applications, and document conversion. Currently, the server is avaialable from 1000 to 1400 hours Eastern Time only.

To address the staggering amounts of information that are available, and to provide the best ways for people to use that information is the reason for the existence of BEDROCK Information Solutions, Inc. We help people turn information into knowledge that is used to achieve, by utilizing evolving technology to provide Training, Systems Integration and Internet solutions. Come visit us to explore innovative ways to inprove your bottom line.

LASSP, the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics at Cornell University, is starting to describe some of the entertaining science done there, including

LASSP hopes the interested public will find them illuminating.

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Research Advancement Group WWW Server includes information for and about researchers. Of special note is the UTK Sponsored Programs Report for FY93, which describes externally sponsored activity in glorious hypertext, charts, and graphics.

The Stone Soup project is now on the World Wide Web. Stone Soup is an Internet multimedia cooperative for k12 educators and students. This project is based in the Branson School, an independent High School in Ross, California.

In conjunction with Rice Design Alliance' Virtual City lecture series held earlier this year, home pages have been put up for two of the speakers: Howard Rheingold and Bruce Sterling.

A selection of Héléna RICHARDOT art painting are now available on-line. The pictures are digitalized in JPEG format.

The Quest Center at Cold Spring Harbor Labs has released a new version of the REF52 2D Gel Database, which uses inline image maps as well as a text-based interface to explore cell proteins. You can access the database through the Quest Home Page.

The Open Government Pilot provides access to various segments of the Canadian federal government including: the House of Commons, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and federal departments and agencies.

The Final Act containing the results of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations is now available at the Graduate Institute of International Studies.

NASA's Mars Surveyor Program is the next "Big Thing" in Mars exploration. The program will commence with the launch of Mars Global Surveyor in November 1996. The program proposes to send additional orbiters and landers to Mars every 26 months from 1996 to 2006. Visit the MARS SURVEYOR MENU provided as a service by the Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program, which can be visited through the NASA Planetary Data System Infrared Subnode, located at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.

Technology Board of Trade serves as a trading floor for companies seeking and/or providing reusable software technology. It assists businesses in defining, valuing and exchanging intellectual property and provides proven practices for the transfer of commercial technology. The Exchange Listings is a database of software technology available for licensing and technology being sought. The Technology Board of Trade is brought to you by Internet Distribution Services.

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) has a new World Wide Web server to augment our gopher and FTP servers (which are still available). JAIR is a refereed journal, covering all areas of Artificial Intelligence, which is distributed free of charge over the internet. In addition, each complete volume of JAIR is published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

A FAQ for the MS Windows hypertext editor, HTML Assistant, is now available on the Web. The HTML Assistant FAQ has links for downloading the editor directly.

The Zensufi Information Service is aimed at providing those who play DuneMUSH with valuable role playing info about the Zensufi School.

Infinite Illusions Juggling Supplies is now on-line with its on-line WWW catalog. They carry Juggling Equipment, Kites, Boomerangs and other skill eqipment. Soon footbags, tops, yo-yos and darts will also be available.

NASA Dryden Flight Research Center is pleased to announce the opening of the High Alpha Electronic Workshop. This workshop focuses on flight validation of high-angle-of-attack technologies and reviews the latest research activities. The Electronic Workshop will be an on-line version of the High Alpha Conference to be held in July. A goal of the Web version of the conference is to reach a wider audience of participants who may no be able to attend the physical conference in July, as well as to provide an on-line record of the conference proceedings. An example paper is currently available for comment to show how the system can work.

The University of Washington Department of Statistics is pleased to announce it's WWW server. The U.W. Statistics Department WWW server has information about;the department, hints and hacks (Splus, Fortran, C, emacs, Mail,Misc,Network,SAS, TOYS,TeX,UNIX,VI,X,XLISPSTAT, etc.), technical reports, and ftp-able software of a statistical nature. The U.W. Statistics Department home page also offers links to other statistically oriented WWW servers.

The Paul Scherrer Institute PET Program is now providing information about its own projects as well as a PET list of other centers engaged in Positron Emission Tomography.

The Internet Shopping Network is a new web server offering more than 75,000 different computer hardware and software products which can be purchased online. Products are offered at wholesale prices and are shipped the same day out of 9 different warehouses throughout the U.S. Online reviews and downloadable demos provide a rich shopping environment. More products and companies are being added daily.

The latest issue and a one year archive of InfoWorld Magazine is now available for web access as part of the Internet Shopping Network. Users can browse through articles issue by issue or do keyword searches on the entire archive. Access is free with a free membership to the Internet Shopping Network.

The Applied Chaos Laboratory of Georgia Tech is pleased to announce its Web server. The lab specializes in control of chaos, and the investigation of various chaotic phenomena. This server provides general information about the lab, its researchers, papers, and ongoing projects. It also includes links to other related sites in the field of nonlinear dynamics.

Colorado State University located in Fort Collins, Colorado is pleased to announce it's WWW server. This server includes links to developing campus Web servers and existing gopher servers.

The Department of Food Science & Nutrition at the University of Minnesota, St.Paul, MN, USA, is pleased to announce their departmental web server. The server is intended to serve as a mechanism for exchange of information between faculty, staff and students. In addition, they hope that this server will function as a source of Nutrition and Food Science information, linking this and similar sites, for the broader public.

University of Ljubljana, Department of Civil Engineering announces, as a part of its ICARIS server, a home page of home pages related to architecture and civil engineering and a page of pointers which perhaps points to even larger collection of Internet resources for these disciplines and where visitors are invited to add new resources into a form.

The College of Engineering at North Carolina State University has established a WWW server. This server contains information about all aspects of the College's operations including undergraduate and graduate programs, the research program, staffing, student activities and organizations, computer operations, and extension services. Links to several departments in the College are also provided.

Announcing The Lynx, an online magazine. The Lynx is an attempt to see if a real magazine can be published on the World Wide Web on a regular basis. The magazine will cover the more alternative sides of the Web and the Internet, and hopes to be amusing, informative, and slightly anarchic.

Webster's Weekly, a new, free, web-based features magazine, is looking for contributors. If you are interested in distributing your columns, photos, poems, cartoons, graphic art, recipes, rhetorical diatribes, song lyrics, small music samples, small animation samples, jokes, puzzles, or any other web-based weekly features, please click HERE to learn more about their forthcoming publication...

The job browser is a forms based interface to the busy misc.jobs.offered newsgroup. This interface allows one to associate relative values with several categories, geographic, skill, position and employer related. This interface presents articles according to how well they match the criteria entered in the form and will filter out articles in categories in which the viewer has no interest. Duplicate and often reposted articles are only presented once.

NoTime Enterprises proudly announces a new server for entrepreneurs called Entrepreneurs on the Web! It is a place where entrepreneurs the world over can find useful business information, and offer goods and services to other Entrepreneurs. Enjoy!

The College of Engineering and the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Riverside are pleased to announce the availability of several WWW servers. These servers provide information on courses, faculty, degree programs, and research centers within the college. The Computer Science Department's undergraduate laboratory also has its own WWW server.

Information about the University of Michigan Management Briefing Seminars is on the Web. This international conference is held annually at Grand Traverse Resort, just off of northern lower Michigan's beautiful Grand Traverse Bay. Over 1000 participants will attend to stay in touch with current issues facing the automotive industry, manufacturing, and quality assurance programs.

Auburn University College of Engineering announces their new Web server, with information about the college and its departments.

May 17, 1994

The 'Institut fuer Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik und Informationsverarbeitung (TNT)' at the University of Hannover is pleased to announce information about the institute (people, research, education), on scientific topics like AI, Signal Processing, Audio and Video Coding and other subjects of interest. TNT Info offers some interesting features for information access and user guidance like the concept of views, which allows to present the available information with respect to the different needs of users, e.g. a local view and a global view.

Can we evolve musical programs? This interactive experiment is an attempt to find out. It uses genetic programming and user feedback to try to evolve "programs" that make good sounding sequences of notes. Can it actually reach a point where it can be called music? Try it and find out.

SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute) is pleased to announce its World Wide Web server, with links to:

Links to many other groups and projects at SRI will be available shortly.

The Oz project at Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science has a new web page. The Oz project is developing AI-based tools to enable artists to create dramatically interesting, interactive environments. This includes work on believable agents, computational drama, and a number of presentation issues.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory web server now includes information on two collaborative efforts:

Lumina Decision Systems, Inc., of Palo Alto, California is proud to announce its World-Wide Web server. Lumina is a computer software and services company that develops and markets state-of-the-art software for modeling and decision support. Lumina's first product, DEMOS (Decision Modeling System) is a Macintosh-based, visual environment for creating, analyzing and communicating probabilistic models for business, risk and decision analysis. Information on Lumina and DEMOS and a demonstration version of DEMOS are available.

The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) is the nation's only three year, residential, public high school for students talented in the fields of science and mathematics. It is also the state of Illinois' reseach and development laboratory for K-12 mathematics and science education. IMSA's WWW server is entirely student administered.

The Association of Bay Area Governments invite you to peruse their services. This link lets you jump to San Francisco Bay Area local government servers as they become available.

The Japanese National Committee of IEC/TC3 is planed to demonstrate the NCSA Mosaic for X, Macintosh and MS-Windows at the time of its Makuhari Meeting to be held from 16th to 25th May, 1994, in Makuhari New Metropolis, Chiba 261, Japan. Since the meeting place has not been IP-reachable, Ikeda Lab. Home Page is moved to a server there. Several kind of clients are connected to the server to brows information. It is planed to put daily meeting documents to the server, including relevant information for the delegates from 12 IEC member countries.

The European Space Agency - ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, announces the "Global Land 1km AVHRR Data Set Browser" WWW server. This experimental server allows retrieval of quick-looks of satellite images archived by ESA/ESRIN since April 1, 1992. An initial set of about 3000 images is currently available, and the server is constantly updated with new images. The user can search for quick-looks by defining the date range and the coordinate point on a world map. The server can also guide the user in the ordering of AVHRR image products.

SACLANTCEN, the NATO SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, is pleased to announce its WWW server which provides general information on Centre resources, including the NATO research vessel Alliance, on its publications and conferences, together with abstracts of all papers to be presented at the forthcoming SACLANTCEN conference Full Field Inversion Methods in Ocean and Seismic Acoustics, and on links to other related information servers (eg the NATO Gopher under development). The Centre specializes in underwater acoustics, physical oceanography, systems research and signal processing.

The Stanford University Footbag Club is now on the Web. The home page gives information on the international sport of footbag, similar to the American game played with the Hacky Sack(R) or Sipa Sipa(R). You will also find information about footbag events (festivals, tournaments, demos, and regular meetings). The World Footbag Championships are July 25-31 in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Indiana University School of Law and the Federal Communications Bar Association are pleased to announce the availability of Issue no. 2 of Vol. 46 of the Federal Communications Law Journal.

A just-for-fun adventure game written on the World Wide Web. Enjoy.

The Railroad-related Internet Resources page provides links to documents, databases, mailing lists, and file servers relevant to railfans, model railroaders, and others interested in rail transportation.

The Engineering Dept. of the University of South Carolina announces its new Web server. It is (you couldn't see this one coming) still under development and features comprehensive local information and user home pages.

On-line writings about women and computer science are available, including pieces from Communications of the ACM, IEEE Expert, Computing Research News, and the MIT AI Lab.

The Give Children a Chance action is starting today. It will last until July 15. Internet, WWW and Mosaic can be a big opportunity for today's children to escape TV and Videogames addiction and to learn to interact among themselves and with the grown-up. An equal opportunity universe, made of interesting information, is waiting for them: they can actively contribute to the creation of a world of their own where it is possible to make friends and compare ideas and experiences. This is, presently, virtually denied. If You want to know more about this action click for the English or Italian Version.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is now part of the World-Wide Web. Look at Social Security's WWW server for public information pamphlets (including many in Spanish), information about Retirement, Survivors, Disability and other SSA programs, the status of the SSA Trust Fund, legislation affecting SSA, information on SSA's international programs and statistical information valuable to researchers.

The Center for Earth and Planetary Studies and its Regional Planetary Image Facility (RPIF) located at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution are pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server. The purpose of this NASA supported RPIF is to act as a reference library providing planetary science researchers with access to the extensive collection of image data from planetary missions. Currently we are in the process of placing some of the 300,000 photographs and images of the planets and their satellites in our collection online.

The Earth Resources Laboratory, part of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT, is pleased to announce a web server for nCUBE 2 parallel computer users. The ERL nCUBE 2 server contains useful facilities like form-driven hypertext manual pages, a hypertext "training course" for novice nCUBE 2 users, and a graphical snapshot of ERL nCUBE 2 use. Other stuff includes info on geophysical computing at MIT and medical imaging contributions from St. Joseph's Health Centre (U. of Western Ontario).

The Animations Index at Towson State has been moved under the Computer Graphics Index at the University of Califonia - Santa Cruz. It has 52 links currently.

Integrated Computer Solutions is pleased to announce access to its World Wide Web server. Full information about Xhibition 94 is available right now. You can use the Web to access descriptions, schedules, and general information. Registration forms are available, right off the Web.

HYPERCOMP is proud to introduce The Web to LSF , the comprehensively architected, load sharing enterprise computing software for networked UNIX platforms.

It is now possible to search a subject list of special libraries in Washington, DC. Subjects include art, local DC history and public service and advocacy. This was created by Shelly Olim, College of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland in College Park. Please note -- this is the beginning of something great!

The Fusion Research Center at the University of Texas in Austin has established a Fusion Studies WWW server. This server contains information about the fusion research program conducted by the Fusion Research Center and the Institute for Fusion Studies at the University of Texas. It is a repository of physics/fusion newsletters and software, pointers to physics information, white pages directories for fusion labs, information for Univ. of Texas employees, Fusion Research Center technical reports, and information on TEXT-U Tokamak and diagnostics.

FINS, the Fish Information Service contains information about keeping aquariums, both marine and freshwater. Amoung other things, this includes an index listing common and Latin names of several hundred species along with pictures of each. This service is provided by Active Window Productions in Cambridge, MA.

wusage 3.0, a web server usage meter, has been released. Version 3.0 no longer requires pbmplus, fixes long-standing bugs, restores the NCSA server format (as well as common and CERN formats) and is a no-brainer to build, install, and feed, especially compared to previous versions. All you need a C compiler and a supported server. wusage produces .GIF graphs and HTML server usage reports, and is available from the Quest Server.

The Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley has a new issue of our alumni newsletter, the North Gate News available on its Web server. It summarizes the cool stuff the students and faculty are up to, and our site also has some nice student photographs.

Silicon Surf is your connection to the world of Silicon Graphics. Read our latest press releases, find out about newest products, take a look at our technical white papers, and pull down some of the most exciting graphics imagery available on three-dimensional graphics workstations today. And, if you liked the file system navigator they used in Jurassic Park to save the day, just think what it can do for your desktop - and its free on Silicon Surf! Your single source for "whats new" at Silicon Graphics.

The Perceptual Science Laboratory at the University of California-Santa Cruz is engaged in a variety of experimental and theoretical inquiries in perception and cognition. A major research area concerns speech perception by ear and eye, and facial animation. We also have tested a general fuzzy logical model of perception in a variety of domains, including perception and understanding of language, memory, object, shape and depth perception, learning, and decision making. Research is also being carried out in reading.

PC Lube and Tune is a service station at Exit 130.132 on the National Information Highway. It is the ultimate in "self-service:" you pump it yourself, you fix it yourself. PCLT provides advice, directions, and instructions. Less figuratively, PCLT supplies usable introductions, tutorials, and education on technical subjects to the larger audience of ordinary computer users through system-independent hypertext articles. Major articles currently available include: Introduction to PC Hardware (for those who don't know the difference between "interleave" and "interlace"), Introduction to SNA (there's a whole new class of people on the Internet), Introduction to TCP/IP , and PC Serial Communications A project is Windows on the World (adding Internet software to Windows and OS/2) under development with an easy-install package of share/freeware tools.

So you think you are ready to buy one of those really hi-res computer monitors that you've been hearing about? Before you put your money on the counter, spend a few minutes and read what one shopper has learned in the quest for the perfect monitor.

The Michigan Department of Education would like to announce it's MDEnet WWW Server. Currently it is a more descriptive front end to the first few levels of our gopher server at gopher.mde.state.mi.us but we plan to have more documents soon.

Reba McENTIRE fans now have a WWW server. Information on her music, personal appearances, show schedule, recent articles, and reviews from her fans are all included.

Quadralay Corporation, designer of a commercialized version of Mosaic, GWHIS, has recently added an archive of Fuzzy Logic to its already extensive information archive.

London information services company TQM Communications has launched two Web services:-

Security APL, a software company providing solutions to the financial community, is proud to announce its WWW site. Our interactive stock quote server will accept a ticker symbol and provide 15 minute delay pricing for most listed securities.

Lightside, Inc. offers Internet access in the Los Angeles area. Lightside's WWW server provides information about its services as well as links to many interesting places.

The Iowa State University Entomology WWW Server provides information about faculty, graduate students, and programs at Iowa State University in Ames. It also provides a list of electronic resources for entomologists, an Insect Image Gallery, and some tasty insect recipes.

The Stanford University Medical Center is pleased to announce its World-Wide-Web server. Stanford Medical Center comprises the School of Medicine, the Stanford University Hospital, the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, and clinical health care affiliates.

Announcing Le LOUVRE. The world-famous art museum is currently hosting three online exhibits: visit the French medieval art demonstration, a collection of well-known paintings from famous artists, or tour around Paris, the Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysees.

The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) in Washington, D.C. is pleased to announce its WWW Home Page. The NODC is one of the environmental data centers operated by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NODC provides ocean data management and ocean data services to researchers and other users in the United States and around the world.

The MIT Weather Radar Laboratory, a part of the Center for Meteorology and Physical Oceanography at MIT, is pleased to announce its Web site. Those curious about radar might find the hypertext glossary and radar meteorology FAQ list useful, particularly when checking out the Gallery of weather radar images available here. Lots of other neat info about weather radar can also be found at the site.

Malin Space Science Systems announces a graphical browser for 33,500 Viking orbiter images of Mars. At present, only an 8-times subsampled version of each image is available, but this service should be useful to those trying to find coverage of specific areas.

Not Just Cows - A Guide to INTERNET/Bitnet Resources in Agriculture and Related Sciences. Agricultural information resources listed include: an index of over 70 libraries with extensive collections in agriculture; over 10 electronic bulletin boards (BBS) such as Advanced Technology Information Network and CENET; WAIS databases; World Wide Web servers; a collection of mail based services such as Almanac Servers and over 60 Listserv Discussion Groups.

Ping Datascape experimenting to connect TV with the Internet, is growing rapidly and will be demonstrated first in Geneva, 28th of May. Mr or Mrs Internet have not been voted yet, so you still have some time to position your image, sound, movie or object via our interactive map, the interface to the 3D datascape. Soon you can send a Postcard from there.

WebWeather provides a forms menu interface to some of the National Weather Service data provided by the weather machine at the University of Michigan. It provides up-to-the-hour readings of temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, and sky conditions for 240 cities nationwide. It is currently being expanded to retrieve forecasts as well.

The Internet Multicasting Service in conjunction with the New York University Stern School of Business Information Systems Department are pleased to bring to the WWW community all corporate filings submitted electronically by publicly traded firms to the SEC.

AWW! That's the ARC Wide Web, the WWW server at the Alberta Research Council (ARC) gone public. Includes general info about ARC activities and services, ARC's president's pledge (can you find it?), staff photos, the publications list. Under improvement.

In collaboration with the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, Murray Elementary School has established a home page. Also available from the Murray home page is a Macintosh Mosaic Tutorial for K-12 Educators.

Griffith University is pleased to announce their CWIS. Griffith University is one of Australia's fastest-growing universities, and is located in the Brisbane-Gold Coast corridor.

The Academic Computing Service of The Open University, United Kingdom, have recently introduced their new Information Service based on a World-Wide Web system. This service is primarily for the distribution of internal, Open University news but it does include other information that may be of interest to the outside world.

Farallon Computing, Inc., a leading developer of PC and Macintosh networking software and hardware products, proudly announces its new Web server. This server contains breaking news on Farallon products, as well as detailed specifications on current products including award-winning EtherWave, Timbuktu, PhoneNET connectors, and many others. You'll find photographs, screen shots, network diagrams, free trial software versions, product technical notes, and much more!

FINWeb once offered, but no longer offers, access to Citibase. Click here for an important message concerning the Citibase database.

The University of Tennessee Division of Continuing Education is pleased to announce their new Home Page for the Smoky Mountain Field School. The Smoky Mountain Field School offers supervised wilderness adventures for people of all ages and levels of experiences. Head on over and check their catalog!

IDIAP (Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive), a publically funded Swiss research institute located in the canton of Valais, announces its WWW server. Researchers at IDIAP work on Computer Vision, Handwriting Recognition, and OCR, Expert Systems, Neural Networks, Optical Computing, and Speech Recognition.

The Human Factor is proud to announce their new WWW Server, a Local Human Gateway. Virtual Storefronts with On-Line Ordering. Free, Pictures, Sound, Animation, and Movies are available here in the Open Market.

Big Time Television is a cultural server devoted to information on the weird and slightly out-there, including an H.P. Lovecraft archive. Big Time is also devoted to experimentation in the fusion of literature and hypermedia. Check us out!

The Cooperative Human Linkage Center (CHLC) is pleased to announce its World Wide Web server. The Cooperative Human Linkage Center is developing high resolution genetic maps of the human genome. These maps include data from a variety of sources, and are greatly enhanced for the presence of easy-to-use, PCR-formatted microsatellite markers. Included on the server are the genetic maps, genotypes, information on mapping methodologies, primer sequences, and sequences from which primers were developed.

The Internet Computer Index (ICI) is an easy-to-use, free service that leads Internet users to all of the information available on the Internet relating to PCs, Macintoshes, and Unix computers.

Visioneering Research Laboratories (VRL) in Las Cruces, New Mexico USA has a new web server available on the web with information from our home page about VRL.

Announcing Cal State Hayward's new Mosaic Network News, a Networked Multimedia Newsletter including some Sample Animations from the "3-D Tutor". Also included is Creating Multimedia. This tutorial is about picking a development platform and selecting software tools for development. Other topics include: The Delta Project - Distance Learning and Beyond and Learning about Mosaic.

Tandem Computers, Inc. announces its WWW server. The server includes recent Tandem press releases and will soon be populated with product information.

The Astrophysics Data System is sponsoring a Logo Design Contest for the ADS software. This contest is open to everyone - talent is not a prerequisite! The winning logo will appear on the ADS main panel and all official documentation, and the winner will be acknowledged in the ADS on-line documentation.

InterText Magazine has moved its web site to an http server at ftp.etext.org. Intertext's latest issue -- a unique "theme issue" experiment -- has also just been released.

May 8, 1994

Announcing WWW Quest - a hidden URL hunt.
WWW Quest, an Internet/WWW/Mosaic search competition, is up and running. You can enter the quest from this page. Other clues are provided once you're on your way...
A list of successful participants is also available.

The High Performance Computing Centre (HPC Centre) runs courses and workshops on all aspects of high performance computing. The Centre, which is part of the University of Southampton, aims to Raise the awareness of HPC within the South and South West of England. In addition, Centre staff are available to assist users porting their applications to the faster machines provided by the Centre. The server includes pages concerning topics related to High Performance Computing including; The GENESIS Benchmarking Suite, and Events organised by the Centre.

The Gustavus Adolphus College World Wide Web server provides information about Gustavus Adolphus College, an excellent private liberal arts college in southern Minnesota, and home to the Nobel Conference(R) every fall.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, is now on line. Located in Colorado, USA, NREL's server provides information about the laboratory and its research. You can access information on renewable energy research, development, and applications; accumulated energy data and resource maps; publications; business and job opportunities.

The nominees for the Best of the Web '94 awards have been announced today (5/4/94). The list of nominees will be open for public perusal (and corrections) until 5/10/94, when voting will begin. The awards will be announced 5/26/94 at the WWW'94 Conference.

PC Week Labs, a department in the Ziff-Davis publication PC Week, is now on the Web. PC Week is a weekly newspaper aimed at large-volume buyers of software and hardware. Our server has been running internally for three or four months, but we've just moved it to a new machine, so there are likely to be a few kinks to iron out. Some of the elements that we're working on include "Best Of" lists (right now we have limited Best Home Pages and Best News Sources and On-line Magazines pages), a Crash Course in HTML, and various home pages for some analysts in the Lab.

TidBITS is now available on the World Wide Web! TidBITS is a free weekly electronic publication that reports on interesting products and events in the computer industry, currently with an emphasis on the world of the Macintosh. In addition to weekly issues, we occasionally publish formal review issues and special issues focussing on a single topic. We feel that publications like TidBITS will become an important medium of exchange as the world becomes more electronically connected.

The University High School online gallery of student-created works is now available for your viewing pleasure. Check out Artspace.

Patch American High School located in Stuttgart, Germany is now ready for "Prime Time" on Mosaic! Patch HS is a US Department of Defense Dependent School which serves dependent youth of American Miliary and Civilians stationed throughout 19 countries. The members of the WEB Team at Patch will attempt to share some of their European experiences ("In Living Color!").

TeleEducation New Brunswick is pleased to announce its World Wide Web Server, located at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. The TeleEducation New Brunswick Network is used to deliver university, community college, and other educational courses to all areas of the province of New Brunswick.

The University of Houston, Houston, Texas is pleased to announce the offering of a WWW server. We have various information about the university available as well as the local weather forecast, for those rushing into town to see us :).

The School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server. Offerings include Online Wisconsin, a student produced hypertext information source. Also available is a hypertext version of the Jargon File, version 3.0.0 (still under development).

Press Releases for the School of Information and Library Studies (SILS) at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor now are available on Mosaic. The SILS HomePage also contains a pointer to the press releases under the category, "Current SILS Information Resources."

The MIT College Libertarians are happy to announce their new WWW Home Page. We are a grass roots college organization dedicated to furthering libertarian principles and candidates from the Libertarian Party. Those of you who are tired of the Republi-crat's two party control of US politics should check us out!

Arisia, Inc. is pleased to announce its Web server, featuring information about the ARISIA science fiction convention, held every January in the Boston area.

Heather has Two Mommies is a charming politically correct story about a little girl's trip to the zoo, illustrated with almost 100 high quality JPEG photographs of bears, flamingos, tigers, and hardcore apes.

HungerWeb is excited to introduce two new facilities: an interactive Hunger Quiz, and an "email the President" gateway. The multimedia HungerWeb, is designed to be both a general education platform and a research resource. The site includes an extensive integrated database on politics, the environment, economics, and ethics relevant to hunger and a broad collection of compelling introductory material. Submissions including research, advocacy, projects, case and clinical studies are highly encouraged.

The Computing Research Labs (CRL) of New Mexico State University home page is now open for business. The CRL is also the home of the Consortium for Lexical Research which also has a link on the home page. The ACL94 (Association for Computational Linguistics) conference will be held at NMSU in June of 1994 and there is a link on the home page.

Food Gatherers , a food serving Washtenaw County, Michigan, is putting up hunger-related information an food rescue. Among other items, there's the text of "Keeping it out of the dum appeared in this Spring's Whole Earth Review; it includes some history of food resources if you're interested in starting or joining a food rescue group.

Studio X, an experimental media company has begun to set up a WWW server which will deal, among other things, with the establishment of the "Santa Fe Archive", a WWW Server for the city of Santa Fe, NM.

The 1994 edition of the Kids on Campus exhibit, "Navigating the Information Superhighway", is now available. Kids on Campus is sponsored by the Cornell Theory Center during National Science and Technology Week. It is a program to increase computer awareness and scientific interest among Ithaca-area third, fourth, and fifth grade students through hands-on computer activities, innovative videos, and exciting demonstrations. "Navigating the Information Superhighway" provides a graphical interface to a sampling of the wide variety of information resources on the Internet.

Frank Gibson of New Hanover High School in Wilmington, North Carolina won the 1994 "Networks: Where Have You Been All My Life?" essay contest sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics, the National Science Foundation, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This award winning essay is now available on the web.

The Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) Program proudly announces its new home page featuring program highlights, program news, technical papers, and announcements. Take the opportunity to find out what STARS (an ARPA sponsored program) is doing to change todays's software development paradigm to one which emphasizes a process driven, domain specific reuse-based approach to software intensive systems.

There are many people working in the area of Virtual Environments. At the Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center of the Georgia Institute of Technology, there is an attempt to capture all of the references to the different Virtual Reality projects worldwide. This information is being gathered and is available through the Meta Virtal Environments Page, where you will find a list of hyperlinks to the different VR pages for these projects.

The GNN Travelers' Center is sponsoring Thailand--A Special Focus in the first of their new monthly Marketplace regional focuses. Read essays, stories, and interviews of and by people who know the region. Look at their pictures, and browse sponsors wares in this interesting setting. Explore as you would an oriental bazaar! Next month, Mexico, and they'll be giving away a Baja Kayak adventure..

California Polytechnic State University (also known as Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo), is pleased to announce its WWW server. This server includes links to developing campus WWW projects and existing gopher servers. Cal Poly, one of 20 campuses in the California State University system, is a comprehensive university that specializes in preparing undergraduates for careers in applied technical and professional fields. The server will soon include information about Cal Poly's academic programs.

Gallaudet University's Center for Assessment and Demographic Studies (CADS) has established a home page. CADS studies the deaf and hard of hearing population in the United States, providing information on:

The Stanford SUIF Compiler Group, led by Monica Lam, is pleased to announce their Web server, which provides information about the first public release of the SUIF Compiler System, a framework for research in parallel and scalar compiler algorithms. Also available are a wide range of papers on compiler technology, and additional compiler-related software.

Science Television produces and distributes videotapes for scientists and science students. Recent programs have dealt with the mathematical theories of chaos and minimal surfaces as well as the history of perpspective drawing. The company's larger objective is to foster the publication of scientific information in moving media. To this end, STV supports the creation of the Science and Engineering Television Network, a satellite television network for the professional community of scientists and engineers. Science Television is brought to you by Internet Distribution Services.

NERO Ashbury, a live action fantasy role playing game, now has a home page on the Web. NERO-Ashbury is based in Brooklyn, New York and holds events both in Brooklyn and Connecticut. The page includes a description of the game and how to get started, membership information, and details about the NERO mailing list.

Looking for some new and different stuff? The Infobot Hot Tips List contains a list of late-breaking hot links submitted via email. If you think you've found something cool and new, use the "Mail To:" button in the Mosaic hotlist viewer to send your hotlist to the infobot at hotlist@bonsai.com.

3W Magazine is pleased to announce Issue 4 and an updated 3W Web Server.
The server has full details of 3W Issue 4: Networked Reality, which is now out with a 'Win an Internet Starter Kit' competition plus details of a competition for Internet World London 94, 'Win an Internet Library'. The server also has th full 99 e-zines listing from Issue 4 in Web format and Ivan Pope's first 'Letter from the Internet'.

The Space Environment Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration provides near real-time monitoring and forecasting of the environment between the sun and the earth. Our WWW server features Today's Solar Weather with a current solar image, x-ray and proton plots from GOES satellites, and the latest forecast of solar-terrestrial conditions.

May 3, 1994

Network 23, Inc., a New York City based InterNet access provider has announced Max Headroom's Home on the InterNet. Within you can find all sorts of clippings, rantings, ravings, sound samples, pictures and even full motion video about the now defunct Television show that developed an intense cult following.

The Geological Survey of Finland (GSF) is pleased to announce its WWW server. Our server contains information on research activities and international services. The GSF, which was established in 1885, is a government funded agency responsible to the Ministry of Trade and Industry. We have a central administration based in Espoo and regional offices in Espoo, Kuopio and Rovaniemi.

The Bologna Astronomical Observatory is pleased to announce his WWW Server. The server includes also informations on his telescopes , and on the Department of Astronomy of Bologna University , and on the Museo della Specola (Museum of Astronomy). It offers also to various astronomical WWW servers.

Information on Lancaster University, UK can now be found on: our new WWW server. This is a new service and material is being moved from our internal servers all the time.

The CERL Home Page has undergone a face lift to become a more generic front for CERL. There are now several teams at CERL that have hypertext pages, including the Acoustics Team and Advanced Simulation and Software Engineering Technology (ASSET) Team. GRASS information is still available and the On-line Music Database has moved as well.

Complete information on W.R.I.T.E. '94, "Writers' Retreat on Interactive Technology and Equipment" at the University of British Columbia this June can be accessed via the Wimsey Information Services Homepage.

Pacific Northwest Laboratory announces World Wide Web and Gopher servers. PNL is a multi-program national laboratory operated for the United States Department of Energy by Battelle Memorial Institute. PNL concentrates on research and development programs in energy, environment, and national security. Servers include information about PNL as a whole and specific science and technology programs.

The World Wide Web of Sports, featuring daily video highlights for the NBA and Major League Baseball is available from the Telemedia, Networks, and Systems Group at MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science. Also, check out our Cool Video Demos.

The University of North Carolina General Administration is happy to announce a new WWW server. The purpose of this server is to provide information about the sixteen campuses of the University of North Carolina System, as well as about the University system as a whole. Currently under development, the server will contain statistical, historic and administrative information of use to students, faculty and other interested persons in the internet community.

The ATM Forum is an international non-profit organization formed with the objective of accelerating the use of ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) products and services through a rapid convergence of interoperability specifications. In addition, the Forum promotes industry cooperation and awareness. Currently, The ATM Forum consists of over 500 member companies, and it remains open to any organization that is interested in accelerating the availability of ATM-based solutions. This server is brought to you by The ATM Forum and Internet Distribution Services.

The Australian Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) is pleased to announce the availability of our new, improved World Wide Web Server. The server contains information and data on Australia's environment. New features include:

The FIDE project at St Andrews is part of a multi-site ESPRIT funded project on database programming languages. This site provides information about project members and access to a number of papers about persistence and the database programming languages PS-algol and Napier88.

The Daresbury Laboratory is based near Warrington in north west England. It provides research facilities for academic and industrial users from the UK and other countries. These include:

The U. of Pennsylvania WWW server, currently contains several topics of interest; links with other web servers on the Penn campus; provides gateways to PennInfo; the University's campus-wide information system, and to Gopher servers at Penn and worldwide. Currently featured is info in the fields of engineering, educational technology services, physics, medicine, computer and information sciences, statistics, math, virtual language, cognitive science, and economics. We're growing, so there's more coming.

The ARMS Technical Center is pleased to announce the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers new and growing WWW service, which contains pointers to many of their public information services, regional offices, and research facilities, including the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (GRASS GIS), the Tri-Services CADD/GIS Technology Center, and the Waterways Experiment Station.

Unless you are sitting in Milano, Italia, you're not in a city that produces as much coffee as Seattle, Washington, USA. You literally cannot walk more than a hundred feet downtown and not hit an espresso cart. I'm convinced that this is due to our much fabled weather. It takes a city that is overcast and gloomy a large percentage of the time to produce really good bean juice. Thus far the MOTHERCITY COFFEE homepage is a compendium of a select number of Seattle coffee roasters and coffeehouses.

Mother Jones Magazine has published their May/June issue, featuring exposes on possible environmental causes of breast cancer, secret CIA economic espionage, and questions about the safety of nuclear fuel rods, plus a long piece on Amitai Etzioni and communitarianism, and the usual collection of shorter pieces.

InterNIC Information Services announces the availability of the InfoGuide, a new comprehensive online source of information about the Internet and online Internet resources. The InfoGuide is accessible through gopher and the World Wide Web, and replaces the older InterNIC information server, the InfoSource. The InfoGuide includes new services such as the Scout Report and an online hypertext version of the NSF Network News.

The Linux Documentation Project, a group of volunteer writers documenting the Linux operating system, now has a home page on the World Wide Web. It contains pointers to other Linux-related home pages, the contents of the LDP document archives, HTML formats of various Linux documents, and more.

Kaleidoscope Communications Inc. debuts its WWW server. Kaleidoscope Communications Inc. provides a variety of WWW services which range from order form support, server administration, hypermedia document creation, and marketing consultation. Our architects have construced The Global City, a gathering place for merchants and aspiring writers. Visit our Merchants for Internet service providers (free 15 day account!), bookstores, and software consulting. The Global City Dispatch is a place for WWW News, Telecommunication News, Electronic Commerce News and more!

May 1, 1994

Liam's Web Quiz is now available from the unofficial server at the University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. It is a simple, multiple-choice quiz with new questions released every Monday.

The Monash Medical Informatics Web Server contains papers/articles/theses of team members, locally developed software, and links to all the other informatics sites that we are aware of. It is provided by Monash University Medical Informatics, Melbourne, Australia.

The Arecibo Observatory World Wide Web server provides information about the Observatory facilities and the scientific work conducted at this unique site, home of the largest single dish radio telescope in the world.

The University of New Brunswick at Fredericton is pleased to announce the availability of a WWW server. On this service you will find lots of information about UNB and New Brunswick. Items of interest include a WAIS-searchable index of the Canadian papers of Lord Beaverbrook and information on Softworld '94, a major conference to be held at Fredericton in September. Also included is a copy of the recently released New Brunswick Report on the Information Highway (English and French versions).

The Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of Cambridge, UK is pleased to announce its World Wide Web server. There is information on the Centre itself such as degrees offered, seminars and so on, as well as information about the UK Universities Global Atmospheric Modelling Programme (UGAMP). This includes a connection to the UGAMP ftp server, offering software, publications and more. Links to other Atmospheric Science information servers and data are also available. On the lighter side we have Stringers Sports page with the RamsNet Derby County FC supporters pages.

The American Psychological Society (APS) announces that is has join the internet and the web. The APS has established both a gopher directory and a WWW page which include: and some links and other information.

The Pattern Recognition Group of the Faculty of Applied Physics of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, hereby announces their PH homepage. They offer information about the people in their group, courses given by the group, and an overview of their current research topics and their software developments. Furthermore, they offer a searchable index to the rosenfeld reference database, as well as to their own reference database on image processing and pattern recognition.

The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) announces its World-Wide Web server for molecular biology. Things to be found on this site include:

The Information Bank has created a home page with a collection of more than 300 links to Internet information resources, a Russia-NIS Home Page, and an announcement for a Forum on the Future of the Microelectronics Industry in Russia and the Newly Industrialized States that will be held in Russia on Sept. 12-14, 1994.

The Human Genome Center, LBL (Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, California) is now serving: Lawrence Berkeley Lab and the Human Genome Center are funded by the US Department of Energy, and managed by the University of California.

A Workshop on Advanced Digital Video in the National Information Infrastructure is being held at Georgetown University on May 10-12. The workshop is intended to explore technical issues from a wide range of applications domains.

A page about fencing as determined by FIE is now available. Pictures, drawings and selected articles about various aspects of fencing.

The U.S. EPA's Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) has a document describing available software (including links to the software itself). If you're involved in the modeling of water quality, pesticide fate, etc., please take a look.

Journey to a more spiritual contemplative realm of cyberspace. Beauty For Ashes is a group of artists who invite you to enter their world of urban monastacy through ethereal poetry and photography. In addition to English, the group also is hoping to make their web truly bi-lingual with the addition of a Japanese version of their home page and support for JIS.

The Free Real Estate Listing Service, a free, public access forum for posting text-based listings about properties for sale anywhere in the world, is the premiere service offering of the Westcoast Interchange.

The St. Joseph County Public Library's WWW Server located in South Bend, Indiana, provides links to two in-house databases related to the South Bend area, including: detailed information on over 1,200 local governmental service agencies, social servic agencies, clubs, etc; and a 5-year index to the metro section of the South Bend Tribune, the local newspaper. There is also information about our public library and its branches and we hope to provide links to our on-line computer catalog with the holdings of our public library and two other public libraries in this area (Mishawaka-Penn Public Library and the Plymouth Public Library, both of which are on our system).

The IDS World Network announces its new Web server, with a Rhode Island home page, featuring information tidbits from the RI Department of State Archives, the Department of State Library Services, and the Department of Education. This page will be expanded on a continuing basis and we hope to have many interesting peices of information online, including Governor Sundlun's full-text speeches and many other legislative articles.

The 5th graders at Grand River Elementary School in Lansing, Michigan have updated their pages and changed their address, please be sure to change any links you might have. We have made a few corrections and a few new pages for some students. Since so many people have asked how we did it, we have included information on how the students are doing e-mail, how we set up the server and included lots of statistics.

The Computer-Mediated Communication Studies Center, a set of web pages dedicated to serving the needs of researchers, students, teachers, and practitioners interested in computer-mediated communication (CMC), is now open. This Center helps people share information, make contacts, collaborate, and learn about developments and events related to CMC. This center includes the first issue of Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine, links to people who are interested in CMC, a resources collection, and pointers to activities.

An attractive one-stop INET'94 Information and Registration Kiosk has been established for the Internet Society's annual International Networking Conference - this year held in conjunction with the RARE Fifth Joint European Networking Conference. INET is the conference which annually brings together the global Internet community and this year will he held in Praha (Prague), Czech Republic.

The Computer and Information Science Department at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth is open for business. We currently provide links to our research activities and writings as well as our educational program - graduate and undergraduate. We are developing a "theme parks" area that you may find interesting.

The sixth-grade students at Hillside Elementary School have written research papers using the Internet to do their research. They wrote their papers in hypertext to put on the school's WWW server and include hypertext links to original sources of information. The third-grade students have created their own home pages. This is a joint project of Hillside Elementary School and the University of Minnesota to integrate use of the Internet into elementary level curriculum.

The Juggling Information Service is now available, providing access to all available online juggling information and services, including extensive archives, pictures, videos, software, and access to prop vendors.

Computer Science House is pleased to announce their new World Wide Web Server. Computer Science House is a non-profit student organization that exists at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. The Web Server contains information about the House, members, and their projects. Included is a page devoted to the CSH Computerized Drink Machine and the New York Ranger's Home Page.

As part of an effort to bring a taste of the Austin music scene to the Web, a web has been created for local singer/songwriter Roxanne Hale. Roxanne's music is characterized by its introspective lyrics, and by the honesty and realism delivered by her full-toned voice. The web includes several complete tracks from her cassettes.

Natural Resources Canada is pleased to announce the availability of their main World Wide Web server. As the predominant natural resource department of the federal government, Natural Resources Canada has a mandate to promote the sustainable development and responsible use of Canada's mineral, energy and forestry resources, and to develop an understanding of Canada's landmass. The server includes general information about the department, services to the general public, and links to other departmental servers such as the Geodetic Survey of Canada, Pacific Forestry Centre, and the Canada Centre for Mapping, and links to departmental libraries and gopher servers.

The Environmental Research Institute of Michigan is pleased to announce the ERIM WWW home page. Although still under construction, our WWW site now provides information about ERIM and it's projects, and it has links to areas of related interest. ERIM is a private, nonprofit, high technology organization that performs research and development and related services for its sponsors, with expertise in remote sensing, sensor design and development, image and signal processing, and technology transfer.

This What's New Page was originally created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

The NCSA What's New Page is officially in the public domain. This means that you are free to do anything you wish with this listing. However, this does not imply anything about the documents which are referenced via this page or any other pages found on this server.

Copyright © 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation.