What's New: June, 1994

June 30, 1994

The NCSA Software Development Group would like to remind the Web community that we are currently planning, together with the Open Software Foundation Research Institute, the National Science Foundation, and the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), the Second International WWW Conference '94: Mosaic and the Web, for October 17-19, 1994 in Chicago. We would also like to announce the conference call for papers, panels, and presentations.

The On-line Books Page at CMU SCS continues to grow. The index now lists over 300 books from various repositories; you can browse or search it by author or by title. A new books page is now available, so you can see what's been added recently. Write to spok@cs.cmu.edu to suggest more additions.

The National Weather Service has been running a Web server to provide weather information in support of the World Cup Soccer championship.

The Gemini 8m Telescopes Project is pleased to announce the availability of their WWW server. The Gemini Project is an international project to build two telescopes, one on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, the other on Cerro Pachon, Chile. The scientific goal of these telescopes is to produce near-diffraction- limited images at infrared wavelengths.

The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), a research and instructional laboratory within the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County is now on the Web. Current research topics at ITL include channel equalization, biomedical image processing, analysis of adaptive signal processing algorithms, and applications of artificial neural networks to communications, system identification and image processing.

Network Hardware Suppliers ListVendor listings is a listing of dealers in new and used telecommunications and computer hardware which have been favorably reported on the net, mostly with respect to getting hardware and drivers for systems running BSDI's Unix OS.

The Plasma and Accelerator Physics Group at the University of Colorado is pleased to announce the creation of a new WWW server. The Plasma and Accelerator Physics group has members from the Department of Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences and the Physics Department. Research is conducted in plasma and accelerator physics especially as analyzed by techniques of nonlinear dynamics.

The Centre for Landscape Research (CLR) announces that general access is now available to their WWW Server. The CLR is the research arm of the Programme in Landscape Architecture at the University of Toronto. It provides a collaborative environment for the exploration of ideas related to the design, planning, and policies of the environment. Its primary focus has been on the utilization of electronic media to foster more informed decision-making. The CLR-WWW provides information about CLR Software for interactive & integrating CAD, GIS, Remote Sensing, Multimedia and Virtual Worlds, Teaching, Publications, Collaborative Projects, and more. This site also serves as a major connection & resource for Landscape Architecture related electronic resources.

Kaleidospace announces the existence of its WWW site for promotion, distribution and placement of independent artists, musicians, performers, CD-ROM authors, writers, animators and filmmakers. Artists provide samples of their work which Kaleidospace integrates into a multimedia document available over the Internet. Artists pay flat rentals to showcase their work; Internet users may order from the artists online, as well as by phone, fax, email and snail mail. Kaleidospace also provides placement for artists wishing to showcase their work to agents, directors, gallery owners, publishers, record labels and other industry professionals. Kaleidospace also offers a gopher site at Gopher.kspace.com which can also be accessed via ftp at ftp.kspace.com. Contact Jeannie Novak & Pete Markiewicz for more information (editors@kspace.com).

The University of Art and Design Helsinki hurries to announce its node on the Web to give you information on ISEA'94, The 5th International Symposium on Electronic Art, and The International Conference on Colour Education.

The Undergraduate Projects Laboratory of the UW Computer Sciences Department has recently developed a home page, highlighting the projects and people of the UPL. The UPL is one of the only laboratories of its kind, allowing undergraduates from multiple disciplines to have access to Unix workstations for personal independent programming projects and computer research.

The new art association "Mehrwert e.V." is on-line. Its staff has established an electronic museum, REIFF II, which will be open for all INTERNET users. The Museum was developed in cooperation with the Department of History of Art, the Center of Computing and the Department of Computer Science (chair I) at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany.

Webster's Weekly -- the first weekly features magazine on the Web -- announces that it is currently publishing its first volume of issues. The magazine features columns on: music and movies; politics and psychology; mad rantings and dangerous toys. The magazine also offers photographs, poems, cartoons, and a response column.
In the latest issue, the editors announce their logo contest. Webster's Weekly promotes a variety of authors and opinions with the goal of supporting both entertaining and thoughtful expression on the Web. Check out a new issue every Wednesday.

The Psychology Department at the University of Rochester announces its new experimental Web server. Among other things, you can access information about undergraduate and graduate studies, course schedules and descriptions, and online information about faculty.

The Quest Center at Cold Spring Harbor Labs announces the release of wusage 3.2. The latest update of Tom Boutell's server statistics program allows you to insert html documents of your choice into the output, adds support for VMS systems, the Plexus server and various other configurations, improves CERN server support, and corrects many small problems with 3.1.

The Jayhawk series by Mary K. Kuhner is a novel length serial set in a fantasy cyberpunk world. Originally posted to the net from 1991 to 1992, it is now available in HTML format.

The Bradley University Amateur Radio Club now has a WWW site. This page, while still under construction, offers information about the club, Amateur Radio in general and has many searchable links for locating hams.

The first WWW server of the Students' Association at the Physics Dept. of the Cagliari University (Sardinia, Italy) is up and running. The service will provide a wide range of information related to the students' life and troubles in Cagliari, as well as a fast access to the network services which will be available. The present version of the WWW is in Italian, but the English version will be ready pretty soon. Please contact scisec@astrca.ca.astro.it for more information.

The Department of Computer Science at Monash University, in Melbourne, Australia, now has a WWW server providing access to information including:

Finally, here it is: the definitive pub review for Dublin's city center. Each entry comes with a short review, the address and a personal rating.

You may search CICA and SIMTEL archives by file descriptions at the University of Ljubljana, Civil Engineering Dept.

There is now a rec.humor page containing a collection of humor posted on the USENET newsgroup rec.humor; including Canonical Lists, various one-liners, and the ever-popular Canonical List of OJ Simpson Jokes. The page is maintained by Derek Cashman (cashman@cs.odu.edu) at Old Dominion University.

The paintings in Ancestry: Religion, Death and Culture document the native culture of Central Appalachia. The work portrays a sense of place and character, as well as spiritual conviction, all reinforced by a repetition of visual imagery. Originally shown as a Univ. of California, San Diego MFA Project, Appalachian artist Belinda Di Leo explores the interrelation ships between religion and the inevitability of death.

Phillips Laboratory announces its WWW server. Phillips Laboratory is the USAF's focal point for all space and missile related research and technology.

June 29, 1994

Now available at NCSA and Mosaic mirror sites is the new SoftQuad HoTMetaL, the WYSIWYG editor for Web HTML files. Two versions are available via anonymous FTP from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu in /Mosaic/contrib/SoftQuad/hotmetal: An MS-Windows version as well as an update to the Sparc Sun Motif version with support for special characters and more support for "legacy" HTML documents.

Due to the overwhelming demand for information about the SGML Tag Wizard version 1.1, an HTML editor for Word 6.0, the documentation about this product has been put on the Web. The computing services department at the University of Geneva are gratefully acknowledged for making this possible.

The server of the legal Internet project at the University of Saarbruecken is now offering a collection of pages on Roman Law . As of this day, the text of D. 1.1.1 , the corresponding parts of the glossa Accursii and some biographical notes are available.

Internet Presence & Publishing is now officially online. As a value-added network provider, IP2 provides ISDN connectivity to the Hampton Roads area in southeastern Virginia (USA) and global electronic publishing services.

The Cognitive Science Program at Indiana University is pleased to announce the availability of its brand new WWW server, IU Cog Sci. The WWW server provides information about the CogSci research and academic program at Indiana University.

Monta Vista High School, located in Cupertino, California, is pleased to announce the opening of their World Wide Web server. MVHS has been involved in using and finding new ways in which the Internet can be applied towards K-12 education since 1992. This new server, mostly student-produced, is part of its ongoing involvement in integrating the Internet in a high school setting. It contains general information on the school, as well as their involvement in Internet, and some of the projects that they have been involved in, as well as several links to educational online resources. Future plans involve the student newspaper and other school publications online.

The McDonnell Douglas Human Modeling System (MDHMS) is a 3-D interactive modeling system providing the capability to analyze human body fit and function within a geometric structure. MDHMS was developed at McDonnell Douglas Aerospace-West in Long Beach, California through the Human Factors Technology department. MDHMS is currently hosted on Silicon Graphics workstations with a port to Hewlett Packard in progress. MDHMS has the capability to import CAD data via IGES or STL (Stereo Lithographic) formats. A ninety day evaluation copy of MDHMS is available upon request.

The protein H-Bond analysis software, HBPLUS, now has a WWW page.

GarouMUSH, the MUSH based on the White Wolf game "Werewolf - the Apocalypse" is now on the WWW. The home page contains links to online notes for W:tA, online books, and players' home pages.

The Foundation for Enterprise Development enters the internet realm with the most comprehensive resource on equity compensation, employee involvement and other leading business strategies. Information includes descriptions of equity compensation methods, the latest research and statistics, international developments in employee ownership and case studies of successful employee owned firms such as Polaroid and Avis.

Frederik Ramm is pleased to announce the launching of the RailServer, a mail server which contains all German railway stations and timetables as well as about 4,000 other European cities and their rail connections to Germany. Upon completion of a WWW form, the server will answer queries by e-mail. The system also contains information about German Rail fares and price reductions.

The MKB Music Studio proudly announces it's home page. Perhaps the first independent studio to go up in WWW-space, it includes lots of info and pictures relating to this indy studio, located in San Diego, CA USA. As recordings are released, they will be made available through this venue. Also, check out an attempt to organize all the music sites out there. Links to tons of other music info and lists of music lists; more every day!

Square Dancing, the American folk dance, is still poorly represented on the information highway. The IAGSDC, an umbrella organization of over 40 Modern Western Square Dance clubs in the United States and Canada, now has a Web site that provides information about its member clubs and their programs and about the annual IAGSDC Square Dance Conventions which attract well over a thousand dancers each year. It also points to other square dance resources available on the Internet.

Library Information Technologies at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) announces its Project Aurora WorldWideWeb server and Hypermedia Campus-Wide Information System to the public. The interface employs a balanced and functional use of graphics, including inline button bars to provide full navigation functions and an interactive campus map, with a visual campus tour project in progress. Aurora addresses the informational needs of prospective students, as well as the research and learning activities of the current students and faculty, as part of CWRU's Electronic Learning Environment Project.

NYSERNet's Breast Cancer Information Clearinghouse (BCIC) is an Internet accessible resource for breast cancer patients and their families. Information is obtained through partnership agreements with many organizations which provide information and services relating to breast cancer to the public. Current partners represent government health agencies, hospitals, libraries, hospice and non-profit agencies. The BCIC is accessible via gopher from NYSERNet's main menu at nysernet.org, or through WWW at http://nysernet.org/.

The Marist College Academic Web, located at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York and administered by Marist's Academic Computing Department, is a forum for the presentation of the work and research of Marist students and faculty. Its academic orientation encourages experimentation, particularly in the use of multimedia technologies. Community, sharing and a multi- disciplinary approach to learning is emphasized.

Announcing the availability of a molecular modeling oriented information resource at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) WWW server. Novel information and services provided via this resource include:

The Romanian Home Page is the first Romanian Web site linked to the European Home Page. The Page conatains a sensitive map with links to ftp sites in Timisoara and gopher sites in Bucharest. A Romanian-language version of this document is also available.

For the past year or so, it has been possible to send FAXes free of charge via the Internet, thanks to an "Experiment in Remote Printing." Only certain countries and localities are accessible at the moment, but more are coming online continuously. Have a look at a recently developed WWW front-end to the project at Balliol College, University of Oxford.

The University of North Carolina Press joins the UNC Office for Information Technology's SunSITE Project in publishing the Internet Poetry Archive. The Archive will make available over the Internet selected poems from a number of contemporary poets in several languages. For each poet you will find: the texts of the poems, a picture of the poet, the voice of the poet reading the poems, a select, but fairly complete, bibliography, and a brief biographical note. The initial unit, under construction, features Seamus Heaney and the Nobel Prize winner in poetry, Czeslaw Milosz.

UCOM California, the U.S. liaison office of the Semiconductor Users` Committee, Japan (UCOM), is proud to announce its new home page. UCOM, established, by the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), promotes the import of semiconductors while contributing to the development and maintenance of free international trade. The UCOM home page includes information about UCOM California`s purpose, activities, and services provided to US semiconductor chip manufacturers. The home page is available courtesy of the Stanford University US-Japan Technology Management Center.

The Athens High Performance Computing Laboratory is pleased to announce its new WWW server. AHPCL is in Athens Greece; it is a not-for-profit organization formed by the University of Athens, the National Technical University of Athens, and the Computer Technology Institute of the University of Patras, doing research and development in High Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN). The Laboratory is the proud owner of a Parsytec GCel 3/512 massively parallel, 512-node computer, and the new WWW server focuses mainly on issues involving this machine and work done on it. Among the main points of interest on the server are on-line versions of the man pages for PARIX, the parallel machine's operating environment.

An archive service has been established at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory. This includes WWW Virtual Library entries on formal methods, logic programming and safety-critical systems together with more general information on Oxford. (jpb)

Are you a Runner? Are you interested in races, marathons, training tips, running magazines, running clubs, and information about all aspects of running. The Running Page is your source of information about running on the Web.

The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) has expanded the capabilities of its Abstract Service available via WWW. Over 160,000 Astronomy and Astrophysics abstracts provided by NASA/STI can now also be searched by object name. The SIMBAD object database is used to find references for the requested object. They also provide the capability to find aliases for a given object name through the SIMBAD database. More information about this service is available in the Abstract Service Help Pages.

Thrills, chills, and spills -- you chose! Announcing a most excellent, intriguing new game in which you start up where someone else left off and create your own new paths and events for others to build off of. There's no end to the Addventure travels. (Warning: may consume large portions of your life.) So play Addventure for

  1. A good time
  2. A waste of time
  3. A lack of time

The Houston Independent School District and Rice University have collaborated in the development of Armadillo's World Wide Web Server, which presents resources and instructional material to support an interdisciplinary course of study with a Texas theme (along with other resources pertinant to the K-12 educational community). One section of Armadillo's WWW Server will be devoted to the new HISD/Rice K-8 School, another collaboration between Rice and HISD. Check out Armadillo's K-12 WWW Resources, also.

June 27, 1994

The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies holds computerised material in the Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive (ASEDA) and has published it on the Internet via the Coombsweb Social Sciences WWW Server at the Australian National University, Canberra.

The University of Michigan College of Engineering is proud to announce the availability of the Computer Aided Engineering Network's WWW server. It contains a considerable amount of online documentation as well as such network services as the face/finger gateway.

Deus Ex Machina is a comprehensive index to most of the known Internet and Web sites with information on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

The Ocean Engineering Program at Texas A & M University now has its own Home Page. Included are program and class descriptions, contact numbers, and a page of Hot Links. The Hot Links page is divided into two categories: Work... and Play.

For lovers of plastic arts a page on stone sculpture from Zimbabwe has been placed on the Web. See these pages on Shona Sculpture! There also is a list of exhibitions on the subject. These pages are regularly expanded as new information becomes available.

The Information Technology Service of the University of Durham (UK) now has a World-Wide Web server. Although this server is run by the IT Service, it is intended to offer a starting point for anyone wishing to learn more about the University. In particular, the server provides access to information provided by other departments in the University. More information will be added to the server as it becomes available.

Internal Auditing World Wide Web ( IAWWW ) is now available. This capability is intended for all personnel interested in the Internal Auditing Function and/or Profession. The vision is that this capability will increase the competency and enhance the Internal Audit Profession and Function.

Maxwell Laboratories and Caltrans announce the availibility of real-time traffic information for San Diego, California, USA freeways via the World Wide Web. Current freeway speeds and flow rates, along with daily construction closures and updated freeway incident reports are available in both graphical and text formats. The information is normally updated about once a minute.

Various organizational units of the USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) are developing WWW home pages and/or WAIS indexes which are tied to a SCS Home Page. Multiple servers and indexes are available but not yet fully developed.

The Planet Earth Home Page has been greatly expanded. In addition, a variety of graphical maps are available with multitudes of information.

Mother Jones Magazine has published its July/August issue, featuring stories on Bob Dole and the Republican politics of destruction, how Wall Street takes from the poor and gives to the rich, and a package of several pieces on the global decline of fisheries, including an investigation of Don Tyson. Plus Donna Shalala, fighting polygamy, and other shorter bits, a reader debate over communitarianism, a stuffy letter from the NRC, and, of course, PAULA POUNDSTONE!

(EVIL!) Mud, the world's oldest TeenyMUD, has lurched up onto the Web. Come on, check it out, and have a horrid time!

APOLLO ADVERTISING is a free advertisement directory holding a wide range of short adverts. These adverts may stand alone or have links to pages at other sites. There is promotional material dispersed across the Internet. It is our intention to act as a source of reference to assist people with finding services and articles for sale.

The Institute for Health Informatics at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, is pleased to announce their WWW server, containing information on several projects relating to information technology in health care. See especially their information on the PHSS project - a summary of the health careers of the entire population of Wales, to be made available to all health care practitioners in the Principality.

A new WWW server is up and running at The University of Manchester School of Biological Sciences giving information on graduate training and research interests. Also available is BRASS - a Bioinformatics Resource for Algorithms, Software and Services, which was designed as a gateway to different types of bioinformatics tools and databases available on the Internet.

Jason Patterson (patters@dirac.scri.fsu.edu) proudly presents: The Completely Unofficial Nine Inch Nails Home Page, complete with lyrics, discography, pics, audio, tour info, reviews, and more.

Retired UIUC ACM Chair, Mike Duff, presents the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (and other role-playing games) WWW resource page.

John "FuzzFace" McMahon is pleased to announce the grand opening of his Web server on SpiderWeb.Yoyodyne.Com. On the server you will find a Library of Tarot Card Images, pages on the game Magic: The Gathering (including a complete list of the new Legends expansion set) and a few other pleasant diversions.

cookware is pleased to anounce the Home Page Authoring Service. Let them work with you to take your text, audio and visual information and place it on-line for world-wide access through the WWW and Mosaic.

The University of South Carolina Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is on the Web. This server contains information about the department, its students, faculty, staff, programs and research laboratories. This should be particularly interesting to engineers in the southeast who wish to pursue research in high-voltage, pulsed power, laser systems, object-oriented programming systems, AI, high-performance computer architecture or mobile robotics. The department teaches many of its programs via APOGEE, which is a teleconferencing system accessible through NTU at remote sites across the country.

A new page devoted to the Crisis in Rwanda is now open. Please submit material, especially non-copyrighted images, chronologies, and opinions, for inclusion.

Money Available for Documentary Photographers: The Mother Jones Photography Fund is awarding four grants of $7,000 each to international documentary photographers. Only projects addressing social and political issues will be considered. You can get further information and applications through the Web.

The Graduate School and University Center of The City University of New York announces its Web servers and Home Page. The Graduate School's servers feature information about The School, local information services, as well as a growing amount of information about network resources and New York City miscellany.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense is hosting a new Web site for the internet community. It's primary purpose is to provide a jumpoff point for those users of the OSD network, and a variety of information sources are available there. It is in it's infancy, so it grows and changes continuously. One of the proposed hilights is the "Defence Performance Review", the DOD equivalent of the National Performance Review. Currently the DPR is hosted through a gopher link, but a transition to WWW is forthcoming.

The New Media Division of the The News and Observer Publishing Co. is proud to announce its World Wide Web server, NandO.Net, including: Samplers of The News & Observer, the daily newspaper for Raleigh, NC, and the Research Triangle; Samplers of our sister publications: The Philantrophy Journal, North Carolina Business, the insider (daily NC legislative updates); A sampler of cartoons by Duane Powell; The North Carolina Discoveries series, a multimedia joint effort by The News & Observer, WTVD (Durham, NC) and WUNC-FM (Chapel Hill, NC); The American Dance Festival (Durham, NC) schedule and background; Unisphere, a resource for international business ventures; NandoX, our experiments in new ways to deliver news and information. NandoX includes our first experiment, The Baseball Server, which delivers statistics and game stories updated several times daily.

Ege University Computer Center is pleased to announce its All About Turkey and Turkey In Pictures pages. Both pages are under construction and will be good guides for those looking for information about Turkey.

Verbiage Magazine proudly announces the arrival of its second issue, featuring great fiction by Roman Olynyk, John Harrington and more. Verbiage is the only paying fiction magazine on the World Wide Web, and was the first magazine to let readers comment directly on each story using a form-based page.

IDEAL Scanners and Systems, the market leader in large and small engineering document scanners and scanner related software, announces its new World Wide Web server, including a working demonstration version of its revolutionary I/Vector raster to vector conversion program.

Look what's new on the MIT SIPB WWW Server! Matthew and Jake proudly announce the Matthew and Jake's Adventures page, an exemplary demonstration of integrated hypermedia narrative. Really. Look for new adventures every week. Current adventures include:

The Pendulum Group, Inc., a Denver based software development company, has made a demo of its classic Auto-Might Professional available to the Internet community. Auto-Might Professional is an event processor and macro builder for DOS computers.

The Quality In Sound Consortium is pleased to officially announce a comprehensive site for the British pop group The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy, the Czechoslovakian experimental techno group The Black Eg, and the American group Vergiftung. Included are photography, discographies, discussion, and audio.

On June 16, RACE (Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering), the University of Tokyo, opened the Artist in Residence No.1: Ideal Copy coordinated by A.T.E. Project. This is synchronous with the Opening Exhibition "NOR HERE NETHER THERE" of LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions).

If you like ragtime music, then you don't want to miss out on the Third Annual Rocky Mountain Ragtime Festival to be held in Boulder, Colorado, July 21-24, 1994. There will several concerts, dancing and dance instruction, lots of performers, and, of course, some hot piano-playing at the famous "Ragtime Afterburner"!

Utah Wired informs you about the various activities happening in Utah! From the Arts Festival to information about the various sights to see in Utah to some of the businesses in Utah, it has what you want to know! Soon Utah Wired will feature CONNECTions, an online version of the newspaper in Utah that brings you up to date on the computer and information industry in Utah!

Announcing mapedit 1.0, a WYSIWYG editor for clickable image maps! Use mapedit to quickly create clickable maps for use with the imagemap program provided with NCSA's Web server.

If textiles have you in stitches, take a look at the Textiles Server, run by Diana B. Lane. It's still under construction but so far includes knitting, cross stitch, and links to some FAQ's.

A new anti-Clipper t-shirt is available.

A home page devoted to the 1995 Gravitational Lensing Conference is now available at the WWW server of the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The conference will discuss important recent advances in the astrophysics of gravitational lenses, including, but not limited to, microlensing, quasar/galaxy associations, gamma-ray bursts, MACHOs, Hubble observations and large-scale structure in the Universe.

Knot at the Cable ties together non-governmental organizations, public libraries and the Internet. Located in a public library (branch of Helsinki City Library) at the Cable Factory cultural centre in Helsinki, it offers access to WorldWideWeb and telnet access for library visitors and acts as a WWW publishing outlet - hosting various publications such as the monthly Electric Verse, the weekly NetComics, a mirror of Canada's Open Government Pilot project and much more by the member societies of the coop. society Katto-Meny.

A synopsis of First Things First is the latest addition to Tim Chambers' personal Web.

June 23, 1994

The Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory announces its WWW server. Technical reports and source code are available, as well as an order form for journal reprints and a set of links to other sources of Genetic Algorithms information.

The Official World Cup USA '94 WorldWideWeb Information Server is now Online (actually, it has been for a while). The primary machine www.worldcup.com is in the US, however, this service is also mirrored in the UK, Norway, Japan, and Germany (the URL will be provided when the server is brought online.) for easier, quicker, and less costly access. All servers will be updated simultaneously.

Stevens Institute of Technology announces its updated World Wide Web server. It now includes comprehensive course guides for both the Undergraduate and Graduate schools. It is also the home of the New Jersey WWW map page. Stop by and find out more about Stevens and the lovely city of Hoboken.

RTZ Software is providing information and demonstration versions of The Virtual Meeting, it's low bandwidth media rich conferencing software for Macintosh and Windows computers. The system is designed to be used concurrently with an audio conference call and adds the ability to control and synchronize applications and the presentation of text, graphics, live sketches, images, sound and QuickTime video on each participants computer from one location. Applications Include tele-presentations, meetings, lectures and distance learning.

Sun Microsystem's Sunergy program offers satellite television broadcasts, newsletters and whitepapers. Sunergy presents the great minds of the computer industry to a worldwide audience through various electronically based media.

The Defense Information Systems Agency's Center For Engineering now has a Web server on DoD Technology Insertion. A part of the Joint Interoperability and Engineering Organization, the Center For Engineering in Reston, VA, is the site for development, evaluation, and applications engineering of all technologies and products used within the Defense Information System. The objective of CFE's Web server is to tie together areas of research on subjects such as ATM and Wireless. It also links the user to other WWW sites involved in similar efforts.

The Department of Space Physics and Astronomy at Rice University announces its WWW server (its been up and running for quite awhile, but they've been too lazy to tell anyone about it). It contains department information on their graduate program, graduate students, and descriptions of current research topics. The server is run by several industrious grads who also maintain the unofficial KTRU Rice student radio station page, and the Ceremony web pages for New Order and Joy Division info, discographies, lyrics and images.

The Mississippi School for Math and Science now has a WWW server. Be sure to check out Bungee Bob's Bar & Grill, as well.

The Williams College Astronomy Department now has a World Wide Web homepage. The homepage features information on the Department's observatory facilities, links to faculty and staff homepages (with information on faculty and staff background and research interests), links to color CCD images taken at Williams College, current Astronomy Dept. course listings, and information on recent student projects at the observatory.

The Information Center for the Environment (ICE), at the University of California, Davis, is pleased to announce WWW, gopher,and anonymous ftp service at ice.ucdavis.edu. The ICE House information service supports a cooperative effort of a team of environmental scientists at UC Davis and collaborators at over thirty private, state, federal, and international environmental organizations. Programs currently supported include:

You will also find the usual amount of fun and frivolity. WAY COOL!For further information, contact us at info@ice.ucdavis.edu

The Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy is pleased to announce the availability of general information on the nation's fusion energy research program. Hypertext links are also provided to many of the research laboratories engaged in research on providing an alternative power source for the future.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica is now available as a subscription service to anyone on the Internet. It is currently $20 a month with a $5 discount for providing some marketing information. Access to Britannica's home page and the beta subscription form is available through Britannica Online.

The University of Kentucky's College of Pharmacy is now on-line with an Applied Spectroscopy Research section in addition to a section on home-testing kits. This new server is designed to include current articles published by the members of this group on the topic of applied spectroscopy as well as general interest information on pregnancy testing, colorectal cancer screening, etc. One recent article is "Determination of Cholesterol Using a Novel Magnetohydrodynamic Acoustic-Resonance Near-IR (MARNIR) Spectrometer".

The June 13th issue of InfoWorld Magazine is now available at the Internet Shopping Network.

The Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris has recently installed a WWW server. It provides detailed informations about the school, and in particular about its department of Mathematics and Computer Science. It also points to the school students WWW server.

The Carleton Student Engineering Society at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada is putting up it's WWW server. These are student run pages, and include a selection of past years' exams. There will be resumes of potential graduates as well.

A list of World Cup `94 fixtures that are being transmitted on UK TV and Radio is now available from the University of Nottingham Department of Computer Science's WWW.

The 1995 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '95, will be placing all of its pre-conference publications on the Web. So far, the CHI '95 Web includes the Call for Participation, Committee Roster and information on past CHI conferences. Eventually, the Advance Program, registration materials and a tourist guide to Denver will be added. CHI '95 is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) and will be held May 7-11, 1995, in Denver, Colorado, USA. Quite by coincidence, the conference theme is "Mosaic of Creativity".

The first WWW server in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology is now online. It will be undergo continuous revision with the addition of new links, case studies with accompanying (digitized) radiographs, and more.

Cool Winery T-Shirts! Appellation Spring is the exclusive Internet source for rare T-shirts from some of California's top wineries. The same award-winning graphics which grace their labels are now available on 100% cotton T's and viewable in living color via the Web. There's also a free T-shirt offer!

The Victoria Free-Net Association's Web server is open to all Internet users. Featured pages of the Victoria Free-Net Web server include:

If you would like to visit the Victoria Free-Net, please telnet here.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has developed an extensive set of test programs to determine whether implementations of the Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) conform to the specifications of ANSI/ISO standard 9592.1-1989. PHIGS is an application programmer interface for 3D graphics. NIST is making the documentation and code for the PHIGS Validation Tests available on the World-Wide Web (WWW) and via anonymous ftp. NIST hopes to encourage more testing of PHIGS implementations and the use of hypertext as a valuable medium for navigating around the software and documentation. For instance, users can jump directly between a given part of the standard and the part of the PVT that tests it. Only the Fortran code is accessible in hypertext format. The entire PVT system (Fortran and C) may be obtained via anonymous FTP from site speckle.ncsl.nist.gov under sub-directory pvt. These tests are freely available to the public and are not subject to copyright. No warranty is expressed or implied as to their correctness.

Mount Bonnell Inc. of Austin, Texas announces BlueLine, a public access WWW site providing:

Cruise the net with BlueLine.

PRESS RELEASE (June 13, 1994) -- RSA Data Security Inc. (RSA) and Enterprise Integration Technologies Corp. (EIT) today announced the formation of Terisa Systems, a joint venture that will market, license and support technologies that make secure Internet transactions possible. The new company will provide toolkits and support to developers of Internet applications for the World Wide Web (WWW) and NCSA Mosaic.

The Australian Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) is pleased to announce availability of:

The Ministry of Education (Singapore) World Wide Web server provides information on the education system in Singapore, and promotes learning through the Internet by collating relevant educational resources and grouping them by subject domains.

The Bioinformatics group at the Jackson Laboratory is pleased to announce the first release of the Mouse Genome Database (MGD) on WWW. MGD is a comprehensive database of information on the experimental genetics of the laboratory mouse. The types of information found here include genes, descriptions of mutations, reagents, homologies, and gene mapping data.

Announcing a new online Hyperbook: Travelling With Light by Tom Berryhill is a collection of the artist's poetry and pictures connected through hypertext links on the Word Wide Web. Features include options to browse just the pictures, just the poetry, or follow the interrelationships. Also featured are click-able pictures which are downloaded into a jpeg viewer for modification by the reader. Tom Berryhill can be reached at berryhil@cisr.bc.ca

Information on Free Flavours of BSD is available from this WWW server in Canberra, Australia.

Santa Cruz Alternative Music is dedicated to delivering a complete view into the alternative music scene in Santa Cruz. From info on local bands to full coverage of the clubs and venues to concert dates and all things that should interest local musicians, purveyors and patrons.

The Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML) Forum has been set up to develop a specification for platform-independent definition of three-dimensional objects and spaces within the Web. Here is a statement of goals, and here, some projects underway or planned. The folks at WIRED have very graciously given up some of their bandwidth and diskspace to this effort.

The National Institute for Management Technology (NIMT) provides information about the NIMT, and will soon be expanded to include summary information on NIMT areas of interest, including Executive Support Systems, Groupware, Strategic/Management Use of IT, Multi Media, Trends.

The Language Bank of Swedish, a text archive at the Department of Swedish, Göteborg University comprises some 30 million running words of fiction, legal texts, official language and daily newspapers. The Web server holds information about the collection as well as a Telnet connection to the Language Bank on-line concordance system.

Announcing CYBERKIND, a new WorldWideWeb magazine of 'Net-related fiction, nonfiction, poetry and art. CYBERKIND features prose and art submitted by the Internet population. All genres and subjects are included, as long as there is some connection to the Internet, cyberspace, computers or the networked world in general. This first issue's features range from an article on writers and the Internet to a computer-related mystery to a hyperlinked poem. This first issue also features a variety of graphic art. Many thanks to SunSITE for providing the server space for this project. CYBERKIND is always looking for submissions of prose, poetry and art. Please send submissions or queries to shannon@sunsite.unc.edu.

The Institute for Simulation & Training at the University of Central Florida announces a WWW server for the Visual Systems Laboratory (VSL). The VSL does research in dynamic environments, virtual worlds, and visual databases. Projects include Dynamic Terrain (real-time changes to the terrain in simulators), the Virtual Environments Testbed (virtual environments for training purposes), Polyshop (a 3D intuitive, immersive CAD system), and the Visual Databases Testbed (studying the interoperability and correlation of terrain databases). Creative activities include the Toy Scouts (a volunteer undergraduate virtual reality research team), and Virtopia (an artistic series of emotion-based virtual worlds).

The Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University is now running a WEB server. Those interested in performance analysis and modeling of computer systems can find the Sigmetrics-95 call for papers. Information on the Ottawa Bicycle Club is also available.

The Informatics Department of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is pleased to announce its new WWW server. Informatics Department is part of a multi-disciplinary laboratory developing and applying the latest information technology. The server includes details of current research activities and publications.

The Experimental Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) World Wide Web Server is now online. This very experimental server is being developed by members of Government Telecommunications and Informatics Services (GTIS), a Special Operating Agency of PWGSC. They have developed some experimental test pages and are presently working on developing a full production Web Server. We hope to be able to provide the general public and other Government departments with up to date information on PWGSC services, programs, initiatives, press releases, documents, etc.

The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory anounces the release of a WWW Server which describes the Fusion Laboratories facilities and mission, including information about the recent tokamak experiments which resulted in the production of more than 9 million watts of thermonuclear energy.

Some Web poetry for you What's New readers:

Canadiana, the Canadian Resources Page (aussi disponsible en français) features references to Canadian news and information resources, including: a mirror site for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Radio News broadcasts, weather reports and maps, recent Canadian news items from the 'Net, pointers to governmental resources, and some local political and historical archives.

Mactivity'94: The Macintosh Connectivity Conference is online. Mactivity'94, which will be held July 19-21 in San Jose, California, is the only conference and exposition that brings you the latest advancements and solutions in Macintosh Connectivity. Mactivity will feature vendors, classes and events that cover such topics as Internet connectivity, new network management tools, Apple Open Collaboration Environment and enterprise networking. Through the Mactivity'94 WWW server, you can browse through the list of vendors who will be at Mactivity, find out about the special events and features of Mactivity and, best of all, easily register for a FREE pass to the conference.

The Beastie Boys Home Page, containing a complete discography, pictures, tour dates, newspaper and magazine articles, and more, is now online. For more information, please contact Ian Rogers (irogers@indana.edu).

The Citizen's Handbook of North Carolina's Environmental Information Sources, a guide to resources for a wide range of environmental issues affecting the state, has been put up on UNC's SunSITE. The Handbook is published by the Environmental Resource Program at UNC-Chapel Hill. Questions or comments: rdm@unc.edu.

The Applied Research Branch of the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center is pleased to announce a major expansion of our WWW site. This includes:

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech has brought it's WWW server on-line in the past week. Current information includes information on facutly, students, and research areas in the department. Future information will include research papers and much more.

June 15, 1994

The National Library of Medicine is pleased to announce the availability of its completely redesigned Web server, HyperDOC, which now includes electronic access to all of the library's on-line database services (some of which require registered accounts), an interactive multimedia course on the history and uses of the Internet, several new multimedia exhibits from the History of Medicine Division (HMD), and the Web's first large cataloged image collection, nearly 60,000 images from the HMD prints and photographs collection, known as On-Line Images from the History of Medicine (OLI/HMD). (Note: OLI/HMD requires NCSA Mosaic for X, version 2.4, or a functionally equivalent browser supporting HTML forms with hidden fields).

Doesn't it annoy you when you want to go to a movie, but you can't find a paper? Sure, you can call around to the theaters, but each call takes five to ten minutes while you wait through all the info you don't even care about. Well, Quadralay Corporation and the Austin Chronicle have a better solution. Every Thursday, Quadralay will post a list of the Austin Chronicle's movie theater showtimes for Austin, Texas.

Interested in Adventure Travel? Check out the Canadian Himalayan Expeditions Web Center. It lists adventure trips to Nepal, Africa, India, Pakistan, and South East Asia.

The Wateridge facility of Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) is pleased to announce the public availability of its Computer Security Web Site. Dedicated to the many facets of computer security, this site includes documents concerning current SAIC projects, security newsgroups from Usenet, security information from around the Web, and much more.

The Arkansas Basin River Forecast Center (ABRFC) at Tulsa, Oklahoma is pleased to announce the availability of their WWW server. The ABRFC is part of the National Weather Service. This server provides information on Precipitation events and Flood related issues in the Arkansas-Red basin.

Announcing Malt Liquor Mantras, poetry and woodcuts about or inspired by malt-liquor, by artist Charles Hancock.

A page devoted to Cryptography, PGP, and Your Privacy is being maintained by Fran Litterio. This page includes the PGP documentation (authored by Phil Zimmermann), links to the PGP-related FAQs and newsgroups, links to various archives where PGP can be obtained (for UNIX, PCs, and Macs), a quick reference sheet for PGP, links to other cryptography/PGP/privacy pages (including the Cypherpunks Home Page), and a sub-page devoted to information about the Clipper chip.

The Information Arcade, at the University of Iowa, is pleased to announce its new WWW server. Located in the Main Library, the Information Arcade is a state-of-the-art facility that provides UI students, faculty, and staff access to a wide range of electronic source materials and to information sources on the Internet. This WWW server provides information about the Information Arcade and its resources, and serves as a gateway to the Internet for patrons of the Arcade.

A brief report on 4Cyberconf and the Art in Virtual Environments Symposium is available in the Druid Science Reading Room on Generality. Also available are details on the Pixel Pushers Gallery of Digial Art. Pixel Pushers "opening night" is June 15, 1994 at 6:00 PM PDT. A preview of the artists works is availble.

Announcing an experimental Web server at the University of Technology, Sydney. Australia.

The "Computer Music Journal" Archive is provided for Computer Music Journal readers and the computer music community in general. It includes the tables of contents, abstracts, and editor's notes for the last several volumes of CMJ [including the recent bibliography, diskography, and taxonomy of the field, and the list of network resources for music], a number of useful related documents [such as the full MIDI and AIFF specifications], a lengthy reference list, and the full text of several recent articles, among other data. See a a general description or go to the CMJ Home Page at MIT or CMJ Home Page at Stanford.

Community ConneXion: The NEXUS-Berkeley has recently gone online. Community ConneXion is linked in with the worldwide NEXUS-Gaia project whose goals include taking a community-oriented view towards net access, and work to build community on the net.

The Italian WWW community has set up the first mailing list in the Italian language for World-Wide Web users and information providers, named WebIt.

The Statistics Department at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School announces the Web server, CompStat, with departmental information and Birding on the Web, a resource for birders. There is also a collection of publications and items of economic interest from The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

The Freenets Home Page is available for browsing. It contains links to all Free-Net gophers/telnet-logins, and WWW sites. Plus, there are links to relevant documents, conferences, electronic journals, and newsgroups.

The Electric Power Research Institute is now on the World Wide Web. The mission of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is to discover, develop, and deliver high value technological advances through networking and partnership with the electricity industry. EPRI conducts a far-reaching program of collaborative research and development on behalf of the nation's electric power industry. More than 700 utilities, representing approximately 70% of all electricity generated in the United States, are currently members of the Institute.

Duke Univeristy Medical Center has made public its official WWW server, serving as a home page for all Medical Center WWW users. Information is available on various standards, including the MSDS/HL7 standard, in which the Medical Center is an active participant.

A Ray-Tracing Home Page is now availble, containing links to all available resources on the Web (source code, sample images, scene files, documentation et al.). The Ray Tracing Bibliography has hence been moved to here.

Four organizations in the South Western Finland coastal city of Turku have recently opened their Web-based information servers: the the nation's second largest educational entity, the University of Turku; the local Internet providers, Turku Telephone Company and the Turku Institute of Technology; and Wallac, a producer of measurement devices and related applications.

The Hang Gliding Mosaic Picture Server is a new WWW server full of hang gliding and para gliding related material, including: a large collection of hang gliding photos, hang gliding movies, the hang gliding FAQ, archived issues of the hang gliding mailing list digest, programs related to hang gliding, links to other aviation servers and more.

June 11, 1994

The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign is home of one of the most active student Engineering Councils in the country. Every year they sponsor many student-run events for student engineering societies, the College of Engineering and community. Two of the largest events are the Engineering Employment EXPO and the UIUC Engineering Open House. This year they will also host the 1994 National Association of Engineering Student Councils Conference.

The University of Aizu is on-line. Established in 1993, they are dedicated to research and education in computer science. For an introduction to the university and its international faculty, see their hypermedia research profiles brochure, People Advancing Knowledge for Humanity. Direct research links include on-line University of Aizu Technical Reports.

The Victoria Free-Net Association's Web server is open to all Internet users. Featured pages of the Victoria Free-Net Web server include:

If you would like to visit the Victoria Free-Net, please telnet here.

The University of Kaiserslautern has recently established a campus WWW server, providing information about the university, its departments and its research groups.

The UCI Bookstore and Moon Publications are proud to present an experimental hypertext travel guide, J.D. Bisignani's Big Island of Hawaii, which allows the reader to explore Hawaii through text, images and audio. Updated and greatly improved: the Bookstore's WAIS search of its 80,000 books and CDs.

King's College London is proud to announce the NEuroNet WWW server. NEuroNet is the European `Network of Excellence' for Neural Networks which currently consists of over 30 academic and 7 industrial nodes. NEuroNet at KCL is the coordinator of this project and will provide direct access to Neural Network resources throughout Europe and beyond.

ECSEL (Engineering Coalition of Schools for excellence in Education and Leadership) is an NSF-funded coalition of engineering schools engaged in a five-year effort to renew undergraduate engineering education and its infrastructure. ECSEL's membership includes Howard U., City College of New York, MIT, Morgan State U., Pennsylvania State U., U. Maryland, and U. Washington. This WWW server provides general information, dissemination, and links to ECSEL research projects and other Eng. Education Coalitions.

The Network Systems Laboratory invites you to try an implementation of John Conway's Game of Life.

James's Liberty Web contains a list of links to many different file collections and web spaces maintained by many different people.

Forget the cost of flying to the Big Apple, renting a limousine, donning a tuxedo, and fighting traffic to visit an exclusive art gallery. Now you can skip the trip, uncork the wine, invite some friends home to view an exhibition, and appreciate quality art electronically over the Internet. The Electric Gallery contains an exclusive collection of original native Haitian paintings for view and sale with prices ranging from $100 to $2300.

The Anecdote is a club located in downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan. The relaxed and intimate atmosphere serves as an open forum for artists of all types. Now the world can see the art hanging on the walls of the gallery, hear the music being played on the stage, and experience a very unique scene.

You are invited to learn the ancient art of beekeeping from the Beekeeper's Home Page. Files, photos and advice are available.

For Northern California users, a San Francisco Bay Area Transit Information page is now online. Currently in development by two students at the University of California, Berkeley, the system hopes to provide a wealth of transit information including maps, schedules, and fare information.

Two new databases have been made available at the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS): StarWorlds, a database of astronomy, space sciences and related organizations of the world, and StarBits, a database of abbreviations, acronyms, contractions and symbols in the same fields. These databases are new members of the Star*s Family line of products.

An electronic version of the magazine, Your MoM is now online!

BAMM (Bay Area Model Mugging) now has an information page on the WWW. BAMM is a member of IMPACT International Inc., a worldwide self-defense organization for women.

The Doomsday Brunette is the first web browsable, downloadable, interactive, science fiction, humorous, satirical, mystery electronic book. The author is John M. Zakour.

The Department of Biophysics, Boston University School of Medicine is now running a WEB server.

The W.M. Keck Center for Computational Biology would like to announce the initialization of its server to the WWW. This server is run by the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Rice University. The W.M. Keck Center offers studies in Computational Biology through three partner institutions: Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine, and the University of Houston. The program emphasizes algorithm development, computation, and visualization in biology, biochemistry and biophysics. The Program draws on the intellectual and technologic resources of The Center for Research on Parallel Computation at Rice, the Human Genome Center at Baylor College of Medicine, and the Institute for Molecular Design at the University of Houston, among others.

The File Room is an illustrated archive of cases of cultural censorship which you can browse as well as add cases to. An artist's project initiated by Muntadas, The File Room is being produced by Randolph Street Gallery (a non-profit artist run center in Chicago), the School of Art and Design and the Electronic Visualization Laboratory of the University of Illinois/Chicago and the Chicago Dept. of Cultural Affairs."

Bubonicon 26, New Mexico's annual science fiction convention, is online. Features include pages on visiting authors as diverse as Nebula Grand Master Jack Williamson and best-selling author Stephen R. Donaldson.

The Atmospheric Science Group at the University of California, Davis is proud to announce that its WWW server is up and running. Information contained herein includes detailed descriptions of undergraduate and graduate study and research programs, class descriptions, faculty research areas, and links to local and global weather information.

The Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Wisconsin is pleased to announce their new WWW server, which provides computer-generated images and animations of viruses, topographical maps, digitized electron micrographs of viruses and tutorial information on selected topics in virology.

The Free Real Estate Listing Service at Westcoast Interchange is now called the World Real Estate Listing Service. Features include:

Coombs Computing Unit, Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University now runs a WWW automated subscription facility for its range of the electronic forums - the Coombslists

Ericsson is pleased to announce its WWW server. The server contains articles and technical information on various aspects of telecommunications, positions available, etc. and will expand in response to reader input. Ericsson is a major telecom supplier, and the world leader in mobile telecommunications infrastructure.

TELA laboratories, Italy, researches development of optical systems for artificial vision.

HYPERCOMP's popular Tour of the Load Sharing Facility has just acquired a new, hands-on dimension: browsers can now try out some actual commands on the server.

A Scientific and Engineering software Web page has been developed by ARSoftware, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Applied Research Corporation.

The American Psychological Society (APS) has an added new feature to its home page: You can now find a complete listing with abstracts of all of the poster sessions at the upcoming conference in Washington, D.C. from June 30 to July 4. You can either get a listing of all of the posters or do a keyword search for any word throughout the abstracts (this takes a bit of time but is worth it). One good way to do that search is to use the list of topic areas listed at the end of each abstract. The topics are listed as numbers but here is the list with the explanations for the numbers.

The Arkansas Basin River Forecast Center (ABRFC) at Tulsa, Oklahoma is pleased to announce the availability of their WWW server. The ABRFC is part of the National Weather Service. This server provides information on Precipitation events and Flood related issues in the Arkansas-Red basin.

Introducing a small archive of information about (and pointers to information about) Energy Efficient and Environmentally Responsible Housing in Canada. Issues include: New Home construction, R-2000 housing, Renovation, and related topics.

The Venom.St Web Server is a new node on the Harvey Mudd College web. Its goal is to provide a gateway to the plethora of World Wide Web services (Web servers, archie, etc.) on a single, concise page. The server also provides information on venom.st.hmc.edu, a personal SGI owned by a student here.

The folks at CNIDR, home of Global Schoolhouse Technology Demonstration Project and the cyberspace home of Janice, invite you to the public opening of some new resources!! Their K-12 Information Home Page is the entry point to The Global Schoolhouse web and gopher pages and to JANICE'S OUTPOST which is a cool collection of K-12 webs and gophers.

Universite LAVAL, Quebec, Canada, is pleased to announce its Web site, including information about undergraduate and graduate programs as well as research activities and community services. It also points to a number of other on-campus Web servers. Laval, with an enrollment of 35000 students, is the oldest French University in America, and has roots dating back to 1663.

An index to Cognitive and Psychological Sciences on the Internet is now available from the Stanford University Psychology Department. It lists academic programs... organizations & conferences... journals & magazines... Usenet newsgroups... email discussion lists... email announcement/distribution lists... publishers... and miscellany. Kindly email additions, corrections, and comments to sdm@psych.stanford.edu.

If you have ever heard these comments while driving your car: "I think there's a hole in your muffler", "Aren't the parts expensive?", "Isn't it due to break down?", "How do I get out of this thing?", "SLOW DOWN!!" then you probably drive an Alfa Romeo. Check out the WWW site.

New to CYBERSPACE: Cafe Mam Organically Grown Coffee, ALL MAKES Office Machines, and Preferred Golf Tours (of Southern California).

Virtual Media Technologies has a new set of pages where you can check what they're up to. Projects include Barnes & Noble Books, listings of Anime & Game Conventions, even a sneak peek at the secret Soviet Moon Program.

The Games Domain just got BIGGER! The games site now has over 100 games-related links including FAQs, Walkthroughs, Home Pages, 'Net games, company details, FTP sites, and more. The latest news on the site is held in the message link.

The new edition of the LI NewsWire 1.2 is hereby published for browsing on the Internet. Top stories this month include a report on database quality, a look at the Vatican's plans to launch a digital library, news from Verity, SilverPlatter, InfoPro, Dialog, the sale of Mead Data Central, among other stories and features. Gopher users can read this edition via info.learned.co.uk.

State University of New York at Stony Brook (USB) announces a WWW Server in the area of Research Informatics. The focus is on the central role that the University's research and scholarly effort play both in the Long Island region and in the broader research community. In addition to institutional data, links to research-related, international, and economic development opportunities are included.

June 10, 1994

The first public alpha release of NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh 2.0 is now available. (released Friday, June 10, 1994). NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh has undergone a major rewrite in order to bring improved functionality and greater ease of use to our product!

The Personal Finance Center is now available from the Global Network Navigator. The Personal Finance Center (PFC) provides links to the vast personal finance and investment resources of the Internet. The inaugural edition of the PFC also features an entertaining and informative interview with Christopher Lott, compiler of the misc.invest FAQ.

The Pittsburgh Relativity Group is pleased to announce its WWW server to the physics community and the world. Their home page provides a variety of information on numerical relativity and gravitational wave physics as well as links to related information like conferences, preprint servers, computational tools and other exciting material!

The Florida State University Computer Science Department is now on the Web. This server provides information on faculty, graduate students, course information, and the local ACM chapter, among other things. There are also links to the main FSU home page, and to the Supercomputer Computations Research Institute (SCRI).

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, UPenn Math , has a broad collection of electronic resources and links to assist those seeking information concerning Mathematics, There is also information on general tools, such as TeX, of wider interest.

SonicPro International Is proud to announce their new home page. SonicPro is Affordable High Tech Protection, offering Computer Burglar alarms to protect laptops, desktops, peripherals and other valuable equipment.

Carnation software has been providing Macintosh to host connectivity since 1989, specializing in connecting Macs to host computers that are running relational databases such as PICK, uniVerse, Unidata, Prime, Ultimate and McDonnell Douglas. MacToPic is a terminal emulation and data transfer program with emulations for DECVT101, Wyse 50, ADDS Viewpoint and Prism.

The Office of Academic Publications at the University of Chicago is pleased to announce the availability of a new WWW server. The server provides access to Announcements: Graduate Programs in the Divisions, 1993-94/1994-95, the University's official catalog of graduate programs. Included is information about faculty, programs of study and degree requirements, and courses.

The University of Florida College of Medicine announces the Medical Informatics Home Page, including a HTML-based Radiologic Anatomy program.

adfx(tm).Virtual Advertising is up and running! They provide an inexpensive way to make a company's presence known on the Web. Text documents are routinely placed for access within 12 hours of receipt.

Formatted and placed quickly for you. All clients of Virtual Advertising receive a monthly newsletter devoted to Electronic Media Marketing that includes the Internet as well as methods and stratagies. There is even a Marketing Hotlist under construction.

Advanced Microelectronics (A E) has recently installed a WEB server to provide a detailed profile of the resources and design services available at the division. The design center specializes in mixed-signal integrated circuit design using CMOS, BICMOS, and BIPOLAR process technologies. If you're interested in CAD tools, contact the division to learn more about their upcoming ASIC design kits and the development of Magic 6.5. These tools will be of particular interest to users of the MOSIS rapid prototyping service.

The University of South Carolina's College of Engineering announces the addition of Rob's Mac Page which has comprehensive info on the Macintosh as well as links to WWW sites at many different computer companies.

SASIAM, School for Advanced Studies in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, is pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server, Cremisi. This site offers

The School of Information Science at the University of Portsmouth in England, invites you to try their new WWW server.

Information on INDIA is now available on the web. Current information includes tourist guides, brief notes on history, hinduism, Indian cuisine and active organizations. Contributions to this page are welcome.

The Software Engineering Laboratory (SoftLab) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in Greece is pleased to announce the launch of its new World-Wide Web Server. The server offers many documents covering the areas of UNIX and X11, InterNet, WWW and other. Here are some interesting links to the server, which make use of cgi mechanism:

Information from the Governor's Office of the State of Michigan is now available in a WWW page and via gopher from gopher.migov.state.mi.us.

The Department of Physics at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, has a WWW server providing information on faculty, research within the department, and degree programs.

The Technology Opportunities Showcase - TOPS '93 was held at NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA) in October of 1993. The purpose of the showcase was to highlight Langley's technology programs and attract potential dual use partnerships. Over 180 exhibits are online with one page data sheets, links to photographs of the exhibit, forms-based request for more information links, and Points of Contact. Keyword searching is also available.

The University of Zuerich would like to announce its WWW server devoted to Biocomputing and Molecular Modeling.

(Art)^n Laboratory is pleased to announce the opening of their new WWW server. (Art)^n is the inventor of PHSColograms (Virtual Photography), a unique, full color, 3D display medium, which can be viewed without 3D glasses. You can find out about PHSColograms, the History of (Art)^n Laboratory, and how PHSColograms work. There is also a gallery of over 250 images, drawn from (Art)^n's collaborative works with artists, scientists, and mathematicians.

Schizophrenia Nervosa is the Web Site run by Will Pierce, offerring the following unrelated resources:

wusage 3.1 (a WWW server statistics program) is now available, featuring pie charts of access by domain! There are also bug fixes and compatibility fixes. wusage is a server usage statistics package requiring nothing more than a C compiler and a supported server to build, install and use. It generates transparent GIF graphs charting access over time and by geographical area.

Announcing the establishment of a new scholarly publication, The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC). JCMC is a joint project of the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, and the Information Systems Division of the School of Business Administration, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Finally it is here! Advertise your web walking tendencies with a Web T-Shirt from Mighty Dog Designs!

Funding has been approved for a Biological Sciences World Wide Web Server for the California State University system [CSUBIOWEB]. It will be housed in the Department of Biological Sciences at CSU Stanislaus. Its purpose is to consolidate existing WWW biological sciences teaching and research resources, and to create and distribute original multimedia materials for the teaching of biology.

The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, at the University of Virginia, announces the publication of its first two series of research reports, plus the publication of technical reports. The Research Reports include extensive scholarship on Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the Civil War, Piers Plowman, the Forum at Pompeii, Swahili semantics, and Bell's invention of the telephone. The Institute's web server also provides a collection of related readings from around the Internet, and information about fellowships and events at IATH.

The Eiffel Page now includes a list of recent product announcements, detailing Eiffel compilers, libraries and platforms.

The NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS) is now available to the public. NTRS is an experimental service that allows simultaneous searching of various NASA abstract and technical report services including: NAS, Dryden, Langley, ICASE, RECON, SCAN, and STELAR. "Forms" support is necessary to use NTRS. If you do use NTRS, please fill out the feedback form and share your comments with us.

The Purdue University WXP weather server provides access to hundreds of real-time GIF images which includes: satellite images, surface data, upper air data, radar data, short range forecasts (to 48 hours), and long range forecasts (to 10 days). The images are updated hourly and are available via gopher or WWW.

June 4, 1994

The spring 1994 issue of access, NCSA's high-performance computing magazine, is now online. This issue focuses on the march to the teraflop--a search for computing architectures to support the intensive research of the Grand Challenge projects.

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, are pleased to announce the availability of their WWW server. This server provides information on courses, faculty, degree programs, and research groups/centers within the department.

The Purdue University chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon is pleased to announce a new WWW page introducing the organization. Upsilon Pi Epsilon is the first and only international honor society for the Computing Sciences. It was founded in 1967 by six students at Texas A&M University to recognize scholarship and professionalism. In the years since then, over 120 institutions of higher education around the world have established UPE chapters to honor their students; many chapters also honor faculty with membership.

The LISTSERV User Guide is now available in hypertext format from the EARN information service. This guide provides a detailed description of the LISTSERV functions which are available to general users. It's the 2nd version of the guide.

WHO's WHO On-Line (first edition) is a collective experiment towards a HYPERbiographical database of people in the Internet. To be listed in this year's "Who's Who On-Line", you do not necessarily need to be a head of state or a selected member of your national academy of science. Just fill out the application form online.

Technical Writing students at Georgia Tech are making their Spring quarter Web projects available. Look for a Traveler's Guide to Atlanta, A Graphical Tour of the Tech Campus, tutorials on digital logic, Braves baseball information, and much more!

The Batish Institute of Indian Music and Fine Arts is happy to announce its new WWW server. The Institute was formed in 1973 by the Batish family and is situated in Santa Cruz, California. It holds classes in vocal and instrumental music. It also publishes RagaNet (TM), an electronic journal of Indian music and arts. After many years of research, Pandit Shiv Dayal Batish and his son Ashwin Batish have created encyclopedic works designed to teach, from beginning to advanced, the theory and practice of Indian music. Plans are presently underway to archive photographs, digital sound files, general midi sound files, and video clips of a variety of music related material.

The Technical Japanese Program at the University of Washington has launched a new Web server. This site will provide information for prospective applicants, as well as guides to Japanese language software for various platforms and other services related to the teaching of Technical Japanese.

As part of the MIT Freshman Fishwrap project, an interactive advice column has been created entitled Ask Joe! It is believed to be the World Wide Web's first advice column, and allows readers to anonymously ask a question on any topic which will be answered by Joe Barco, an MIT student, within a few days.

The Ohio State University at Newark, Art Gallery is excited to announce that its current Roy Lichtenstein Pre-Pop, 1948-1960 Exhbition is now available for the public to view. The Art Gallery has included over 30 works of the famous American artist, most of which have never before been shown to the public. This unusual and very important exhibtion will help in understanding how the artist arrived at his more famous Pop Style. The Art Gallery is committed to exhibiting local, national and international artists of all statures. From now on exhibitions will be made available to the public. Please watch for future updates!

The Lojban WWW Server is now available for public access. Lojban (the logical language) is a constructed (planned / artificial) language for human communication with a syntax more like the syntax of Prolog than that of any natural language. The server contains language description material, machine grammars (both Extended BNF and YACC versions), complete vocabularies and links to available software, learning material and Lojban texts.

You are invited to the Load Sharing Farm or the Load Sharing Boat Tour at WebWorld!

The Nerd Page at the University of South Carolina's College of Engineering has been moved to a much more stable dedicated server machine and has some new additions worth checking out.

The American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) is pleased to announce its new HTTP server, ARIAWeb. ARIAWeb's primary purpose is to serve information concerning the programs and services offered to members and friends of ARIA. For example, a copy of the program for ARIA's 1994 annual meeting is available by clicking here. ARIAWeb also features links to, among other things, working papers and teaching materials authored by the world's leading scholars in Risk Management and Insurance, as well as other risk and insurance resources available on the Internet.

The Alf MIDI Site announces its WWW Home Page. The main topic is the MIDI Sample Dump Standard (sound samples by MIDI) but also covers MIDI in general. The site includes documentation, programs and sound samples.

The University of Aberdeen Electronics Research Group server provides information about our research work including:

Services provided include online digest archives including Neuron Digest, TidBITS and Alife digest.

A new free service, the Virtual Contractor, has been created to bring together people who need custom computer services with people who provide those services. Computer contractors may submit their profiles for listing and review, and people needing work done may submit requests for work. Users may scroll through the current list of contracts and contractors to find ones of interest. Touch here to learn more.

The second release of "An Unofficial Guide to Rotary" is now available. It is intended for -

The guide is maintained on a monthly cycle by a member of the Carnforth Rotary Club, England.

The City of San Carlos, California announces that it has joined the World Wide Web (WWW). Now available are several introductory Web pages including a welcome to our new electronic City Hall, a letter from San Carlos Mayor Tom Davids, an electronic job announcement for a Police Officer, a hypertext guide to City Business Licenses and an article on our new pen-based fire inspection program.

Also of interest to Silicon Valley residents is the new web server for the San Carlos Charter School project, one of California's first Charter Schools. This server has several web pages on the progress of the San Carlos Charter School project.

There is now a server for Computer Science at Dartmouth College. As well as an overview of the graduate and undergraduate majors, faculty, and courses, there are also pages for the Gnuplot program, including a reference manual and tutorial.

The University of Birmingham has a new World-Wide Web Server. This is run by the Academic Computing Service (ACS) and is intended to offer a starting point for campus users wishing to explore the Web. Most of the documents fall under the heading of navigational aids. For example, there are documents listing all known UK University Web Servers and UK National Educational Organisations (e.g. NAG, Mailbase etc.) together with various Help Files. There are links to other Web Servers at the University of Birmingham and non-WWW sources of information such as CWISes and Gopher Servers.

June 2, 1994

A WYSIWYG editor for the Web, SoftQuad HoTMetaL, is now available from the NCSA FTP server. You need a Sun SPARC (MS-Windows coming soon) and 6MB of disk. Because it is context-sensitive, HoTMetaL guides users in creating new HTML documents and in cleaning up old ones. It includes a handful of useful templates (others welcome: send 'em to hotmetal@sq.com) and a Preview command which fires up Mosaic or another browser. A Publish command changes appropriate SRC and HREF attributes from local paths to http locations. More information is available in this README file, or via e-mail to hotmetal@sq.com. A HoTMetaL Pro supported version is available for purchase from SoftQuad and its resellers.

The Program in Animal Behavior at Indiana University, which includes the NSF sponsored Research Training Group (RTG) for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, would like to announce the formation of a new Gopher and WWW site. These sites, located at the Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) will provide information about the program, research interests of the group, and other information relevant to the those interested in an interdisciplinary approach to the study of animal behavior. The RTG consists of faculty members from the Departments of Biology, Psychology and the Program in Neural Sciences.

The OS/2 WWW HomePage now includes the OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List, from the comp.os.os2.* newsgroups in stunning HTML form.

IBM US-Federal: High Performance Client/Server Integration is proud to announce its new WWW server. The HPC/SI WWW server presents an overview of HPC/SI, its ongoing projects, products and services. HPC/SI provides total solutions in Computing, Storage, Networking and Services for the high-end computing market.

The Environmental Resource Center is pleased to announce its World Wide Web Server. The Environmental Resource Center is satisfying the information needs of the global community by providing timely and cost-effective access to stored environmental data and information.

PowerPC News has arrived on the Web. It is an independent, electronic magazine published every two weeks for users and developers who want the latest news about the IBM/Motorola/Apple microprocessor family and the systems built upon it. The Web site contains the full text of the magazine.

TinyTIM is now on the WWW! What's TinyTIM? In their own words, "Well, TinyTIM is the world's oldest running MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination). We have 10,000 rooms, thousands of players, an affinity for poptarts and a clock that eats V'ger for breakfast. Since TinyTIM and the world of MUSHes is so funky anyway, the Wizards of TIM decided to add a WWW page to our machine. It has documentation, sounds, graphics, info on the game, and at least a couple pictures of cows. Plus, a mere click on an icon, and you're connected to TinyTIM itself! TinyTIM, by the way, requires no registration and has unlimited building for you experiment with. Come on in, join the fun, and remember: It's not just a game.... It's a really, really BIG game!"

The DeLorme Mapping MapAccess WWW server is pleased to announce its opening! DeLorme Mapping has been making high-quality maps for 19 years. DeLorme's Atlas & Gazetteer series offers topographic maps of individual states. DeLorme's breakthrough CD-ROM software includes Street Atlas USA and Global Explorer. The WWW server includes:

Atlantic Computing Technology Corporation's Web server is now available. Atlantic provides services to Connecticut businesses that need to be a part of the Internet. Additionally, Atlantic is providing information about Connecticut back to the Internet community.

The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is pleased to announce its WWW server. This server provides information about the School, including departments and programs. Information regarding veterinary medicine educational software is also provided. Available WWW links to other Veterinary Medicine Schools and Colleges are maintained.

Now you can visit a full-service ad agency right here on the Web. The Online Ad Agency resides on The New York Web server in New York City. This new server plans to offer you everything you'd expect to find in New York, including Media, Publishing, and Entertainment guides.

The MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Weather Sensing Group provides weather information, summarys of ongoing projects at the Weather Sensing Group, online technical papers, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and a volunteers page.

The School of Physics of Georgia Tech announces its WWW home page, with links to home pages of the Clark Atlanta University Center for Theoretical Studies of Physical Systems, the Applied Chaos Laboratory, the Quantum Relativity Group, David Finkelstein, Michael Gibbs, Josh Reiss, Tony Smith, and Siqing Wei. There are also links to some physics resources from other sites.

The Alces WWW Server at University of Minnesota School of Medicine is the home of the Virtual Genome Center and provides information about Candida albicans molecular biology.

Xtoys contains a set of cellular automation programs for generic xwindows. Included are Ising, Potts, sandpile, and totalistic automaton models. The xtoys gallery contains a collection of images made with these programs.

June 1, 1994

The June issue of Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine (ISSN 1076-027X) has hit the Web. This issue includes articles by Brock N. Meeks, Bruce Hahne, John December, Rob Kling, and Gary Ritzenthaler. Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine is distributed for free from the Computer-Mediated Communication Studies Center.

In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of D-Day, Patch American High School is proud to announce a special archive dedicated to those who served in the Normandy Invasion which led to the end of the Nazi Occupation of Europe. This ambitious project will include sections which feature a Patch HS JROTC Trip to Normandy, a Stars and Stripes Newspaper Special Edition on D-Day, materials on loan from the US European Command Historian, Dr. Bryan T. van Sweringen, Army newsreels of the landing (in Quicktime and MPEG formats), photos, maps & original top secret invasion documents (now declassified), and eventually, interviews with Normandy veterans who will be attending the ceremonies marking the 50th Annniversary.

The Shot-of-Rhythm Mailing List, a forum to discuss the music of singer/songwriter John Hiatt, announces the opening of the Shot-of-Rhythm Archives. These archives are sponsored by Unicom Systems Development.

The Interactive Systems Centre (iSC) of University of Ulster is pleased to announce it WWW server. The server currently contains information about the iSC and a set of links to interactive multimedia research information which are related to the centre's research activities.

The Institute for Theoretical Physics III at the Friedrich-Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg is now online. Apart from local information, it also provides a list of lectures and workshops for the "Graduierten Kolleg" Physics of Strong Interactions.

There is a now web page for the usenet group Rec.Sport.Soccer. The page contains info on the World Cup, the FAQ, FIFA rules, Fantasy World Cup, lists of mailing lists for clubs and countries around the world and pointers to all the WWW soccer pages around the world.

Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT), is pleased to announce the availability of the Mid-America Computerized Ionospheric Tomography Experiment 1993 or MACE `93 World Wide Web Server. Computerized ionospheric tomography (CIT) is a new technique to construct 2D images of the ionosphere from only 1D information. A very basic introduction to CIT is also available.

NASA's budget is currently under review, and the atmosphere on the Hill is pretty grim. THEY NEED YOUR HELP! If you are interested in supporting space development and exploration, see the Space Activism home page for information and tips on how best to get involved.

The Magellan Image Browser is now accepting connections at the Microwave Subnode of NASA's Planetary Data System. Tour the planet Venus during your lunch break. So little time, so much data!

The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing continues to expand its coverage of terminology, languages, architectures, institutions, history, applications, theory, acronyms, telecomms and anything else related to computing. It contains many cross-references and links to other Internet resources. Queries are monitored and new entries for popular subjects are added every day. Contributions are also welcome.

InfoVID Outlet: The Educational & How-To Video Warehouse is your complete guide to the best educational, instructional and informative videos from around the world. Over 3,500 hard to find titles on a wide variety of subjects . . everything from auto repair to aerobics, boating to business, crafts to computers, and many, many more.

The University of Oregon Physics Department is pleased to announce its new HTTP server. Faculty Information can be found there as well as an evolving, large database dealing with Astronomy and Environmental Sciences . In addition, a hypertext astronomy book is being developed. The full contents and mission of this server can be examined by clicking here . Please note that currently, the hypertext textbook runs only in an X-environment as the resources expect xfig and xdvi to reside on the host machine. The current resources consist of many gif or jpeg images, some mpeg animation and morphing movies, postscript figures and informative text.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is pleased to announce public access to its Main WWW server. Information currently on this server includes the 1994 Genetics, Cell, & Molecular Biology Book Catalogue from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, indexes of Journals published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, programs for courses and meetings offered at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and an instruction manual for GDB/Accessor. Information will be added to this server as it becomes available.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is pleased to announce a major reorganization and enhancement of its server, URL http://www.ornl.gov (previously http://jupiter.esd.ornl.gov). The information includes general subjects about the Laboratory and the Oak Ridge area, information on its basic and applied research, media releases, ORNL publications, and educational opportunities.

Homebuyer's Fair American homebuyers can obtain mortgage financing before the next jump in interest rates. Visit the Homebuyer's Fair, and try the lenders' exhibits. Also at the fair, you may view prototype house listings that include pictures and floor plans, and visit the Homebuyer's Information Booth, where you can get the lowdown on "no money down real estate" and other topics.

The Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin announces its WWW server. The latest annual report is available, containing faculty profiles, sponsored research information, and listings of scholarships and awards. Department newsletters describe recent activities and events. In addition, the WWW server stores course descriptions, technical reports, dozens of user-contributed pages, and research group pages.

Here is a hypertext demonstration of the Basic Elements of Visual Literacy, using text, still and moving images, and sound files, arranged to permit you to move around following the promptings of your own curiosity.

The Analytic Philosophy Project announces the second issue of The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy, now available in hypertext and including on-line subscription and referee registration forms. EJAP is a peer-reviewed ejournal publishing articles, discussion and reviews relevant to analytic philosophy.

The University of Washington Department of Pathology's Web Server is now available and includes access to human and mouse chromosome idiograms and photomicrograph scans; the Genome Machine: a simple graphical interface experiment; a pathology gallery (under construction); and information about the UW Medical Scientists Training Program (MSTP).

The National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (NCO/HPCC) is pleased to announce the release of the HPCC Program's "FY 1995 Implementation Plan" on its NCO/HPCC Web server. The plan describes 88 program activities, complete with milestones and budgets, for the President's proposed $1.154 billion HPCC Program budget. This information is organized both according to the 5 HPCC Program components and the 10 participating Federal agencies.

XOR Network Engineering is proud to announce The Internet StoreFront(tm). The StoreFront is dedicated to providing Internet services for companies who don't have the resources to or don't want to maintain their own Internet connection and services. Companies online with the StoreFront include Softpro Books, a retail computer bookstore, and The Colorado Internet Cooperative Association, a Colorado Internet access provider.

Come explore and become a part of WebWorld, a virtual world you can travel in, build in, and visually link to other parts of the World Wide Web. Build a home, office, trade show or even a city if you like. Prime real estate is available now for those who build first in WebWorld.

Media West Editions is proud to announce the signing of a number of world-renowned digital artists for the upcoming Pixel Pushers Exhibition of Original Digital Art. Included in the line up are Oscar-winning composer and musician Buffy Sainte-Marie, some of Canada's foremost graphic artists including Yuri Dojc and Louis Fishauf, Vancouver-based typographer Stephen Herron, and digital art innovators from the U.S. including Diane Fenster, Jeff Brice, Helen Golden and the mastermind behind Kai's Power Tools, Kai Krause.

The Nonlinear Science e-Print Archive (nlin-sys) has a new www interface, including a convenient form interface. This parallels the Physics e-Print archive (which now processes over 5000 messages daily).

Mactivity`94 is the only conference and exposition focused on Macintosh Networking, communications and workgroup solutions. Come to Mactivity and discover how and why to integrate the Macintosh into your small, medium or large computing solution.

The May 30th issue of InfoWorld Magazine is now available at the Internet Shopping Network.

Bladen Library at Scarborough Campus, University of Toronto invites you to visit their WWW server, which contains both locally authored material from their faculty members, librarians, staff and students, as well as links to other WWW servers. This server also includes a home page for CITD - The Centre for Instructional Technology Development with information on several projects as well as links to multimedia and instructional technology information. In addition it provides a home page for Physical Anthropologists in Canada with information on their activities.

The Institute of Meteorology, Free University of Berlin has restructured their server and therefore some URL's have changed. Server maintainers are urged to check their links and contact www@www.met.fu-berlin.de with problems.

Persimmon IT's World Wide Web server is now available. Persimmon IT, Inc. is an Information Technology company with offices in Charleston, South Carolina, and the Raleigh/Durham area (Reseach Triangle Park) of North Carolina. The WWW server has information about Persimmon IT, product information, forthcoming events, and fruit.

The Reservoir Modelling Group in Mineral Resources Engineering at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London, England, now has a Web server.

This What's New Page was originally created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

The NCSA What's New Page is officially in the public domain. This means that you are free to do anything you wish with this listing. However, this does not imply anything about the documents which are referenced via this page or any other pages found on this server.

Copyright © 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation.