What's New: August, 1994

August 31, 1994

The National Hockey League Server is now available. Presently, the service provides such information as the latest NHL scores (currently for the 1994 playoffs), the present league standings (currently for the 1993-94 season), team records against each other (currently for the 1994 playoffs), the 1994 Stanley Cup Playoff matchups (broken down game-by-game), and the leading scorers (currently for the 1994 playoffs). The updated HTML files (scores, standings, team records, and individual scoring) are generated automatically with the use of two FORTRAN programs that take as their input game scores and the names of players who have registered goals or assists. In addition, you can also get the history of matchups in the Stanley Cup finals, and NHL awards like the Rookie of the Year Award or the Most Valuable Player Award.

The Plasma and Accelerator Physics Group at the University of Colorado has moved its WWW server.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Hilo announces that their WWW Server is now on-line. Additional departments such as Geology and Marine Science will be available in the near future.

The University of Memphis is proud to announce the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology Web pages. Included on the pages are an exhibit of some of the Egyptian antiquities residing at the Institute and a short tour of Egypt.

Kids' College, a program sponsored by the Ingham Intermediate School District and Michigan State University, has 240 third and fourth graders who are studying either Rocks, Forestry, Water or Flight. These groups have put up their own WWW pages that contain information about themselves, their interests and what they have learned.

Buning The Florist would like to announce their full-color on-line catalog of their most popular flower arrangements, plants and gift baskets for holidays and other occasions. Some of the categories include: Everyday Favorites, Birthday Party Bouquets, Newborn Baby Presents, Romance (Roses, Valentine's Day Bouquets), Get Well and Thanks/Appreciation (Secretarie's Day, Mother's Day, or any other occasion).

Trophies by Edco, Inc. is announcing the availability of their on-line color catalog. The catalog contains many examples of their products including laser engraved motivational plaques, advertising specialties, trophies, incentive plaques, ribbons, name badges, signs, acrylic and glass awards.

The Lighthouse Getaway has added many new lights, including Boston, Point Sur , and St. Augustine. The Lighthouse Getaway is part of the University of Tennessee Libraries WWW Server .

The Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is proud to announce that it is on the WWW with a list of the oceanographic data that it distributes. Data that PO.DAAC distributes includes TOPEX/Poseidon (~55K GIF) and AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature (~27K GIF) satellite information along with IBM and Macintosh applications for oceanographic data. PO.DAAC is pleased to offer product ordering via the Web.

The Caption Competition is now up and running.

The University of South Florida's Health Sciences Center is pleased to offer the USF Health Sciences NEWS, an online newsletter featuring the latest research from the university's colleges of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health.

The adminstrators of the Surfers interactive chat program would like to annouce their Surfers W3 server. If you would like to meet some different people, give it a try!

Experience the awesome high-stepping sonic glory of the Princeton University Band. The PUB is the United States' first college football marching band, and is also one of the country's few scramble bands. The site includes high-quality musical recordings, photographs, over four decades of halftime show scripts, and more orange and black plaid than you can shake a stick at.

The London & South-East centre for High Performance Computing (SEL-HPC) is now on the Web. The centre's role is to act as a focus for HPC in London and the south-east region. The aim is to develop, pilot and make available HPC courses for education and training. The centre also provides an article archive on HPC, functional programming, vision and image processing, computational mathematics, and neural networks.

The School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol has set up a WWW server.

The Department of Photography and Instructional Graphics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, in order to serve their growing graphic community, is now online through their WWW.DOPIG site. Information available details graphic services available to their campus clients and makes available a wealth of additional information about slide-making, illustration, and graphic arts for the general public.

NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center would like to announce its new MSFC Procurement Home Page, which provides advance procurement notices and solicitations among other general procurement information. It also provides small business assistance information, and links to other sites providing related information.

Senator Edward Kennedy is the first member of the United States Senate to put up a WWW page.

The Tenagra Corporation helps organizations establish their net.presence using net.acceptable techniques. A member of the NASA Johnson Technology Commercialization Center, Tenagra is headquartered in Houston, Texas.

The World Wide Web Tennis Server is now on-line, hosting monthly player and equipment tips, daily tennis news, hyperlinked versions of the Tennis Rules and Tennis Code, links to tennis info throughout the web, the Windemere Racquet & Swim Club, and the entrance to The Racquet Workshop, the Web's first specialty tennis shoppe. Sponsored by The Racquet Workshop and The Tenagra Corporation of Houston, Texas

UniPress Software, Inc. a leading developer and distributor of UNIX software, is proud to present itself to the Internet community. UniPress has designed its server for users to easily browse their product listings from PC-UNIX connectivity solutions to development tools and applications, or to request more information. Users may also find out more about the acclaimed technical support and maintenance, porting services, training and consulting UniPress provides. UniPress also has a Trivia contest (for WWW browsers that support forms) -- a bunch of lucky winners will receive high quality UniPress T-shirts.

The Planetary Rings Node is responsible for restoring, archiving and publishing datasets describing planetary ring systems. This includes all of the relevant datasets acquired from previous and future spacecraft, as well as from Earth-based observatories. In order to support research with these datasets, the node also provides expert assistance, catalog information to help scientists pinpoint the most relevant data, and a suite of software tools to simplify data manipulation.

The Hoover Institution is a 3-building part of the Stanford campus, where scholars specializing in public policy research come to use the resources of the Hoover Archives and Library.

The Computer Tailor, a computer retailer, would like to invite you to their virtual front desk to peruse their PC showroom. Also, TCT would like to announce that they need a logo, and for best logo they are awarding the artist with a 14.4k fax/modem. Good luck in the contest!

Ain't Whistlin' Dixie, a collection of traditional Irish and American music for penny whistle and ocarina, has been released by David Walker of the University of California, Irvine. It is the Internet's first collection of folk music in an "album" format.

THE GAMES DOMAIN - The largest collection of games related links on the Internet. This site contains over 140 links to various FAQs, walkthroughs, FTP links, home pages, interactive links, information documents, and much more! Also games reviews via the W3 version of GameBytes magazine.

The Oregon State Archives and the Oregon State University Archives are pleased to announce "Fighters on the Farm Front", an on-line exhibit commemorating Oregon's Emergency Farm Labor Service, 1943-1947. The original traveling exhibit developed by the Oregon State University Archives with the assistance and support of the University's Agricultural Communications Office and the Oregon Council for the Humanities will have been displayed at 13 sites in Oregon from 1992 - 1995. The on-line exhibit contains over 70 photographic and graphic images focusing on the experiences of the diverse population that contributed to the World War II effort in the fields and orchards of Oregon.

Internet One, Inc. is a professional consulting firm specializing in UNIX, TCP/IP, and MS Windows/DOS with expertise in the following areas: the design, implementation and integration of secure and reliable TCP/IP Internet connections; workshops on topics like Intro to Perl, Advanced Perl, UNIX, and Intro to the Internet; UNIX systems products like ROOT, Qmail, and DNS AutoPilot; and Mosaic HTML Home Page development.

The Rochester Institute of Technology is proud to offer its RIT-OnLine WWW Server. While still under construction, feedback about the server is greatly appreciated.

The German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) is pleased to announce it's information services. Aviation, space flight and energy technology are the key areas of DLR activities.

The RC-Sailors of Finland announces the availability of it's RC-Sailing information. This WWW service contains general information on Radio Control Sailing (descriptions and pictures), the Finnish Competition Schedule and an on-line result service including results of all Finnish competitions and of some international competitions.

CIESIN's Human Dimensions Kiosk provides electronic access to unpublished scholarly papers and less accessible reports on the human dimensions of global environmental change research. The Kiosk is intended to promote the timely exchange of current information on human dimensions of global change among researchers and policy makers, both within and across disciplinary boundaries.

The Armenian Research Center of the University of Michigan-Dearborn now maintains a homepage of material on the Armenians, their history, the Armenian Genocide, and the current struggle of Nagorno- Karabagh.

The cyberslinks of the Kool Group at the Chemistry Department of the University of Rochester are pleased to present their home page, prepared by Vineet Gupta, a graduate student member.

A set of information pages for KORFBALL has just been created. These pages include information on korfball, up and coming events, contact addresses, korfball news and scanned korfball images. The amount of information available is expected to increase rapidly within the next few weeks.

The OSI-Protocol Testing Laboratory (OSI-LAB) is pleased to announce its WWW server located in Switzerland. The server currently provides information about the Lab, an X.400 Address server and ftp access to OSTC Documents.

The Earth Sciences and Resources Institute (ESRI) is proud to announce a home page. ESRI was established in 1973 as an independent research organization at the University of South Carolina. In 1993 ESRI established a second base of operations at the University of Utah. The Institute has two main areas of focus: it conducts national and international multidisciplinary research related to the earth sciences, including the disciplines of geology, geohydrology, geophysics, and geochemistry; and it provides educational opportunities for advanced degrees in technical and managerial preparation for students working on projects within these and related disciplines.

The UCI Bookstore, is proud to present its second major World Wide Web photography exposition, The Jazz Photography Of Ray Avery, exploring 50's West Coast Jazz through Avery's classic images, a discography, record covers and music samples. The Bookstore also announces a multimedia version of AP Professional's Fall 1994 (1.3) Catalog. AP Professional is a new imprint of Academic Press which publishes technical books at an intermediate level on practical aspects of computing.

Scholastic Network announces the Scholastic Internet Center, a free, high-value Internet destination for K-12 teachers and their students. Among our free resources for educators are curriculum libraries, lesson plans, seasonal curriculum activities, a huge library on integrating technology into the classroom, and information on the Scholastic Network, Scholastic's online service for schools. Students will enjoy the language arts and science resource information, and everyone will benefit from cruising our Ultimate EducationStore, a searchable catalog of books, software, magazines and other products from Scholastic and other publishers.

Communicopia Environmental Research and Communications now makes available a full description of its communications and online research services. This firm, based in Vancouver, Canada, brings strategic communications skills together with high-tech tools for clients with environmental priorities. The page contains images of Canadian wildlife and information on using the Internet for public consultation programs. It resides on the Westcoast Interchange WWW Server which also houses the World Real Estate Listings Service.

The Graduate School of Management at Macquarie University in Sydney Australia would like to announce their WWW Server. They plan to use Mosaic as a showcase of interesting applications for the Web and a guide to business management education on the Net.

The Internal Auditing World Wide Web has a new URL: Internal Auditing World Wide Web

John Leavitt has been maintaining the Speculative Fiction Clearing House, for a few months now. Speculative fiction is defined to mean science fiction, fantasy, horror, and related genres. The clearing house includes pointers to information on authors, awards, subject and author bibliographies, bookstores, conventions, on-line genre fiction, publishers, and on-line zines and newsletters. It is also the home to Omphalos, the Allegheny Speculative Fiction Review, a review zine edited by John Leavitt.

Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti - the first law firm to construct its own WWW server - has recently published the July, 1994 edition of the Workplace Labor Update, a quarterly newsletter on employment law issues. Included in the current issue is an interesting article entitled "Kitchengate" which discusses the application of employment laws to the White House Chef.

Reece High School in Devonport, Tasmania, Australia would like to announce the installation of its Web Server. This server provides links to information relevant to high school students, information about Tasmania and selections of work completed by students.

Phi Tau Coeducational Fraternity, a local coeducational fraternity at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, NH, has joined the World Wide Web. These pages include a social calendar, a brief history of the fraternity, information about some of the house's charitable activities, and many images of the brotherhood. Hopefully, this site will also offer ideas to other Greek organizations seeking to join the Web.

The Medical Research Council of Canada has implemented a World Wide Web server to disseminate Canadian biomedical research funding information. For further information, contact Lynne Mulvihill at mulvihilll@hpb.hw.ca

RAND, a nonprofit institution that helps improve public policy through research and analysis, is now on the Web. In addition to getting a description of RAND's mission and organization, you can search for and order RAND publications, read summaries of selected projects, and find out about many specific research initiatives.

August 25, 1994

The organizing committees of the first three International World Wide Web Conferences have formed the International World-Wide Web Conference Committee.

EDINFO, The University of Edinburgh's World Wide Web (WWW) Information Service, is now online.

Lighthouse Productions Announces: The NetCenter. The Center of the Comp-uni-Verse. Home of the InterActive Yellow Pages & The Roadmap to the Information Superhighway. Find listings of important places both on and off the Internet. Also visit ComOnLine, the 1st OnLine Trade Show. Find the Newest and Hottest Computer Product Introductions. From here just follow the Menus to the rest of Cyberspace.

The County of Arlington, the Virginia side of the nation's capitol, is pleased to announce the availability of the Arlington County Information Server. Access detailed information on tourism including places to stay, what to visit, how to get around and where to eat. View business related information such as "Build to Suit" projects, Business Development initiatives, and Educational resources. Additionally, information on living in the county with sections on housing, schools, transportation, recreation, the Arts and shopping are included.

AMCOL Corporation is the leader in producing quality lubricants and applicators for the metals industry. Their mission is APQ--Absolutely, Positively, Quality in everything they do. Learn more about how they carry on that mission in their new WWW pages.

BioData announces the availability of the Democratic side of the health care debate, the Mitchell Bill S.2357, as a World Wide Web resource. The entire text of S.2357 may be downloaded by accessing the BioData web site. WWW sysops are encouraged to copy the "HTMLized" version of the bill for distribution on a national basis.

VIBE, the magazine of urban music (Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Hip Hop, Rap)and youth culture is proud to announce VibeOnline! a free service on the World Wide Web. Featuring isMapped covers as navigation interfaces, full text and photos excerpted from the paper version and a library of the latest music releases, VibeOnline! breaks new grounds in Internet publishing. VIBE is a joint venture between affiliates of Quincy Jones/David Salzman Entertainment and Time Publishing Ventures, Inc.

InfoSeek Corporation is offering free queries and document retrievals from a trial version of the Computer Select database of over 100 computer periodicals until Oct 15. Using plain English queries processed by a very powerful and accurate full-text search system, users can obtain information on a broad variety of computer related topics, such as stories on companies, products, people, and computer technologies and trends.

There are some new additions on the Amdahl Corporation WWW server, home of the A+Texture WWW products. The new features include Hot Topics and Internet Exploration Starting Points. Amdahl's staffing department is now on the Web so employment information is available, which will be expanded into online job listings in the near future. The server continues to update press releases and product information as they become available.

A new commercial WWW server is now operational on the Internet to provide information regarding Sea Change Corporation and their products and services.

The Myst Web offers clues and hints to the very popular PC/Mac game of Myst. The Myst and other pages are reachable via the Home Page, which also offers pointers to Middle-East Information, and President Clinton Artwork.

The Chez Rampart Art Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of works by internationally known painter and illustrator Julie Snyder. Chez Rampart is an Art Gallery featuring fine art works by some of today's most interesting and important artists, with an emphasis on analog (that is, non-computer produced) art.

CRS4 and the Italian newspaper "L'Unione Sarda" are pleased to announce "L'UNIONE SARDA ON-LINE", a WWW version of the newspaper. The system is being developed, on experimental basis, as a Master thesis project. A dynamic link, always pointing to an indexed first page of today's newspaper, is also available here.

The Video Webalog is an information source and product catalog for desktop video. It contains tutorials about video technology and descriptions of products in ten product categories.

The Orthodox Page is now available on the Web. The page provides information and material related to Orthodox Christianity as well as links to other servers which could be of interest to Orthodox Christians or those who are interested in Orthodoxy.

Wildfire Communications, Inc., developer of a telephone-based personal communications assistant, is kicking off their new web-server with a raffle for a free Apple Newton MessagePad 110. If you're 18 or older and have a North American accent, check it out!

Now available, issue 10 of Meta Magazine features news briefs, stories on Linux and Netcom, and an article on the potential for small business multinationals.

The Network Administrator at the University of Wisconsin - Marathon Center is now providing public access to one of the local servers. OingoMTH.uwc.edu serves as a user supported WWW platform. Other services include Internet training materials, guides and a BBS.

The Catherine Wheel Home Page currently features links to the latest discography, album and b-side lyrics as well as information on how to subscribe to _Strange Fruit_, the Catherine Wheel mailing list.

The Oak Ridge Centers for Manufacturing Technology (ORCMT) is pleased to announce the availability of its World Wide Web server. The ORCMT provides government and industry access to manufacturing expertise and facilities at the Y-12 Site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The Centers are organized around six core technology areas supporting the national mission to improve American industrial competitiveness. Server information includes center descriptions, expertise and facilities, types of manufacturing assistance available, and the results of a U.S. Navy Best Manufacturing Practices survey of the Oak Ridge Facilities. The ORCMT is managed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy.

The BioBanco Project, sponsored by the International Federation of Scientific Societies (FISS) and Fundacion Maquipucuna announce its WWW server in Cuenca, Ecuador. The server includes information on the BioBanco Project, the Spanish node of the Biodiversity Information Network BIN-21, A list of Internet resources for Biology and Medicine, News and Information about Ecuador.

Fans of the Babylon 5 science-fiction TV show in Singapore and the UK can now find air schedules for their respective countries in The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. A schedule for the US is, of course, also present.

The staff of Ketav would like to announce the long awaited completion of its second issue. Ketav is Brigham Young University's online general information magazine. Feature articles include: "Negative Matter: Part 1", and "Virtual Hike up Y Mountain."

The Objectivism WWW service is now online.

The LI NewsWire 1.3 is hereby published for free browsing on the Internet. Top stories this month include a report on Mead Data Central's situation, Germany's online information market, US Wests' move into European information, news from the Financial Times, Oracle, IBM, Dataware, BRS, the SGML community, among other stories and features. Electronic Documents' review of WordPerfect's forthcoming Envoy can be downloaded in both PostScript and Acrobat formats. The review pits a beta version of Envoy against Acrobat and competitors.

The GASNet Anesthesiology Server provides a variety of materials of interest to anesthesiologists and other physicians. Educational items include multimedia manuals, videos of procedures, and the abstracts of the Journal of Clinical Monitoring. Links are also provided to other sites of interest to physicians. GASNet is made possible through the generous support of the NYU Medical Center Department of Anesthesiology.

Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) proudly announces its new World Wide Web server. The site includes a tour of the Garden, a brief history lesson, the Flora of North America project, information about educational programs, and a gateway to other biological Web sites. Over 600,000 WAIS-indexed records reside in the taxonomic database, accessible to any Web or gopher user.

The National Weather Service, Tallahassee, FL invites you to visit their World Wide Web home page, the first such page for a local NWS office in the nation.

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Rochester, in Rochester, NY announces its new World Wide Web server. The department handbook is available, providing information about all aspects of the department, including information about its faculty and course offerings. In addition, a hypertext version of the LINGUIST List, the electronic mailing list of the linguistics community, is available on the server.

A new online magazine, Snake Oil, is Your Guide to Kooky Kontemporary Kristian Kulture.

The Fairfax Information Technology Center at Fairfax CALS Shared Resource Center would like to announce their HTTP server.

Costa Rica's National Institute of Biodiversity (INBio) is pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server. INBio is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the intellectual and economic value of Costa Rica's biological diversity through cataloging and putting that biodiversity to use for society. INBio is presently offering information about its four basic Programs: Biodiversity Inventory, Biodiversity Prospecting, Biodiversity Information Management and Biodiversity Information Dissemination, as well as on-line keys to the insect family Scarabaeidae and to the subfamily Scarabae inae. More of INBio's publications will be available in the near future.

The High Performance Computing Lab at the Computer Engineering & Informatics Dept. in Patras, Greece, is pleased to announce its new W3 server, "Patreus". Innovative services are being offered, including a totally custom-made, form-based archie browser, with full parameter support (incl. regular expressions), as well as an on-line presentation of the activities of the International Festival of Patras.

biancaTroll does LOLLAPALOOZA! On July 15th bianca was invited to visit Lollapalooza in Chicago. There she hobnobbed with the powers that be, and they loved her so much they made her their official Web-mistress. Look here for information on this year's festival -- and stay tuned! In August, bianca is going live on tour with Perry Farrell, the Beastie Boys, and the rest of the frenzied Lollapalooza crew. Stick around and join the on-line antics of the wide-eyed Lollapalooza net.heads.

The Ohio State University is pleased to announce a new home page which includes admissions information for potential students, a tour of the campus, statistical information about Ohio State, and a list of many other www servers at OSU. Visit the OSU Home Page and enjoy.

New Jersey Group Against Smoking Pollution is a non-profit educational organization whose goals are to secure smokefree air for nonsmokers and to ensure tobacco-free lives for children. Their directory of 100% Smokefree Dining in New Jersey is now available on the Web.

The United Kingdom's Information Technology Training Initiative has produced many products aimed at improving the availability of IT training materials (cbt, electronic, and paper-based) to Universities in the UK. These products are also available to other institutions.

Multimedia Communications Research Lab (MCRLab) at the University of Ottawa is pleased to announce its new www server. This site provides a wide range of informations about the lab and their research.

A compendium of internet resources on Nanotechnology is now available. "Nanotechnology is a (projected) technology of design and fabrication of mechanisms at the molecular level." The web page includes an annotated bibliography of articles available via ftp, links to other nanotech web pages, nanotech mailing lists, and Macintosh applications.

The U.S. Department of Commerce's Economics and Statistics Administration's WWW servers for the National Trade Data Bank and the Economic Conversion Information Exchange are now available. These servers make use of the University of Massachusetts's Center for Intelligent Retrieval's natural language query software.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the University of Manchester Astronomy Group, in a handy pocket sized home page! Available are contact details, research interests of the group members, preprints and publications, course details, a frequently updated collection of links to items of interest to astronomers and of course, a few pretty pictures.

InfiNet, L.C., a regional Internet access provider located in Norfolk, Virginia, is pleased to announce the opening of their WWW site and the addition of The Virginia Diner to the World Wide Web. The Virginia Diner is offering an online Gourmet Peanut and Gift Catalog in addition to information on their restaurant.

The Carnegie Institution of Washington's Department of Embryology announces its WWW server. The server provides information about the Department's researchers and the Institution as a whole, and lists a few of the many bioscience servers.

The Data Analysis Facility of the Phillips Laboratory, Geophysics Directorate is pleased to announce the opening of the PL/DAF Home Page.

The Alliance for Public Technology, providing a consumer voice for equitable and affordable access to telecommunications technology, is pleased to announce its WWW site. APT's vision paper, membership information, and other items of interest are available.

Violet Arcana's Home Page: Etheral, dreamy, organic, moody, ambient, melodic, comtemplative soundscapes for the surreal music listener. Contains information about the musical group Violet Arcana, along with sound, graphic, & interative multimedia files.

The 1994 Goodwill Games Home Page is now available as a project of World Wide Web Services in association with Internet Atlanta.

NASA Dryden Flight Research Center is pleased to announce the opening of the Electronic version of the NASA High Alpha Conference IV. This on-line WWW conference contains the unclassified and unrestricted slides and text presented by many of the researchers at the actual conference July 12-14, 1994. Subject areas include: High Alpha Aerodynamics, Propulsion and Inlet Dynamics and Thrust Vectoring, Control Laws and Handling Qualities, and Forebody Control.

The NetMarket Company creates Internet storefronts and specializes in dynamic pages which create stateful connections. For example, 17,000+ CDs are available from Noteworthy Music in a graphical interface, and an automated shopping list keeps track of CDs you have selected as you move through the interface. NetMarket also supports simpler, HTML-based advertising. (E-mail or finger info@netmarket.com for more info.)

Shadowrun on the World Wide Web has moved. Their new address is http://www.ip.net/shadowrun/, you can click on the above link to go directly there. (In a nutshell, Shadowrun on the World Wide Web was designed as a place where people who are interested in the fantasy/cyberpunk role-playing game, ShadowRun can find all of the information that is available on the Internet. Email questions or comments to mark@tcp.ip.net)

Lumina Decision Systems, Inc., has expanded its World Wide Web pages, adding starting points for Web exploration related to decision analysis. Included are links to information on artificial intelligence, risk analysis, medical decision making, probability and statistics, and operations research.

Fréquence Banane, the students' radio broadcast at the Federal Institute of Technology and University of Lausanne (Switzerland), is pleased to announce its WWW site. The server provides samples of each week's broadcasts (in French), which cover general information about what's going on in the universities of western Switzerland, as well as a few special topics in science, litterature, humor e.t.c.

The Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Research Laboratory performs research on highspeed network support for multimedia traffic with realtime requirements. They also study resource discovery and object caching problems.

Toyo Engineering Corporation (TEC) announces its World Wide Web server. This WWW server provides the information about NetWorld+Interop 94 Tokyo held from July 25 to 29, useful information around Interop Tokyo and TEC's profile.

StarHeads, the last product of the Star*s Family is now available at the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS). StarHeads gives access to about 400 individual pages of astronomers and space scientists, and this figure is rapidly growing. Suggestions are welcome.

The Internet ShopKeeper: The world's first WWW based user extensible mall has been released by the Internet Presence and Publishing Corporation. The Internet ShopKeeper (ISK) provides a place in cyberspace where people from around the world can setup and manage their own shops. ISK provides a dynamic global marketplace that brings the power of the Internet and its commercial use to the masses - all without intrusive or unsolicited acts that normally have subversive effects on the Internet community at large.

The National Child Rights Alliance (NCRA), formed by youth and adult survivors of child abuse and neglect, is now on-line. Resources include the history of the NCRA, the youth bill of rights, and numerous articles on children's rights.

A student at Indiana University has started an Unofficial Xanth page , with pictures and information about Piers Anthony's fantasy world of Xanth.

Amnesty International, AI, is located at CyberZine.ORG. Amnesty International Members Lesbian Gay Concerns AIMLGC can also be accessed via the Amnesty WWW page. General Information about AI including membership as well as contact AI information is found at the AI CyberZine location.

A new home page devoted to the cult British science fiction character Bernard Quatermass has opened on the NickSite WWW server at the University of South Florida. Contributions to both the Quatermass Home Page and NickSite are encouraged.

FOR SALE BY OWNER MAGAZINE: A Real Estate Publication for Buyers and Sellers, is excited to announce their new WWW Home Page. See Photos, Descriptions , Contact Information, and more about Current Northern California Real Estate.

EUnet Slovakia would like to present Slovakia Document Store, a comprehensive source of information about Slovak Republic, including High Tatra Mountains Guide and many links to other Slovakia related resources.

The German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) is pleased to announce it's information services. The DLR is the major national institution for aerospace research in Germany. Aviation, space flight and energy technology are the key areas of DLR activities.

Brown University and the Theoretical Chemistry and Molecular Physics Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory would like to announce a new Chemical Physics Preprint system. This database is intended to provide a means for rapid and efficient preprint distribution within the international chemical physics community.

The staff of Network Services Agency, a British Telecom subsidiary located in the Highlands of Scotland, have placed some brief information about the region on WWW.

The University of Texas-Austin Astronomy Program WWW server is now online. This server provides information about the educational and research programs of the Astronomy Department and the McDonald Observatory at the University of Texas at Austin, and points to links discussing the current 'hot items' in astronomy.

"God Says No!" Records , an underground techno/dance recording label is now on The Web!

The July-August issue (Vol. 4, No. 4) of InterText, an award-winning on-line fiction magazine, is now available. This marks their 20th issue.

New England Online is a compendium of Internet resources in and about New England, from tourism to economic statistics, from literature to maps.

Matrix Information and Directory Services (MIDS) provides a WWW server, with information about their Matrix Maps Quarterly (MMQ), which contains many color maps, figures, data, and text about the Internet and other networks in the Matrix of networks that exchange mail, and Matrix News (MN), a monthly newsletter.

Texas Internet Consulting (TIC) provides a WWW server, with information about their books, articles, and RFCs.

Clarkson University offers an article on building the world's largest telescope, the 27 foot diameter Subaru Mirror created by Corning for the Japan National Large Telescope (JNLT) to be located in Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

The Science Library of Loyola University of Chicago presents the Jesuits and the Sciences, 1600-1800, a collection of images and text from rare works on astronomy, cosmology, engineering, mathematics and natural history written by members of the Society of Jesus in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Zilker Internet Park provides Internet access in Austin, Texas.

Results of infrared and submillimeter observations of Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy are available at: http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/temp.Jupiter.html

August 15, 1994

Take a moment out to visit the 1994 Illinois State Fair, celebrating the 175th anniversary of Illinois statehood, and the 100th anniversary of the permanent Fairgrounds in Springfield, Illinois. This Virtual State Fair brings many exciting happenings around Illinois to the State Fair via the Web, and allows those of you not able to physically visit the State Fair to see what is happening in Springfield. Daily schedules, updates on premiums awarded, and a special Ethanol Expo are included.

The Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights was established within the Information Policy Committee of the Information Infrastructure Task Force (IITF) to examine the intellectual property implications of the NII. The group has released a preliminary draft of its report, Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure, which is now available on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office WWW server.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Environment, Safety and Health has a new WWW server.

The GRAF Lab at NASA's Johnson Space Center now has its server up and running. There is a lot of stuff there, mostly about Virtual Reality and related topics. The GRAF lab uses VR as a design tool for NASA's space station program; check it out!

Sounds from Chaos in Chua's Circuit - References and Sound Examples contains on-line papers with sound examples and references of one of the most interesting chaotic systems. The variety of sounds generated by this system ranges from Bassoon and Clarinet like sounds all the way to quasi-white noise. An interactive version of the same system with a virtual reality interface was displayed as a VROOM exhibit at this year's SIGGRAPH'94 conference.

At the intersection of U.S. Interstate Highways 81 and 64, just 2 hours from Washington, D.C., lies historic Staunton, Virginia, nestled between the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains and the Alleghenies in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley. Staunton's architectural ambience is nineteenth century (5 historic districts), and its personality, friendly. It is a hub for vacationers and travelers, offering access to attractions ranging from historic sites and museums to the broad-spectrum recreational opportunities of the national parks, forests, and resorts that surround it. It offers telecommuting and investment possibilities as well.

Downtown Anywhere, the virtual city with a real economy, is online at http://www.awa.com/ on the World Wide Web. Laid out like a thriving metropolis, Downtown Anywhere's Front Street boasts Libraries, Newsstands, and Museums which provide free and friendly access to local and global Internet resources while its Main Street allows visitors to browse goods and innovative services that can be purchased, securely, with a few keystrokes. Book stores, video stores, computer hardware, software, and supplies stores, art galleries and a souvenir shop, are among the many establishments on Main Street. The Post Office boasts an innovative array of secretarial, printing, and fax services. Downtown's Libraries and Newsstands host original work like Tom Jackson's Pro- Football Update, Webster's Weekly and a unique collaborative hyper-fiction project. Downtown Anywhere is much more than a mall; it is a virtual salon for the new marketplace of ideas, specializing in intellectual property, cultural diversity, digital commerce, and the proposition that virtually anything is possible. Send inquiries to Downtown@awa.com or visit http://www.awa.com/.

The Fairfax Information Technology Center is online. The center is involved in Continous Acquisition Lifecycle Support (CALS) to provide information and assistance to Government and industry with regard to electronic data interchange, electronic commerce and business processing re-engineering. This center also provides education and training in these areas.

ACADEME THIS WEEK (The Chronicle of Higher Education): Beginning every Tuesday at 12 noon, Eastern time, readers can see a guide to the contents of that week's issue of The Chronicle -- plus all of the "Positions Available" advertisements from that week's issue. Hundreds of new job openings are listed every week at colleges, universities, and other organizations. Among other features of ACADEME THIS WEEK: A calendar of events in academe and a list of important deadlines for grants, papers, and fellowships.

Europe and the global information society - Recommendations to the European Council - available from the Web! In its Brussels meeting of December 1993, the European Council requested that a report be prepared for its meeting on 24-25 June 1994 in Corfu by a group of prominent persons on the specific measures to be taken into consideration by the Community and the Members States for information infrastructures. On the basis of this report, a program identifying precise procedures for action and the necessary means will be defined. The report is wholly the product of the group of prominent persons. It does not necessarily represent the views of the European Commission or the European Council and is distributed under the condition that it is not modified in any way. (a.k.a Bangemann Commission Document)

The University of Iowa WWW Nonlinear Optics Resource is online.

UBILAB (UBS Information Technology Laboratory) set up a new WWW server in Switzerland to provide information about UBILAB, its current research projects and published papers.

You are invited to take part in the hyperfiction dreamscape that is The Walking Man, a brand new collaborative hypertale in process on the Big Time Television infoserver. It's a dream, It's a mystery, It's... a guy walking.

New to The University of Tennessee Office of University Relations WWW server:

System Integrators, Inc. (SII), a leader in the design and integration of publishing systems for the news industry, is pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server. The server currently provides company and product overviews, and an email directory of SII employees. Pointers to other publishing related WWW servers are available as well.

Volume 46, Number 3 for June, 1994 of the Federal Communications Law Journal is now available. Of particular interest to the Internet community is an article by Jonathan D. Blake and Lee J. Tiedrich entitled The National Information Infrastructure Initiative and the Emergence of the Electronic Superhighway.

The Maricapa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI) supports innovations in teaching & learning for faculty of the Maricapa Community Colleges in Arizona. Their humble server has been on the Web since January 1994, over 1/200th of a century! Available items include:

The University of York (UK) is the centre for the Computers in Teaching Initiative (CTI) for Psychology.

NORDUnet is a collaboration between the national research networks in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and provides international access for these countries. The server provides background information about NORDunet as well as pointers to the Nordic national research networks.

Kabbalah Software, a leading developer and marketer of Judaic and Hebrew software for MS-DOS, Windows and Macintosh, is pleased to announce its new WWW site. Everyone is invited to browse the on-line catalog. There is a special discount offer for those who wish to order and receive products electronically.

The University of Chicago is pleased to announce its campus web server, www.uchicago.edu. As part of the UCInfo information service project of the Academic Information Technologies group, it offers links to numerous on-campus www and gopher servers (Library, Law, Biological Sciences, Social Sciences, Academic Publications, etc) as well as the campus directory, job openings, course offerings, and other student and & administrative information. Some unique local publications/institutions included are:

Berlin and Prague: Nazis, Jews, stamp collectors, and beautiful women has been enhanced with a new section of Other Voices, comments from all over the Internet. The heavy volume of requests for this and Philip Greenspun's Best of the Web '94 book ( Travels with Samantha ) has forced the purchase of new hardware to serve the Web. Please update your hotlists with these new URL's.

ASSET (Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology) is a software reuse library and reuse information exchange available to software developers in government, industry, and education. ASSET'S goals are to create a focal point for software reuse information exchange, to advance the technology of software reuse processes and to provide an electronic marketplace for reusable software products, and stimulate a national software reuse industry.

The Imaging and Distributed Computing Group of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory announces its interactive forms-based frog dissection kit. Images of the frog from various views, and in various stages of dissection, are generated on-the-fly based on parameters set by the user.

The World Wide Web of Sports, available from the Telemedia, Networks and Systems group at MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science, now features daily highlights from World Cup Soccer. The World Wide Web of Sports page provides a customization feature where users can choose which links appear on their personalized sports page. The sports pages also feature daily highlights from Major League Baseball and links to other sports pages around the Web. In other news, the TNS group announces the development of the MapMaker program, a Mosaic-integrated assistant for building imagemaps on any image. Also be sure to check out their Cool Video Demos.

The Cast10 Email List is an independent service provided to the Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). The CAST Division sponsors activities in the general areas of process systems engineering, operations, control, optimization, and applied mathematics and computation. The WWW pages are an archive for recent postings to the list and other information, and let's you know how to subscribe.

The Visual Resources Curator of the Department of Art at Appalachian State University would like to announce the on-line Rosen Sculpture Exhibition. The ROSEN EXHIBITON is located on the Department of Art Homepage.

The Oregon Museum of Science & Industry Young Scholars Research Participation Program is pleased to announce the opening of its world wide web page. OMSI Young Scholars is one of over 150 Young Scholars Programs funded, throughout the nation, by the National Science Foundation. OMSI Young Scholars are entering sophomores, juniors and seniors, from throughout the US., participating as members of the Geology/Paleontology, Aquatic Ecology, or Archeology research teams. Each team consists of a Lead Researcher from a university, government agency or private industry, an Instructor (typically an OMSI science educator, high school teacher, or graduate student), assisted by a Logistics Specialist, at least one Student Assistant selected from past Young Scholars and ten current Young Scholars.

Ircam, the French Institute for Research and Education in Acoustics and Music, annonces the availability of its WWW server, offering detailed information on its research, educational and musical activities, as well as access to its music library and sound archive catalogues for online searches, publications, recordings and software.

Novell, Inc. has new online Technical Support Databases with individual databases for NetWare, UnixWare, AppWare, Personal NetWare, Novell Dos 7, Developer Support, etc.. There is also a new hypertext index to all Files Patches and Fixes available from Novell.

The Logic Programming and Artificial Intelligence Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo would like to announce the existence of their WWW server. Both the LPAIG professors and LPAIG graduate students have made a large body of their current and past work available.

NEVAlink Co. Ltd. announces the first W3 server in St. Petersburg, Russia. Features include: 1994 Goodwill Games information, The St. Petersburg Press - a local English language weekly newspaper, and St. Petersburg Culture & Lifestyle Guide.

Building Internet Servers for the Microsoft Windows, Windows NT, DOS, or Macintosh operating environments? A collection of helpful information and links, provided by CyberGroup, Inc., will be of interest to anyone installing and configuring an FTP, Gopher, or World Wide Web (WWW) server for a "microcomputer" platform.

The Jerusalem Mosaic - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is proud to announce the availability of a new server dedicated to the City of Jerusalem. This server, which is called The Jerusalem Mosaic, includes online exhibits and details about Jerusalem.

RESUS WWW Server has a new Linux Home Page. There is also a French version of it.

Toyo Engineering Corporation (TEC) announces its World Wide Web server. This WWW server provides the information about NetWorld+Interop 94 Tokyo held from July 25 to 29, useful information around Interop Tokyo and TEC's profile.

The Algorithmic Image Gallery is now open on a experimental image server at the Physics Institute of the University of Bari in Italy.

The Center for the Study of Southern Culture invites you to visit their WWW server. The Web server will host on-line versions of several of the Center's publications, as well as other newsletters and a list of cultural events from around the Southern United States of America region.

The editors of Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik announce their WWW-Server, providing:

The Computer Science Department at George Mason University would like to announce their WWW server. This server contains links to various research centers on the GMU campus.

The Aircraft Aerodynamics and Design Group at Stanford University announces its WWW server with information on current research projects in aerodynamics, unconventional aircraft, and multidisciplinary design methods. This research group is part of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in the School of Engineering at Stanford University.

A new HTML editor, ANT_HTML.DOT, is a Word for Windows template designed to convert Word documents into HTML document in a WYSIWYG environment. The template also permits conversion of any ASCII file and editing of previously prepared HTML documents.

Icarus, the International Journal of Solar System Studies, is pleased to announce its entry to the World Wide Web. This server contains information for authors, subscription information, and a listing of papers submitted to Icarus. The list of submitted papers will be updated every 4-6 weeks.

August 6, 1994

EUnet, the leading European Internet service provider, has established a Web server for up-to-the-minute coverage of the European Championships in Athletics to be held in Helsinki, 8-15th August. This Web service follows the tradition of on-line information on the Internet and major sports events, such as the Lillehammer Winter Olympics and World Cup USA '94.

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP announces its HomePage on the Web. Dr. Vinton G. Cerf will be a keynote speaker at IFIP's 13th World Computer Congress on the Computing and Communications Evolution.

Michael J Barbers laboratory of molybdoenzyme research proudly announces the opening of the Mo Co. Home Page, with some useful information on metalloenzymes and links on many different themes.

The Elvis Presley Home Page is a musical and visual tribute to The King. Here you can find a tour of Graceland (Elvis' home), photographs, and sound clips. Also available are two nifty Elvis Windows applications!

There is now a WWW server for Traditional Taekwondo, a Korean martial Art. This server specifically covers the Munich, Germany, region, but also contains some information of general interest for those who are interested in Martial Arts. Some nice pictures are also available.

The Natural History Museum in London is pleased to announce it's experimental W3 server.

The Administrative Data Processing Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announces the ADP Online Information Service. A WWW server providing information on the following:

Announcing a new home page for the Florida Mental Health Institute, an organization dedicated to research, training and program development for improving psychological wellbeing. The Institute has four main divisions: Aging and Mental Health, Child and Family Studies, Community Mental Health, and Mental Health Law and Policy. If your browser supports forms, you may directly order reprints of studies published by Institute faculty.

TooMUSH, a MUD designed with socialization in mind, is proud to announce the opening of the TooMUSH WWW Server. This server is dedicated to showcasing the creativity of its citizen's and other MUDs.

Temple University, a major research university with more than 30,000 students, is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. The goal of this server is to provide information about the University for students, prospective students, and faculty. It will also provide links to other WWW points of interest.

Cadence Design Systems announces its World Wide Web server. Cadence is the worldwide leader in the development and marketing of design automation software and services that accelerate and advance the process of designing electronic systems.

The Astrophysics Division (DAS) at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE - National Space Research Institute), Brazil, would like to announce that it is now maintaining a WWW server. In the DAS-INPE WWW home page you will find information about the staff, research groups, incoming talks, preprints of the department and links to other astrophysical hypertexts.

Dell Computer is pleased to announce their interactive web server. A cooperative effort amongst several divisions of Dell Computer, it provides access to all the files available both on their BBS and other file areas, as well as a complete description and price listing of service part kits, plus recent press releases, and an international phone directory of Dell Computer Locations. Additional features include the Monthly Dell Sales Catalog Browsers, company history, and a rapidly developing "Solve Your Own Problem" via the AutoTech Section.

The Human-Languages Page is open and ready for browsing. The Human-Languages Page is a growing collection of Internet resources dealing with human languages, both natural and artificial. Current links include various language tutorials, dictionaries, and literature archives for over 15 languages. The H-L Page also has a growing number of Language Access Pages for non-English-speaking websurfers.

Coolware's place on the Internet is ready for visitors. Space is available for realtors and home owners to list real estate for sale. A sample of listings for the City of Palo Alto in California are currently provided for homebuyers to peruse. Also included are links to other real estate services on the web.

RUNE: An MIT Journal of Arts and Letters is now on the Web with Volume 15. The print-version of this student-run publication comprises an even 100 pages of photographs, paintings, computer art, stories, essays, and poems by MIT students, faculty, and staff. That's all here, and then some.

The University of Abertay Dundee announces the availability of its WWW server to the outside world. A particularly interesting but simple link is an HTML version of Scott Yanoff's fingerinfo utility linking to some of the more well known finger information sources.

The University of Twente (UT), The Netherlands, announces the existence of its WWW server with information on network management. The server has links to a large number of free SNMP software packages, including documentation and source code of UT-SNMPv2. The server also includes lists of network management standards, articles, the Simple Times and CMIP-RUN.

The Give children a chance action is prolonged to mid September. Several new entries have been added, covering especially astronomy for children. An exhibition of 100 old wooden toys is also waiting for visitors! Click here for the English version and here for the Italian one.

The Population Studies Center of the University of Michigan is a Demographic Research and Training Center with an interdisciplinary base of sociology, economics, public health, anthropology, political science, and social work.

Announcing the CPU Info Center: A central location for getting technical info, latest press releases, product information, performance summaries, and other data related to the rapidly changing microprocessor industry. There are also many links to outside information databases.

Oilbase is a comprehensive database of information about the band Midnight Oil, including song lyrics, live show registers and discographies.

"The Network Nation Revisited" is an analysis of the predictions made by Hiltz and Turoff in The Network Nation, one of the seminal texts in the field of Computer Mediated Communications, first published in 1978. It is also available as a 618K PostScript file.

The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Microprocessors and Microcomputers announces Hot Chips Symposium VI, a symposium on high-performance chips, August 14-16, 1994, at Stanford University. Since 1989, Hot Chips has attracted an audience of pioneers in the computer field as well as the hottest young designers. This year HOT Chips will bring you the latest develoments in chip technology. You'll hear about the latest RISC and CISC CPUs and new applications in the HOT areas of networks, encription, graphics and video.

Stop by the CyberDeals Road Stop on your Internet WWW travel. Experience a new, unique shopping experience from a store concept designed solely for the Internet, offering the latest high technology products for the global Internet users' community at low prices that retailer and mail order operators can only dream of. Enjoy the fully electronic 7 days a week, 24 hours a day around the clock service. While you're in town, don't forget to check out all of the exciting information and news services to be available. See you at CyberDeals City!

The University of Adelaide would like to announce the commissioning of their World Wide Web service. At present they are providing online access to their telephone book and to the other WWW servers within the University but hope to continue expanding this service to include other useful information.

Check out TIGERPAWS, an experimental homepage on the Showme UNIX system at University of Missouri-Columbia. TIGERPAWS is a research tool for studying Russia and the Newly Indepedent States via Internet. Future expansion may include the Middle East and Asia.

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston would like to announce the availability of its Medical Education Information Center (MEDIC) which provides health information for continuing education of health professionals, self instructional materials for allied health students, medical students, and for patients. A forum for medical informatics is also available.

The Cornell Robotics and Vision Laboratory is now providing services via the WWW. These pages contain links to technical and research papers, as well as information on research and equipment at the CSRVL. The Carnegie-Mellon Computer Vision home page provides links to other related sites.

The Multilingual Lab at the University of California at Davis would like to announce the birth of a new experimental server and home page. The lab is part of the University's Department of Computer Science, and supports a wide variety of projects relating to non-English character sets and languages.

The San Francisco Bay Area Parent Magazine is now available on the Web. This is a valuable and convenient family resource for parents and children, containing a calendar of events, a list of recreational and educational activities and places of interest. This is also of value to travelers with kids visiting the Bay Area. Brought to you by Internet Information Systems.

A WWW server is now officially available at the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC) at Syracuse University, an advanced computing center specializing in High Performance Computing and Communications, parallel processing, distributed computing, computational science, education, and technology transfer through the InfoMall program.

RUNE: An MIT Journal of Arts and Letters is now on the Web with Volume 15. The print-version of this student-run publication comprises 100 pages of photographs, paintings, computer art, stories, essays, and poems by MIT students, faculty, and staff. That's all here, and then some.

This What's New Page was originally created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

The NCSA What's New Page is officially in the public domain. This means that you are free to do anything you wish with this listing. However, this does not imply anything about the documents which are referenced via this page or any other pages found on this server.

Copyright © 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation.