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Support Options

Microsoft offers a variety of support options to meet your needs. Below is a listing of what's available.

Built-In Support 
The Help files included with Windows NT® Workstation provide answers to a variety of questions, plus links to wizards that step you through setup of printers and remote connections. Whenever you have a question about how to use Windows NT Workstation, the first place to look is Help. You'll find it on the Start menu.

Support Services on the Web
The Microsoft Web site offers a variety of support services. Support Online Off-site link gives you access to Microsoft Technical Support's entire collection of problem-solving tools and technical information, including the Knowledge Base, Troubleshooting Wizards, and downloads. Specific support programs are available by product and for businesses of different sizes.

Original Equipment Manufacturer Support 
If this product was already installed when you purchased your computer, support for Windows NT Workstation 4.0 may be available from your computer manufacturer Off-site link.

Last Updated: Friday, February 08, 2002
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