Read Me First
This update resolves a very small memory leak which occurs when opening and closing a connection using the Windows Sockets API. (A memory leak prevents a program from freeing up memory that it no longer needs.) This is an update and component that has been released since the Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 (Sept 10, 1996).
Without this update, running an application which opens and closes a large number of "winsock" connections over a long period of time may result a significant resource drain. This can cause the Windows swapfile to grow very large, overall deterioration of performance, and over time, possible system instability. This update resolves these issues.
Most applications that use "winsock" connections (such as a Web browser) open the connection once at the beginning of a session and maintain that connection, and do not require this update. Applications that tend to open and close winsock connections are more like Web servers that may open a connection for each page served. If you need to run these types of applications continuously over long periods of time, you will benefit from this update.
Important: Do not install the Kernel32 Update on the English Pan European version of Microsoft® Windows® 95 or any other non-English version of Windows 95.
Important: Do not install the Kernel Update on a machine with Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR 2) installed. To determine if you are running OSR 2, go to the System applet of the Control Panel. If the version number reported is 4.00.950 B, do not install the Service Pack 1 Update. Your system already contains the appropriate fix.
NOTE: This download is not intended for use on computers running Microsoft® Windows® 98.
System Requirements
Microsoft Windows 95
How to Download
- Create a folder by right-clicking on the desktop, click New, and then click Folder. Type a name for the folder and press enter.
- Click the Download Now button at the top or bottom of this page. In the File download dialog box that appears on your screen, click Save Program to Disk.
- Choose to save the file in the folder you just created, then click Save.
- Open that folder and double-click krnlupd.exe to install the program files. Be sure to read the "Read-Me" files for additional information.
How to Use
You don't need to do anything after download.
Related Information
Windows 95 Service Pack 1
The Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 includes an update, system administration tools, additional components, and drivers for Windows 95. More detailed information about each of the fixes is included in the Service Pack Fixes document.