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Windows Update  

Security Update, September 9, 1999

127 KB | 1 Min @ 28.8 | Posted 9 Sep 99

Read Me First

This update eliminates a vulnerability in the Telnet client that ships as part of Windows 98. The vulnerability could allow a web page to take malicious action on the computer of the user who visited the page. For example, this web page could create, delete or modify files, reformat the hard drive, or send data to or from a web page.

For more information on this update and the Telnet client vulnerability, please visit Microsoft Security Bulletin MS99-033.

How to download and install

NOTE: Please save your work and close all open applications before installing.

  1. Click the Next button at the top or bottom of the page.
  2. Follow the instructions on your screen.

How to use

You don't need to do anything after downloading.

How to uninstall

NOTE: Please save your work and close all open applications before attempting to uninstall this component. You will need to have your original Windows 98 CD available to uninstall this component.

  1. Click Start, point to Find, and click Files or Folders.
  2. Search for TELNETUN.INF.
  3. Once this file is displayed, right-click on the file and choose Install.

Security Update, September 9, 1999

127 KB | 1 Min @ 28.8 | Posted 9 Sep 99