Set the magnification level in Magnifier
Steps using the keyboard:
- Display the Start menu by pressing CTRL+ESC (or the Windows logo key).
- Move to Programs by pressing P.
- Move to Accessories by pressing the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key. Press ENTER.
- Move to Accessibility, and then press ENTER.
- Move to Magnifier, and then press ENTER.
Note A message box with a link to more information about Magnifier may appear. To close the box, press ENTER.
- In the Magnification level box:
- Adjust the level of magnification by selecting a number from 1 to 9 using the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key.
Note To use Microsoft Magnifier but hide the Magnifier Settings dialog box, press ALT+SHIFT+N.
Steps using the mouse:
- On the Start menu:
- Point to Programs.
- Point to Accessories.
- Point to Accessibility.
- Click Magnifier.
Note A message box with a link to more information about Magnifier may appear. To close the box, click OK.
- In the Magnification level box:
- Adjust the level of magnification by typing a number from 1 to 9, or by using the arrows to select.
Note To use Microsoft Magnifier but hide the Magnifier Settings dialog box, click the Minimize button.