Activate scanning mode
Steps using the keyboard:
- Display the Start menu by pressing CTRL+ESC (or the Windows logo key).
- Move to Programs by pressing P.
- Move to Accessories by pressing the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key. Press ENTER.
- Move to Accessibility, and then press ENTER.
- Move to On-Screen Keyboard, and then press ENTER.
Note A message box with a link to more information about accessibility utilities may appear. To close the box, press ENTER.
- In the On-Screen Keyboard window:
- Display the Settings menu by pressing ALT+S.
- Select Typing Mode by pressing T.
- In the Typing Mode dialog box:
- Select Joystick or key to select by pressing J.
- To set the speed for how quickly On-Screen Keyboard scans:
- Press the TAB key.
- Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select a scan interval.
- Select the Advanced button by pressing ALT+A.
- In the Scanning Options dialog box:
- Select the Serial, parallel, or game port check box by pressing S.
- Select the Keyboard key check box by pressing K.
- Press ALT+O twice to close the dialog boxes.
Steps using the mouse:
- On the Start menu:
- Point to Programs.
- Point to Accessories.
- Point to Accessibility.
- Click On-Screen Keyboard.
Note A message box with a link to more information about the On-Screen Keyboard may appear. To close the box, click OK.
- In the On-Screen Keyboard window:
- On the Settings menu, select Typing Mode.
- In the Typing Mode dialog box:
- Select Joystick or key to select.
- To set the speed for how quickly On-Screen Keyboard scans:
- Use the up and down arrows next to the Scan Interval box.
- Click the Advanced button.
- In the Scanning Options dialog box:
- Select the Serial, parallel, or game port check box.
- Select the Keyboard key check box.
- Click OK two times to close the dialog boxes.