For those that want to learn more:
- A PC in an IRIS INDIGO -- GI fanatics may cringe, or even shout sacrilege, but it puts a cool case to good use.
- Goodwill Computers - Check out their "Museum" link. They have some unique hardware!
- An obsolete hardware documentation site - Very Cool!!! Try it.
- Google : Retrocomputing - Google's List of What's Cool. Also check their Historical, one level back.
- Vintage Computer Festival - Exceedingly cool site with images you'll not find anywhere else of some seriously old equipment!
- Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution - Xerox PARC is often credited with the mouse and GUI, but here's the real creator.
- Making the Macintosh - Version 1.0 - A "real" look at the history of this machine. Very Cool.
- The Apple Museum - Wow! This covers many of the really old Apples we know and love!
- Apache Webserver Docs Page - Do you want to run your own web server?
- Learn The C Programming Language - a simple primer to C programming
- Beginner's Unix - A very simple primer
- Basic Unix - a good "getting started" reference
- Canadian Sunsite - includes a UNIX tutorial and information about SUN systems
- The Unix Reference Desk - a very complete reference
- Learn About and Operate a DEC PDP-8 Computer - a very cool site!
- The Lisa Emulation Project - Learn about the Lisa, the older sister of the Macintosh (and daughter of the Alto)
- Lisa Prototype Info - How the LISA was brought to life, with interface design concepts!!!!
- THE OBSOLETE COMPUTER MUSEUM - For '8-bit' type systems, this is THE PLACE on the web. Rare and unusual stuff!
- Also into retrocomputing the pc and software museum. It's a good start... More! More!
- The Vax Bar - This is the other coolest thing I have ever seen.
- The Silicon Graphics Refrigerator Project - Amazing!
And for even more Links, check out my Bookmarks file!
And yet more Links from my "in progress" stuff