In the pursuit of getting to know our VSxx00 machines better with the goal of getting a VS port of NetBSD, here goes: VAXstation 3100 Boot Monitor 'Research' HELP command Syntax: HELP Prints out the following: DEPOSIT [{ /B | /W | /L}] [{ /P | /V | /I }] [/G] [/U] [/N:<n>] [{ <addr> | <sym> | + | - | * | @ } [<datum>]] EXAMINE [{ /B | /W | /L}] [{ /P | /V | /I }] [/G] [/U] [/N:<n>] [{ <addr> | <sym> | + | - | * | @ }] SET BOOT <ddau> SET BFLG <bflg> SET HALT <1-3> SET KBD <0-15> SET MOP <0-1> SET TRIG <0-1> SET PWSD SET PSE <0-1> SHOW { BOOT | BFLG | DEV | ETHER | HALT | KBD | MOP | TRIG | MEM | ESTAT | SCSIA | SCSIB | PSE | VER} INITIALIZE UNJAM BOOT [/[R5:]<bflg>] <ddau>: CONTINUE START <addr> REPEAT <addr> TEST <n> [<m>] FIND [{ /MEMORY | /RPB }] LOGIN XFER <addr> <cnt> ... DTE HALT HELP BOOT command Syntax: BOOT [/[R5:]<bflg>] <ddau>: ddau - device in VMS/VMB column listed in 'SHOW DEV' command R5: - ??? bflg - ??? Bootstraps from and submits control to the loaded program retrieved from device 'ddau' CONTINUE command Syntax: CONTINUE Continues boot process interrupted by user DTE Command Syntax: DTE Returns a '*>>>' prompt Runs Terminal mode (VT-100 compatible XON/XOFF flow control) ^P - exits terminal mode to Monitor mode. DEPOSIT command Syntax: DEPOSIT [{ /B | /W | /L}] [{ /P | /V | /I }] [/G] [/U] [/N:<n>] [{ <addr> | <sym> | + | - | * | @ } [<datum>]] Writes argument(s) to memory /B - byte (8 bit) /W - word (16 bit) /L - long (32 bit) /P - ??? /V - ??? /I - I registers (0x00-0x13) what are they for ??? /G - G registers (0x00-0x0f) what are they for ??? /U - ??? /N:<n> - number of entries (bytes/words/longs) <addr> - memory address (hexidecimal) <sym> - ??? + - increments pointer by byte/word/long - - decrements pointer by byte/word/long * - ??? @ - ??? <datum> - that which is written to memory determined by above args EXAMINE command Syntax: EXAMINE [{ /B | /W | /L}] [{ /P | /V | /I }] [/G] [/U] [/N:<n>] [{ <addr> | <sym> | + | - | * | @ }] Examines memory contents /B - byte (8 bit) /W - word (16 bit) /L - long (32 bit) /P - ??? /V - ??? /I - I registers (0x00-0x13) what are they for??? /G - G registers (0x00-0x0f) what are they for??? /U - ??? /N:<n> - number of entries (bytes/words/longs) <addr> - memory address (hexidecimal) <sym> - ??? + - increment pointer by 1=byte, 2=word, 3=long - - decrement pointer by 1=byte, 2=word, 3=long * - ??? @ - ??? LOGIN command Syntax: LOGIN Prompts for username and password ??? HALT command Syntax: HALT ??? XFER command Syntax: XFER <addr> <cnt> ... ??? UNJAM command Syntax: UNJAM ??? SHOW command Syntax: SHOW { BOOT | BFLG | DEV | ETHER | HALT | KBD | MOP | TRIG | MEM | ESTAT | SCSIA | SCSIB | PSE | VER} Displays info on selected device. SHOW BOOT - Displays boot device set by 'SET BOOT' command SHOW BFLG - ??? SHOW DEV - Displays peripheral device data according to the following structure: VMS/VMB ULTRIX ADDR DEVTYP NUMBYTES RM/FX WP DEVNAM REV ------- ------ ---- ------ -------- ----- -- ------ --- xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx xx xxxx xxxx VMS/VMB - Device name assigned by the VMS OS ULTRIX - Device name assigned by the Ultrix OS ADDR - Combination SCSI host / SCSI Dev ID / ??? / ??? DEVTYP - Device type such as DISK, INITR, etc. NUMBYTES - Device capacity RM/FX - Removable or fixed media WP - Write Protect active DEVNAM - Device name - RX23 = FDD, RZ24 = HDD, etc. REV - Device firmware revision info. SHOW ETHER - Displays IP address: ID XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX SHOW HALT - ??? SHOW KBD - Displays numeric code coresponding to language set by SET KBD or TEST 54 commands SHOW MOP - Displays master operating program info ??? SHOW TRIG - ??? SHOW MEM - Displays system RAM size. SHOW ESTAT - Displays ethernet status??? SHOW SCSIA - Displays first SCSI host ID SHOW SCSIB - Displays second SCSI host ID SHOW PSE - ??? SHOW VER - Displays ROM version info. TEST command Syntax: TEST <n> [<m>] n - number in decimal 00-99 M - UNKNOWN Function: Performs peripheral tests 00 - System diags??? 01 - ??? 02 - ??? 03 - ??? 04 - ??? 05 - ??? 06 - ??? 07 - ??? 08 - ??? 09 - ??? 50 - SCSI HDD subsystem 51 - SCSI FDD subsystem 54 - Set default language 61 - Reserved 62 - Reserved 75 - SCSI HDD format & surface test 76 - SCSI FDD format & surface test 80 - Video grid-circle-dots 81 - E's 82 - White full raster 83 - Blue-red-green=white vertical bars 84 - Red full raster 85 - Green full raster 86 - Blue full raster 87 - Black-blue-red-magenta-green-cyan-yellow-white vertical bars 88 - Ascending staircase AKA 'gray-scale' 89 - Upwardly scrolling H's all other return '?23 ILL CMD' -------cut here------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brian D. Chase Unix/Network Shaman -- Compression, Inc. - 13765 Alton Pkwy, Suite B - Irvine, CA 92618, USA --
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