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1. Introduction

After acquiring a VAXstation 3100, I was interested in making the machine a bit more useful by running some type of Unix operating system on it. Thoughts of running VAX/VMS crossed my mind for a few seconds, but I quickly regained my sanity. VMS just isn't Unix. (Depending on your viewpoint that can be read as either an insult or a compliment to either of the two operating systems). Then there was Ultrix, and although it would satisfy my desire to run Unix -- Ultrix just isn't the best version of Unix I've ever worked with. In fact it is probably the worst version of Unix I've ever worked with. The one remaining option was to run NetBSD/vax. An end goal at hand, my quest began.

Although still in it's early stages, NetBSD/vax is pleasingly functional in its support of the VAXstation and MicroVAX systems discussed in this guide. NetBSD/vax has addressed my desire to run a modern Unix on my personal slice of DEC VAX history. Still, it was no small task to get from the point of having a VAXstation without an operating system to the point where the machine booted up to a cheerful login prompt. In order to make the lives of others easier as they too attempt to breathe new life into their sleepy VAX systems, I have assembled this guide.

Update: With the release of NetBSD 1.3, support for the netbooting of NetBSD/vax has been officially incorporated into a full fledged release of NetBSD/vax.

1.1 Overview of The Netbooting Process

Before we even get started, it will help you to have a general understanding of exactly what takes place during the netbooting process.

There are three phases to the netbooting process: (1) MOP loading the NetBSD/vax bootloader from the MOP server and starting it, (2) the bootloader starting the NetBSD/vax kernel, (3) the kernel NFS mounting the root filesystem and proceeding with normal startup.

MOP is short for Maintenance Operations Protocol. It's a DEC proprietary communications protocol used in many DEC systems for things like, well, netbooting workstations. The VAXstations, in addition to many other VAXen have the client side support for MOP built into their system ROMs. Without this built-in MOP client code, we wouldn't get very far in netbooting the machines. This is because MOP provides the means by which the NetBSD/vax bootloader is transferred to the VAX client. To boot a machine from the network using MOP you need to have a MOP server in addition to your VAX's client implementation of MOP. Setting up a MOP server on a bootserver machine is covered later in the HOWTO.

After using MOP to transfer the NetBSD/vax second stage bootloader from the bootserver, the bootloader begins executing. The bootloader then sends a RARP request out on the local network to determine the IP address which should be assigned to the VAX client. The IP address to assign to the VAX is based on its hardware ethernet address. You'll have to specify the mappings of ethernet address to IP addresses, but this is covered in the HOWTO. We will configure the bootserver as the machine for answering the RARP requests.

Following the determination of the VAX's IP address, the bootloader begins a dialog with the bootparamd server. The bootparamd server generally runs along with the MOP server on the bootserver machine. The dialog with bootparamd lets the VAX client know important things like, where to find the NFS filesystem on which the NetBSD/vax kernel lives.

After gathering information from bootparamd, the bootloader can NFS mount the appropriate root filesystem and transfer execution to the NetBSD/vax kernel located on that filesystem. From this point on, the booting of NetBSD/vax goes much the same way as it would from a local disk.

For a more detailed overview of netbooting, see the NetBSD man page for diskless(8).

Based on the phases of netbooting described above, you can see that we've got a number of requirements for successfully booting a VAX client from the network. Those requirements being: the presence of a MOP server, a machine with support for answering RARP requests, a bootparamd server, and an NFS server to host the VAX's root filesystem.

1.2 Supported Platforms

There are several members of the VAXstation family which I know work with the netboot setup as described in this document. These machines are all older models of VAXstation.

VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 3100/M30, VAXstation 3100/M38, VAXstation 3100/M40, VAXstation 3100/M48, and VAXstation 3100/M76

In addition to the VAXstations, several of the MicroVAX and VAXserver named systems may also be successfully netbooted.

MicroVAX 2000, MicroVAX 3100/M10, MicroVAX 3100/M10e, MicroVAX 3100/M20, MicroVAX 3100/M20e, and VAXserver 3100

1.3 Supported Platform Quirks

Although a fairly broad range of systems is supported, this support tends to come with certain limitations.

Display Limitations

The NetBSD/vax port presently has no support included for display hardware. None of the display framebuffers or enhanced display adapters are supported. They are not even supported in the capacity of a console device. The only non pseudo terminal support for direct interaction with a booted NetBSD/vax system is through the serial console. You will either need a serial terminal such as a VT220, or you will need to interface the VAX to another system such a PC running a communications software package.

Memory Limitations

Presently, the VAXstation 3100's and MicroVAX 3100's are unable to boot from the network when they have memory configurations greater than 16Megs. The memory areas critical to the operation of the Lance ethernet device get mapped in such a way that memory configurations of more than 16Megs confuse NetBSD's interaction with the Lance device.

The workaround for this stumbling block is the common sense solution of removing memory until the system has no greater than 16Megs of RAM. Yes, it's painful thing to do if you've got 32Megs of RAM in your workstation. But then you have to ask yourself, do I want an oversized paperweight with 32Megs of RAM or do I want a nifty operational NetBSD/vax system with 16Megs?

See Boot Hangs - output buffer busy for more details on this problem behavior.

Ethernet Device Limitations

You cannot netboot VAXstation and MicroVAX systems which do not have the lance ethernet device present. The reason for the lance ethernet requirement is that there is no support in the bootloader for Q-bus, Unibus, or other non-lance ethernet devices. Examples of specific devices which are NOT supported by the bootloader at this time include DEQNA, DELQA, DEUNA, and DELUA. Basically, if it's not a lance ethernet device you won't be netbooting based on the information contained in this document.

Disk Limitations

The local disk support for the various platforms is somewhat flaky at the moment. This is one of the reasons that netbooting these systems is presently the most viable way to operate these systems.

Of the supported systems, the VAXstation 2000 and the VAXstation 3100/M76 have the best disk support. This is mainly due to those being the types of systems on which the majority of the VAXstation kernel development was carried out. By "best disk support" I mean that the kernel device drivers support the more efficient DMA I/O data transfers on the disk controllers of these machines. In the case of the VAXstation 2000, both its MFM (ST506) and SCSI controllers are supported by NetBSD/vax. In the case of the VAXstation 3100/M76 it has a pair of SCSI controllers integrated into the main system board. Both of the these SCSI controllers are supported.

The other systems, the VAXstation 3100 M30/M38/M40/M48, do have support for SCSI controllers present in them. The model 30-48 VAXstation 3100's have separate daughter boards on which their disk I/O controllers reside. Two types of controller boards were made for these machines. One was board contained both an MFM (ST506) controller and a SCSI controller. The other board had two SCSI controllers built into it. Only the SCSI controllers on these daughter boards are supported by the NetBSD/vax kernel, and presently the drivers must be modified in such a way that they run in a degraded mode of Programmed I/O (PIO) data transfers.

In my experience the PIO mode works reliably, but the read and write rates to the disks are a painfully slow 30KB/sec. Using the NFS mounted filesystems are significantly faster unless your network is really heavily loaded.

I'm not familiar with the MicroVAX systems so I don't know to what extent disk I/O is supported with them. The MicroVAX 2000 mainboard, being identical in design to the VAXstation 2000, will have fully functional NetBSD/vax controller drivers. As for the listed MicroVAX 3100 models, they deviate a bit more in design from their VAXstation 3100 siblings. I would suppose that if a particular MicroVAX 3100 can be netbooted, and if the MicroVAX 3100's use the same disk controllers as the VAXstation 3100's, then there's a good chance that the SCSI drivers will at least work in the degraded PIO transfer mode. Keep in mind that the MicroVAX 3100 information is speculative at this point.

1.4 Acknowledgments

Many thanks go out to those of both the NetBSD/vax community as well as members of the VAX/Linux porting efforts. I would like to thank in particular:

In alphabetical order

Bertram Barth

For all the excellent work on the NetBSD with VAXstation 3100 support. Bertram is truly a port-vax mailing list hero. Additional thanks go out to Bertram for adding SCSI controller autodetection code to allow systems with less than two SCSI controllers to boot properly.

Enrik Berkhan

For researching and finding a workaround for the difficulties with the bootparamd server under the current Linux implementation of RARP.

Bruce Calder

For visiting on a weekend and doing most of the work to get the NetBSD kernel image to actually load during our first attempts at netbooting.

Antonio Carlini

For clarification on the various types, designs, and designations of VAX systems.

Mats O. Jansson

For mopd, without mopd none of this would be possible.

Karl Maftoum

For porting mopd to Linux, else this guide would be quite thin, for providing lots of pointers when I first got my VAXstation 3100, and also for charging headlong into the perils of porting Linux to the VAX architecture.

Anders Magnusson (Ragge)

For all the excellent work on the NetBSD/vax port and being very helpful in general. Yet another port-vax hero. Without Ragge, there wouldn't be a NetBSD/vax port. Many thanks for the excellent work on 1.3 as well.

Kevin McQuiggin

For creating the FreeBSD sections. That's one less Unix left unexplained.

Mattias Nordlund

For pointing me to the Linux version of bootparamd.

Tim Shoppa

For providing me with all sorts of excellent information to all my VAX hardware questions. Not to mention his hand delivering a pair of VAXstation 3100's to me on a trip from Vancouver in Canada to Southern California. Tim also provided an interesting account of how he once traveled on a plane with a PDP-11 as carry-on luggage.

Many thanks in general to the NetBSD/vax, NetBSD, and Linux communities for providing a lot of positive feedback on this HOWTO.

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