Archive-name: dec-faq/ucx Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1-May-1996 9:35:00 Version: 3.19 [Administrative note: The file will be posted to the vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.ucx newsgroup with an expiration date 2 months from the date of posting. When a new version is released (usually monthly) the old version will be superseded by the new one. This should keep the FAQ as the first post in the newsgroup listing for the majority of sites.] [IMPORTANT NOTE: It should not be construed that the authors of this FAQ | are experts on Digital TCP-IP Services for OpenVMS.] ******************************************************* * * * Answers to Frequently asked questions about UCX * * * ******************************************************* This post contains Part 1 (currently the only part) of the UCX FAQ. It will be posted to vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.ucx and news.answers monthly. Changes to this FAQ will be marked with vertical bars (or whatever passes for a vertical bar on your display) like this: | This is a sample changed section. Change bars will also be placed on the corresponding entry in the table of contents so that it's easier to know where the changes are. This suggestion came from Mike Davis ( This document contains "Frequently Asked Questions" (or FAQ for short) about | Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, also known as UCX, from an earlier | version. Answers (hopefully correct ones, even) are also included. There is | a table of contents, followed by the actual questions and answers. Many common questions about UCX are answered in this document, it would be a good idea to read it to see if your question has already been answered before posting to the UCX newsgroup. We monitor the related newsgroups for UCX-related questions and answers, and add them to this document when appropriate. Updates will be posted approximately every month. If you have additional information or corrections to any of the items in this FAQ, feel free to send them to to one of the FAQ maintainers for inclusion in the next version. See the end of this file for their addresses. Please indicate in your message that you are submitting an item for the UCX FAQ. This file is also available via FTP from ( in the | [.ucx] directory as ucx-faq.txt and at CONTENTS 1. General Information | 1.1) What is UCX? | 1.2) What is the current version? | 1.3) What ECOs are available and what are they for? | 1.4) What new features are in the current release? 2. Included Utilities 2.1) Why isn't included? | 2.2) Why doesn't UCX FTP support STRU VMS? 2.3) Why doesn't UCX V1.3 FTP work with "new" Unix FTP servers? 2.4) Why doesn't UCX Telnet have a 3270 mode? 2.5) Why isn't a BIND server included? 2.6) Why isn't SLIP/PPP included? 3. Other Utilities 3.1) What add-on utilities are available? 3.2) PING 3.3) SMTP mail 3.4) NSLOOKUP 3.5) RLOGIN 3.6) TALK 3.7) LPR | 3.8) POP server 3.9) Archie client 3.10) IRC client 3.11) Empire client 3.12) NNTP clients and servers 3.13) WHOIS 3.14) Finger 3.15) TRACEROUTE 3.16) Gopher 3.17) NTP (Network Time Protocol) 3.18) FTP | 3.19) HTTP and WWW 3.20) NETLIB 4. Programming 4.1) Where is the programming documentation? | 4.2) Why don't routines like getprotobyname() work? 5. Common Problems and Solutions 5.1) Why can't non-privileged users do ? | 5.2) What is the UCX security patch for? 5.3) How can I disable incoming Telnet access 5.4) Why is Auxiliary Server (inetd) startup so slow? 5.5) Why doesn't Anonymous FTP work? 5.6) How do I add proxies in a cluster? 5.7) How do I set up a BIND server? 6. NFS (Network File System) 6.1) Where can I get an NFS client (as opposed to a server) for UCX? 1. General Information. 1.1) What is UCX? | UCX ("Digital TCP/IP services for OpenVMS") is a package from Digital | Equipment Corporation (DEC) which provides connectivity between VAX and AXP | systems running OpenVMS and other systems running the TCP/IP protocols. The | name UCX is based on a former name of this software, VMS/Ultrix Connection | and is now based on the prompt "UCX>" of the control program. The former | name implied that it was for connecting Ultrix systems to VMS systems and | originally, that was its purpose. However, since it also works with other | TCP/IP implementations Digital elected to change the name. Because it is a | Digital product available under the Campuswide Software License Grant (CSLG) | program to qualifying schools and because it comes bundled with many | VMS-supported systems as part of the NAS packages, it enjoys a large | popularity. 1.2) What is the current version? UCX V4.0 was released in November of 1995 for both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP and is available on the current Consolidated Distribution disks. There | is also a V4.0A available for the Alpha only. The SPD warrants that UCX V4.0 | runs on OpenVMS V6.0 or later, but Irv Eisen ( that he | has installed in on OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 and that it runs fine there, even | though it is not a supported configuration. The most recent prior version was V3.3 for AXP and VAX. The new features and corrections listed in the release notes are as follows: o Support for RFC 1112 IP multicasting o BIND server cluster load balancing o BIND server well-known services support o BIND server round-robin scheduling o New management commands and qualifiers for the above o Sun RPC calls (RPCXDR, RPCGEN) o DECthreads-safe socket library o FTP SET ERROR_LEVEL command o TELNET /CREATE_SESSION and /DELETE_SESSION qualifiers o The CREATE DIRECTORY and CREATE CONTAINER commands now work properly o The BIND server commands SHOW NAME/STATISTICS and SHOW NAME/QUERY now work correctly o No more ACCVIO from the BIND resolver when no BIND servers were defined o OPCOM and errorlog messages are no longer disabled when a directory is NFS-exported to the world o The NFS client now sees local directories faster o The NFS client no longer requires GRPPRV when accessing a file owned by a same-group user when group access is enabled o ADF deletion for rmdir of NFS-mounted directory now works Restrictions in UCX V4.0 are: o The logical name UCX$NTP_TZ must be defined prior to starting NTP. o DELETE/ENTRY used on a TELNETSYM queue can cause the queue to hang on occasion. STOP/RESET will fix it o SMTP mail does not correctly set the CC header for outbound mail. o SMTP does not work correctly when local and remote addresses are mixed at the To: prompt. Keep like addresses together as in To: local1,local2,smtp%"remote1@domain1,remote2@domain2" or To: smtp%"local1,local2",smtp%"remote1@domain1,remote2@domain2" o Two additional questions may be asked after installation procedure states "More more questions will be asked." o BACKUP/VERIFY may issue spurious messages with NFS using VMS-to-VMS mode o Using CMS on NFS-mounted libraries is not recommended o You cannot MAP remote files with UCX for use by OpenVMS POSIX. o If you supply incorrect remote information to RCP, the resulting error message is unpredictable o The SET NOROUTE comman doesn't accept partial wildcards o Services must be disabled and re-enabled in order for SET SERVICE changes to take effect o DISABLE SERVICE, in general, does not stop existing processes o You cannot compile Sun RPC programs with VAX C. | 1.3) What ECOs are available and what are they for? | There is one ECO kit for UCX V4.0 available at this time. The kit is named | UCXECO1-040 and there are separate savesets for the VAX and Alpha versions. | At the time of this writing, the VAX version is available on DSNlink in the | DEC-TCPIP and ECO-SUMMARY databases. Search for the article entitled | | UCXECO1-040 TCP/IP V4.0 for OPENVMS VAX ECO Summary | | The problems fixed by this ECO that were not addressed in the original | release are: | | o UCX$UCP_STARTUP.COM installed the UCX$UDP.EXE image with more | privileges than it required | o RSH and REXEC on occasion would not return a null byte to confirm a | successful login | o Additional setup scripts and a metricview command have been added to | validate a BIND server setup | o Correction of some system crashes at shutdown | o Correction of some ARP message traffic | o Correction of TELNET logout hangs in VMS V7.0 | o Correction of some socket READ operations | o Correction of a system crash when using the local interface | o Correction of a system crash in PWIP | o Correction of Alpha crash when deallocating SLIP structure | o Correction of pool exhaustion | o Begin adding PPP support (not yet complete) | o Correction of incomplete IGMP membership query responses | o Correction of INVEXCEPTN crash due to incorrect deallocation of VRCP | o Correction I/O cancellation due to deallocation of shared BG device | o Correction of improper IP hostname resolution for inbound TELNET | o Correction of automatic configuration of SLIP interface | o Correction of data link driver crash | o Correction of cluster alias handling during IP shutdown | o Correction of UCB handling for SLIP on a terminal line | o Correction of shared socket problem. | o Correction of improperly set /PASTHRU characteristic at TELNET | connection | o Correction of break-in handling of TELNET and RLOGIN session | o All out-bound TELNET devices are now shown as unmounted | o Correction of TN3270 problem on Alpha | o Correction of TNDRIVER crash | o Correction of improper setting of $status in UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE | o Correction of crash when broadcast mask set incorrectly | o Correction of $status returned from PING | o Correction of multiprocessor crashes | o Correction of access violation in NSLOOKUP | o Correction of invalid filtering of MX records | o Correction of DNS zone transfers | o BOOTP now ignores requests from undefined clients | o Correction of tftp loops | o Correction of ntp memory leak | o .DIR files now displayed correctly | o Correction of improper delete of files | o Correction of conversion of Stream_CR files to Stream_LF | o Correction of DNFS system crash | o Correction of proxy database loading | o Correction of upper/lower case handling in RSH | o Correction of FTP get from IBM system | o Correction of case handling in FTP | o Proper translation of UCX$FTP_RAW_BINARY, UCX$FTP_KEEPALIVE, and | UCX$FTP_STREAMLF logical names | o Ultrix mode FTP now alows port specification | o Correction of FTP /INPUT qualifier handling | o Correction of FTP put to HP3000 | o Correction of FTP access violations | o Corrected assignment of ownership of put files | o Allow FTP server to use ports other than 21 | o Correction of anonymous FTP log problem | o Corrected problem with search lists for various FTP commands | o FTP append to file with mixed case name fixed | o Maximum record length now set correctly for FTP transfers | o Allow setting of window size beyond 32K | o Correction of miscellaneous anonymous FTP problems | o Added support for STRU RECORD | o Added UCX$FTP_SERVER_DBG logical recording of server problems | o Removed some information from messages returned by FTP login failure | so that client can't tell why login failed (security enhancement) | o Accept ".." and "<>" in addition to "[]" on FTP cd command | o Require Wordperfect queued to be de-integrated when using lpr/lpd | o Added "nd' flag field to printcap to allow keeping files queued through | lpd, removing the /DELETE that the lpd symbiont was adding | o Added support for inbound LPD jobs with "v" control card | o Added ACK of "abort job" command from lpr client | o Correction of select() routine in IPC object library | o Correction of ANALYZE MAIL's handling of concealed logical names that | would cause it to not find the files associated with queue entries | o ANALYZE MAIL/DELETE now correctly handles BEFORE= time | o ANALYZE MAIL no longer submits new entry for already entered queue | items | o Correction of ANALYZE MAIL problems during high SMTP activity | o ANALYZE MAIL now deletes the _TEXT file when a control file is deleted | o Correction of ANALYZE MAIL improperly handling files with .UCX_nodename | file types | o Corrected double spacing in SMTP logs | o Corrected handling of bounced mail message control files | o Correction of bounce message delivery | o Addition of SMTP snapshot facility, controlled by | UCX$SMTP_SYMB_SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS and UCX$SMTP_RECV_SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS logical | names | o Bounced mail now delivered to UCX_SMTP (postmaster account) | o Correction of SMTP symbiont access violation if network problem occurs | between MAIL FROM and RCPT TO messages | o Support multiple execution queues in UCX$RESTART_SMTPQ.COM | o Added diagnostics to find event flag leaks in SMTP symbiont, controlled | by UCX$SMTP_LOG_EFS logical name, and caused by forwarding to PCSA% | o Corrected handling of eight bit characters in the personal name field | o Correctly handle multi-homed hosts in SMTP | o Correction of incomplete file copy and slow copy speed with RCP | o Correction of RCP quota handling when remote host runs out | o Correction of IEEE double precision floating point in RPC XDR | o Add DEC C V5.x support to rpc/types.h | o Correction of registration handling in RPC pmap_unset() routine | o Added G floating point support to RPC XDR | There is one ECO kit available from Digital for UCX V3.3. The kit is named | UCXECO7-033 and there are separate savesets for ther VAX and Alpha versions. The problems fixed by this ECO that were not addressed in the prior ECO are: o Crash during shutdown for improperly defined SLIP interface o ReadS simetimes wouldn't complete if packets arrived out of order o Too many ARP messages o Crash in security driver when using the local interface o Crashes in PWIP o UCX SHOW MX didn't always show all MX records o Incorrect setting of terminal attributes in TELNET negotiation o Crash in TNDRIVER o TELNET/NOINTERACTIVE didn't operate properly in some cases o Exiting TN3270 with CTRL-Z left CTRL-T and CTRL-Y disabled o Crash caused by wrong broadcast mask for SET CONFIG INTERFACE o Permanently defined CLUSTER_TIMER was lost after UCX restart o Intermittent bad status returned from select() o Infinite loop in TFTP o BOOTP droped request when non-existent file specified There is one ECO kit available from Digital for UCX V3.2. The kit is named UCXECO8-032 and there are separate savesets for the VAX and AXP versions. It is available as a patch kit via DSNlink's INVOKE_FUNCTION. The Colorado Springs Customer Support Center (CSC) has also issued several ECO kits for previous versions of UCX. Since Digital makes an effort to include all known bug fixes in each release of this product, you are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the current version and apply the appropriate ECO kit. Version V3.1 had ECOs up to ECO 14, also avbilable as a patch kit. The kit is named UCXECO14-031 and is available via DSNlink's INVOKE_FUNCTION. Search for "DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V3.1" in the ECO-SUMMARY database. This patch kit incorporates all ECOs for UCX V3.1. ** NOTE: When you install any of these ECOs, you should shut UCX off before installing and you must reboot immediately afterward. ** The following is provided merely for historical purposes. Believe me, the current version of UCX is much better and less buggy than any previous version. You really ought to upgrade if you're not running it. If you are still running V1.3 of UCX for VAX, the cumulative patch kit is CSCPAT_0903xxx, where xxx is the version number which changes. The latest version is 019, meaning release 1.9 of the patch kit. This brings UCX V1.3 to V1.3B. For sites running UCX V2.0 for VAX, there is one patch kit currently available. It is: o CSCPAT_0908xxx, currently V1.2, V2.0E cumulative release For sites running UCX V3.0 for AXP, there is also a patch kit currently available. It is: o CSCPAT_0909xxx, currently V1.4, V3.0-16E cumulative release. Other patches that may apply to sites running UCX are as follows: o CSCPAT_0269xxx, currently V2.8, Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS VAX V5.4-1 through V5.5-2. o CSCPAT_0408xxx, currently 1.0, DEC Rdb V5.1, SQL/Services V5.1 for OpenVMS VAX V5.4 and up. o CSCPAT_0552xxx, currently V2.2, Ethernet drivers for OpenVMS VAX 5.4-3 through V5.5-2 (but _not_ V5.5-2HF, -2HW, or -2H4). o CSCPAT_1113xxx, currently V1.1, I/O Routines for OpenVMS VAX V6.0. o CSCPAT_1121xxx, currently V1.0, DECwindows transport for OpenVMS VAX V5.4-3 through V6.0. o CSCPAT_3035xxx, currently V1.2, Pathworks for DOS V4.2. o CSCPAT_3061xxx, currently V1.2, Pathworks for DOS (TCP/IP) V2.0. o CSCPAT_3081xxx, currently V1.3, Pathworks for OpenVMS V4.2. o CSCPAT_3109xxx, currently V1.1, DEC Mailworks Server for OpenVMS V1.2. NOTE: Never apply any patch unless you _know_ it applies to your site. On occasion Digital doesn't have DSN ITS / DSNlink articles written for all of the patches that may apply to a product. You have to "discover" them in DSN VTX or by calling the CSC. Also note that they may not have the keyword "UCX" attached, so you should search using the keyword "TCP" as well. If you have telephone support, you are probably entitled to these patches. If you have an "access number" for the CSC, you can contact them to order the patch kit. UCX V2.0E for VAX is also on the May, 1994 OpenVMS VAX Consolidated CD. There are a number of bugs in the V1.3 base kit, some of which will allow nonprivileged users to crash your system. You are strongly urged to acquire and install the patch kit or upgrade to V3.3 if you haven't already. 1.4) What new features are in the current release? You can obtain product information from the SPD (25.A4.06 for VAX, 46.46.02 for AXP) in a variety of ways: | o Digital's Electronic Connection, DSIN/DSNlink, and the Digital Reference Service. o Anonymous FTP to; the file name is pub/Digital/info/SPD/46-46-02.txt o World Wide Web; the URL is file:// Note that the latter two methods currently contain only the SPD for AXP. Digital will add the SPD for VAX soon, which differs only in the list of supported hardware. The following new features and enhancements are in UCX V3.2. o NFS Client o Anonymous FTP o Default /LOWERCASE for RSH and RLOGIN usernames Also, The following new features and enhancements are in UCX V3.3. The SPDs for this version are 25.A4.07 for VAX and 46.46.03 for AXP. o On-demand termination of TCP connections with UCX DISCONNECT o SLIP and CSLIP o VMS-aware NFS, that supports all VMS file types and VMS file naming conventions for NFS clients mounting V3.3 NFS-served files. o NTP o Default case insensitivity for RSH and RLOGIN usernames. o Incoming RLOGIN proxies (available but unsupported) o Multiple TELNET sessions o TCPIPTRACE DCL command o Outbound TELNET pseudo-devices (available but unsupported) o RCP (available but unsupported) 2. Included Utilities 2.1) Why isn't included? Good question. Early versions of UCX seemed to contain only the features necessary to interact with Ultrix systems. Some of the missing features were added in V2 of UCX, like TRACEROUTE and SNMP. Others have been added in the current versions. Digital states that it desires to add the most requested features found in other commercial TCP/IP implementations. Still other features are available from various FTP sites (see below). 2.2) Why doesn't UCX FTP support STRU VMS? First, STRU VMS is an extension to the FTP protocol which was developed by TGV, Inc. (makers of another TCP/IP package for VMS called MultiNet). It allows two systems that support the STRU VMS extension to transfer arbitrary VMS file types. Normal FTP only has two modes, text and binary, which means that "complex" VMS file types such as .OBJ and RMS indexed files cannot be transfered. You can always insert these files into BACKUP savesets, which can then be transfered in binary mode. Note that such files will be received with a record size of 512, which VMS BACKUP won't like. You can use any of the record attribute changers, such as Joe Meadows' excellent FILE utility, to reset the record size. V2.0's FTP ECO 1 and later include a mode called "VMS Plus" which, according to Digital, produces somewhat faster file transfer by allowing the receiving system to preallocate file lengths and buffer storage. This is a negotiated mode and does not look at all like it is be compatible with the format used by TGV's MultiNet and others. Moreover, on occasion, it can cause connection problems with systems that do not understand the negotiations. In these cases it can be disabled with the FTP command DISABLE VMS_PLUS. Further studies using a version which reports itself as "X3.0", supplied by the CSC, seem to indicate that there are actually two modes involved, one of which retrieves a file called filename.typeFDL when you say GET/FDL, and then uses the FDL to format the retrieved filename.type. This has the advantage that the server system doesn't have to be running UCX, it just has to have the FDL file. This means that (theoretically) you could use this with a Unix server. The other mode appears to pass the FDL information along with the file, similar to STRU O VMS in MultiNet and others. Unfor- tunately, UCX doesn't seem to interoperate with this widely-accepted stan- dard, instead using some UCX-specific method. As there are far more STRU O VMS-aware anonymous FTP servers than UCX anonymous FTP servers, this seems to be a disservice to the UCX user base. However, Digital is considering inclusion of this option in a future release. Also note that the V2.0B FTP client generates some messages which are | not present in the shipped UCX message file - apparently Digital forgot to update the kit's message file. I'm told by a source in Digital that this has been fixed in the current version. 2.3) Why doesn't UCX V1.3 FTP work with "new" Unix FTP servers? A new version of the Unix FTP server has been showing up at popular archive hosts. It generally identifies itself as version 6.something. By default, it generates long multi-line responses which confuse the UCX FTP client. At most sites, when you give the anonymous username and are prompted for a password, entering a dash "-" in front of your network address will instruct the server to use the older mode. You may miss some important messages when doing this, however. This problem has been corrected in V2 of UCX. It may be fixed in the V1.9 patch kit for UCX V1.3. By the way, the server now emits multi-line messages, so you'll need to upgrade to V2.0 or do the dash thing there as well. The best thing to do is upgrade to the current version. There is also a freely available FTP client and server from MadGoat software ( that will work with and provide identical functionality to not only UCX, but Multinet, TCPware, CMUIP, and Pathway Access which may address this problem. 2.4) Why doesn't UCX Telnet have a 3270 mode? Actually, it now does. A TN3270 emulator is part of UCX V3.1, but has been included unannounced in the V2.0E patch kit. I've used it. It seems to work well. 2.5) Why isn't a BIND server included? Actually, it now is. Previous versions, however, did not, probably due to the fact that it wasn't needed for connecting VMS and Ultrix systems. If you run a previous version, the BIND client allows you to use a Unix box to provide name service to the UCX systems. Also, if you are connected to the Internet, it is likely that your regional service provider can supply name service for you. For information on how to set up a name server, see section 5.7. 2.6) Why isn't SLIP/PPP included? Actually, as of V3.3, UCX does support SLIP and CSLIP. However, one can speculate that since there are so many, low-cost communications servers available that have SLIP/PPP built in, that it would be more efficient to use one of them to do the job, rather than having your VAX or AXP do it. Telebit, Digital, Xyplex, and other companies sell communications servers that have SLIP/PPP capability and that interoperate with UCX just fine. 3. Other Utilities 3.1) What add-on utilities are available? Due to the missing pieces in UCX, many sites have ported parts of the Berk- eley Unix tools to UCX or written replacements from scratch. Here is a list of the known tools. If you have additional info on any of these, please write so it can be added to the list. 3.2) PING PING is used to test if a TCP/IP host is alive, by sending echo request packets to it. The current version of UCX contains PING. PING is a relatively easy port from BSD to UCX. One such port was done by William P. Bame, . This port is available from the FTP server at in file [.ucx]ping.bck. Larry Horn writes: "For those who for whatever reason (policy, etc.) cannot get, or don't want to fool with the port, UCX offers this: $ PING == "UCX LOOP" $ PING %UCX-I-LOOPACT, FTP.SPC.EDU is alive Selden E Ball Jr notes that UCX PING/NUMBER=n hostname will report statistics similar to the Unix ping command. Steve Anich reports that SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$PING.EXE must be installed with OPER privilege if non-privileged accounts are to be able to use it. 3.3) SMTP mail UCX V2.0 and V3.x include a basic SMTP interface. If you are looking for support for multiple transports (such as UCX and BITNET, UCX and UUCP, etc.) then you will probably want to consider one of the following packages as well. UCX V1.3 does not include any native facilities for handling the transport of mail over TCP/IP links. There are at least two packages that implement mail with UCX. The first is a commercial package from Innosoft, called PMDF. For more information, contact them at: Innosoft International, Inc. 1050 East Garvey Avenue South West Covina, CA 91790 (818)919-3600 (818)919-3614 (FAX) The second package is non-commercial, and was written by Matt Madison of TGV and now offered by MadGoat Software, a software company composed of Matt and Hunter Goatley of The LOKI Group. It is called MX (or Message eXchange) and is available via anonymous FTP from and (which can also be referenced as It is also available on various DECUS Program Library tapes. Both of these packages support various additional transports and provide extra utilities such as mailing list management and file distribution. A number of users have written suggesting various ways to gateway SMTP mail with UCX. However, as they have all noted, there are problems with the UCX native SMTP support. Users may want to consider one of the above packages if reliable SMTP gatewaying is needed. [editor note: The current version's SMTP appears to be more stable than prior versions.] 3.4) NSLOOKUP NSQUERY is a package similar in function to the nslookup tool provided on BSD Unix systems. It takes a host name or Internet address and returns infor- mation from a nameserver about that host or address. It was written by Matt Madison and is available via anonymous FTP from UCX itself supports the command UCX SHOW HOST hostname. Moreover, in all versions of UCX V3.x an NSLOOKUP command is provided: $ nslookup == "$ucx$nslookup" $ nslookup Server: wpi.WPI.EDU Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Address: Aliases: 3.5) RLOGIN RLOGIN is available under UCX V2.0 and V3.x. One apparent "bug" is that usernames are truncated to eight characters, although this is a problem with other commercial TCP/IP implementations for VMS as well. Some older Unix systems require the shorter usernames. The other problem is that RLOGIN makes the escape character non-transparent (Unix RLOGIN allows the escape character to be sent by typing it twice). Terry Kennedy of Saint Peter's College ( has developed *unofficial* and *unsupported* patches for V2.0 to fix the first problem and to disable escape processing completely as a workaround for the second problem. The patch text is available from in the [.ucx] subdirectory as rlogin-patch.doc. RLOGIN (remote login) is one of the Unix r-series commands (others are rcp, rsh, and rdist). UCX provides an RLOGIN server which prompts the user for a username and password (thus acting just like TELNET). UCX V1.3 does not provide an RLOGIN client. 3.6) TALK TALK is the TCP/IP equivalent of the VMS PHONE utility. Terry Kennedy has ported the BSD Network-2 version of TALK to VMS. It is available from in the [.ucx] directory as ntalk.bck, ntalkd.bck, and talk.readme. Note that you had better have at least V1.2 of the CSCPAT_0903 patch kit (see section 1.3) if you are running V1.3 of UCX or someone _will_ crash your system with this. 3.7) LPR LPR is the remote printing support package used by Unix systems. The closest thing to it under VMS/DECnet would be DQS (Distributed Queueing Services). I don't know of any stand-alone ports of LPR to UCX. Both a client and server are available as part of UCX V2.x and V3.x. Keith Moore says that he has a version of LPR that works with UCX as well as other TCP/IP packages. It also includes DECnet support. You can FTP it from as readonly/port-lpr-1-3.vms. 3.8) POP server The IUPOP3 server is a VMS implementation of the Post Office Protocol Vers- ion 3, based on RFC 1225 (which supersedes RFC 1081). IUPOP3 was developed and tested on VMS 5.3 and 5.4 systems, using the VMS callable mail (MAIL$) interface. The current release is believed to be | compatible with current versions of these TCP/IP network implementations: | Attachmate's Pathway for OpenVMS, Digital's UCX, and TGV's Multinet. The current version is 1.8, and is available from in directory /pub/vms/iupop3. Email questions and/or comments can be directed to IUPOP3 is compatible with UCX V3.1 for both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP. It won't work with UCX V3.0. 3.9) Archie client Archie is a client/server system which assists users in locating packages that are available for anonymous FTP on the Internet. Normally a user would give the name of a program and Archie would return the names of sites that program could be retrieved from. At the moment, the Archie servers don't seem to have a lot of information about VMS packages, but that will probably change soon. A version of the Archie client was posted to the vmsnet.sources newsgroup and can be retrieved via anonymous FTP from in the [.vmsnet] dir- ectory as archie_client.bck_z. 3.10) IRC client IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a real-time chat system. It is a very popular system among students. A client for VMS is available via anonymous FTP from as /pub/irc/clients/vms/IRC172.COM. Note that this host is a Unix system - case matters. There is another variant available from as /pub/irc/vms/ 3.11) Empire client Empire is a multi-player war game. It's the other popular thing students do. A version of the client for UCX is available via anonymous FTP from as /pub/games/empire/bsd/vms-emp1.1client-2.5. Again, this is a Unix system so case matters. Also, you'll have to call it something else on your system as this name isn't valid on VMS. 3.12) NNTP clients and servers NNTP is the protocol used to transfer Usenet news over TCP/IP links. The most common package seems to be ANU News, which is available as part of the DECUS UUCP distribution. It has a UCX client but no server. A multithreaded ANU NNTP server for UCX was posted to by Steve Bour, It can be obtained via anonymous FTP from in the /pub/anu-news directory. Another news reader is the aptly named NEWSRDR package by Matt Madison and MadGoat Software. It is available via anonymous FTP from in the [.madison.newsrdr] subdirectory. It's also available from[.MACRO32.SAVESETS] and[.MADGOAT]. Joel Snyder's VNEWS package also supports UCX (and also other TCP packages such as MultiNet, Wollongong, Process Software, CMU/Tek as well as DECnet) as a news transport. A Fortran compiler is required. VNEWS is available via anonymous ftp from in the directories [.software.vms.vnews...]. It is being maintained by Joel Snyder (, so questions and bug reports should go to him. VMS NEWS is from Bernd Onasch ( or It's apparently a threaded news reader and is available from[.UCX]NEWS_125.SHARE. DXRN/MXRN (X Windows readers for DECwindows and DECwindows/Motif) support UCX as well. Both programs are built from the same source files. It is available via anonymous FTP from as file /pub/DEC/dxrn.share. This is a VMS-SHARE format file. Contact Rick Murphy ( for more information. BULLETIN from Mark London ( contains a news reader client. Send INFO to for a description of BULLETIN. FNEWS is basically a mixture of NEWSRDR and ANU-NEWS, providing a somewhat different full-screen interface and quick response to all groups. It can be found in the pub/fnews/vms directory on Contact Chris Pugmire ( for more information. 3.13) WHOIS WHOIS is an interface into the user/host/network registry provided by the DDN Network Information Center, The Unix version ported easily to UCX and is available from in directory [.ucx] as whois.bck. 3.14) Finger Finger is a user locater and information tool. Many versions exist. One which is known to work with UCX was written by Matt Madison and is available via anonymous FTP from Another version, called "DECUS Finger" is available via anonymous FTP from in subdirectory [.finger]. Its UCX support is present and works rather well, however a major rewrite is in progress. Jacob Levanon writes: "You can get a finger daemon that works with UCX/ WINS/TGV from via anonymous ftp. (/pub/vms/iufingerd)." Bernd Onasch has written a finger client and server, along with a number of other servers for "standard" Unix features like chargen, echo, etc. You can obtain these via anonymous FTP from in the [.ucx] directory. Takasji Ichihara reports that the "Penn State Finger package", available from works fine in an OpenVMS AXP V6.1/UCX V3.1 environment 3.15) TRACEROUTE TRACEROUTE is a tool for determining what path your packets take to get from your host to another host. It is very useful for troubleshooting network problems. UCX V2.0 supports traceroute, but the times reported are off by an order of magnitude (they're 1/10th the actual times). A source in Digital reports that this is repaired in UCX V3.1. An *unsupported* and *unofficial* patch to correct this for V2.0 is available from in the [.ucx] subdirectory as traceroute-patch.doc. Note that with this patch installed, times will be reported to the nearest 10 milliseconds instead of 1 as on Unix. This is due to the resolution of the timer code being used. Look for TRACEROUTE in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.UCX]. 3.16) Gopher A Gopher client for UCX is available from in the directory /pub/gopher/incoming as gopher1.1v.tar.Z. Note that this package was packaged with various Unix tools which you might not have readily available. There is a VMS BACKUP saveset of this kit (along with the patch mention- ed below) on in the [.ucx] subdirectory as gopher11v.bck. As distributed, the client has a problem working with UCX because it is trying to set an inverted mask as a socket option. To fix this, find the line in [.object]gsgopherobj.c that reads: setsockopt(iSock, SOL_SOCKET, ~SO_LINGER, 0, 0); and change it to: #ifndef UCX setsockopt(iSock, SOL_SOCKET, ~SO_LINGER, 0, 0); #endif /* UCX */ Gopher V1.2 is available by mail from King's College, London ( The current version of Gopher is 2.1.3. I don't know if the above sites carry the current verion. Version 2.1.4 is in beta, but Arne Vajhøj ( reports that it doesn't work with VMS (yet). The latest version of the VMS Gopher client VMS can always be retrieved from Foteos Macrides Gopher-server at gopher:// If FTP is preferred, then Arne's mirror,, will have it. The URL is 3.17) NTP (Network Time Protocol) UCX V3.3 supports NTP, both low-strata (server) peers and high-strata (client) peers. Klaus Steinberger (Klaus.Steinberger@Physik.Uni-Muenchen.DE) writes that an NTP client which interfaces with the DECdts facility (part of the DECnet Phase IV Extensions) can be found on (129.187. 160.11) in the /pub/vms/DECdts directory. Russell Mosemann ( states that Ntpdate for VMS is also now available from in /pub/ntp/ntpdate_vms.tar.Z. Ntpdate selects the best among one or more NTP servers and optionally sets the time. He also reports that has RDATE in /pub/rdate. RDATE retrieves the current time from a time server and sets the system time accordingly. It understands Daylight Savings Time. Eric Rustomji ( notes that also has ntpdate in /pub/ntpdate. (I don't know who this is, as no personal name or sig was included in the mail) reports that has a package named vms_tcp_time_client.c in pub/daytime that will set the VMS clock via NIST. Wolfgang J. Moeller ( has ported XNTPD to VMS using UCX V3.2 and DEC C. It's available from* and*. The differences between this port and the original xntp3.4v from are also at the above sites, in case anyone has the original and wishes to make the changes. Wolfgang has submitted the changes for inclusion in the official release. The port hasn't been tested with UCX V3.3. 3.18) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) While UCX comes with FTP, there is, as mentioned above, a free version of FTP available from MadGoat Software ( which uses the NETLIB package (also by MadGoat) to make it portable across most versions of TCP/IP running on OpenVMS systems (both VAX and AXP). This version of FTP supports the STRU O VMS construct mentioned previously, thus enabling VMS file structure compatibility between whichever TCP/IP implementation you run. 3.19) HTTP and WWW (World Wide Web) There are two sides to a connection to the World Wide Web: an HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) server and a WWW client or browser. Both are available for UCX. Additional information on the WWW, servers, and browsers can be found in the comp.infosystems.www news hierarchy. The CERN HTTP server is available from The Ohio State DECthreads HTTP server, written by David Jones, is available from Both have advantages, but the latter is very efficient in its use of VMS resources and is a very flexible server. Version V2.4 of Lynx, a VT-compatible WWW traversal tool, is available | from Foteos Macrides keeps an up-to-date version, to | which he's added some extra modifications, on his gopher server. It is named | LYNX-2-4-FM. Arne Vajhøj's ftp mirror also carries it. Another character cell browser employing SMG was written by Dudu Rashty and is available from in the directory www/www_client. | NCSA Mosaic is an X-based browser. The current production version is V2.6, | which is available from or | More information can also be found at | | V2.0 of Mosaic is available from King's College ( | or from Mosaic | V2.4 sources are available from[.vms.unsupported]. Also, | Digital provides the executable of Mosaic 2.4 for OpenVMS 6.x at It requires UCX 3.1 or higher, or 3.0 with patch. Again, Foteos Macrides and Arne Vajhøj also keep copies. Anyone with more extensive experience with these tools and who wants to provide a more lengthy explanation can send it to one of us for inclusion here. 3.20) NETLIB NETLIB is a package from MadGoat Software that allows one to write portable software for just about any TCP/IP package currently running on OpenVMS. Some of the utilities in this chapter will operate with UCX because of this package. If you intend to write programs that "talk" TCP/IP, this package is worth it. Get it from or A notable suppliment to NETLIB is the SOCKETSHR package from Eckart Meyer of the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany. SOCKETSHR provides a socket interface on top of NETLIB so that many existing IP applications can be modified to work with any VMS-supported TCP/IP package with a simple #include in the C course. SOCKETSHR can also be found at 4. Programming 4.1) Where is the programming documentation? The documentation is split between the UCX Programmer's Reference (part of the UCX documentation) and the VAX C RTL User's Guide (part of the VAX C doc- umentation). The Unix-style routines are in the back of the C manual and the $QIO routines are in the UCX manual. Note that the Unix-style routines are in- complete (see section 4.2) and are not listed in any known order in the manual. Also, the examples installed in SYS$EXAMPLES: for UCX V2.0 are the obsolete ones from UCX V1.3. If you want to see how to use the V2.0 Auxiliary Server, you'll need to look in the Programming manual. Note: V2.0E still ships the obsolete files instead of the correct ones. Sources at Digital say that the examples in the UCX Programmer's Reference have been thoroughly revised, clearing up most of these problems. Could someone in the field report on whether or not the SYS$EXAMPLES files have been cleared up as well? 4.2) Why don't routines like getprotobyname() work? | Digital seems to have added entry points for all of the Unix networking | functions to the UCX sharable image. This way, functions could be implemented | in the future without reqiring relinking of existing programs. Unfortunately, | the unimplemented functions return NULL, rather than a null pointer, so most | programs ported from Unix will ACCVIO rather than returning an error. | Sources within Digital state than the errors like this that have been found | have been fixed in the current version. Some of these may be newly functional in V3.x. For example, getprotobyname() and getprotobynumber() have been added. Digital welcomes feedback from the field on remaining problems. There are patches available from DSIN/DSNlink for previous versions that | enable some additional routines. These should be in both the DEC-TCPIP and C databases (the master articles are in the C database). 5. Common Problems and Solutions 5.1) Why can't non-privileged users do ? An early bug in UCX V1.3 caused the file UCX$ACCESS_SHR to not be installed properly. A copy needs to be in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB], protected with G:RE and W:RE. A bug in V2.0's FTP ECO 1 randomly prevented non-privileged users from getting files. This was corrected in ECO 2. 5.2) What is the UCX V1.3 security patch for? | On December 18th, 1990 Digital issued a warning to UCX customers warning of | a potential security problem. That letter is also found on the CD-ROM | distribution of UCX. If you don't have a copy, you should contact your | support person and get a copy of the letter if you are running V1.3. 5.3) How can I disable incoming Telnet access? Edit the file SYS$MANAGER:UCX$REMOTE_TTY_STARTUP.COM and comment out the line: UCX START SERV TELNET. You may also want to comment out the line: UCX START SERV RLOGIN. 5.4) Why is Auxilary Server (inetd) startup so slow? Part of this is due to normal VMS process creation overhead. However, there is a bug in V2.0 of UCX (at least through NET ECO 1 / CSCPAT #906) which causes most server processes to be created at priority 0, which is essentially "suspended animation". Once the process proceeds through the LOGINOUT image, it will have the proper priority as specified in the UAF record for the server account. However, on a heavily loaded system this can take minutes. An *unofficial* and *unsupported* patch to fix this problem has been developed locally. The patch text is available from the server in the [.ucx] subdirectory as inetacp-patch.doc. Note: This bug is fixed in V2.0E. 5.5) Why doesn't Anonymous ftp work? | Digital added the anonymous ftp feature to UCX V3.2. When the installation process is completed, you will then have to run the UCX configuration procedure. Select the "Optional components" option and then you will see the selection for setting up anonymous ftp. After answering the questions, you will then have to modify the protection of the anonymous ftp log file to allow write access to the world. The file name is UCX$FTP_ANONYMOUS.LOG and is found in [UCX$FTP]. MadGoat FTP, mentioned earlier also supports anonymous FTP and will work for versions of UCX prior to V3.2. 5.6) How do I add proxies in a cluster? When adding proxies in a cluster, the proxy records are added to the cluster-wide proxy database (UCX$PROXY), but they are loaded only on the node where they're added. This results in being able to reference that particular node only with, for example, the R-series commands. In order to have all of the nodes in the cluster reload their in-memory proxy database, you need to use the undocumented SET UCX_SERVER command from SYSMAN, like this: $ mcr sysman SYSMAN> set env/node=ucxnodes %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Individual nodes: NODE1,NODE2,NODE3 Username TESTUSER will be used on nonlocal nodes SYSMAN> do ucx set ucx_server/signal %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE1 %UCX-I-LOADSERV, Loading UCX Server proxy information %UCX-I-SERVLOADED, UCX Aux. Server loaded with 7 proxy records -UCX-I-SERVSKIP, Skipped 0 communication proxy records -UCX-I-SERVTOTAL, Total of 7 proxy records read .. SYSMAN> Once this is done, all nodes will have the in-memory proxy database correctly configured. For completeness sake, here is the SET UCX_SERVER command syntax: SET UCX_SERVER[/qualifier] where "/qualifier" can be /DEBUG=(option[,...]) (where "option" is READ, WRITE, UPDATE, or DELETE), /HOST=(host[,...]), /PROXIES=n (default=20), /REMOTE_USER_NAME=name, and /SIGNAL. I don't know what the other qualifiers do. Perhaps others will let us know. 5.7) How do I set up a BIND Server? The following is presented with thanks to Ramesh Tumkur ( It is presented as he sent it to me, with only some minor editing. Name servers: ------------- Name servers are programs that store information about part or all of the domain name space (zone). Primary and Secondary name server: ---------------------------------- A primary name server gets data for the zones over which it has authority from "database files" in directory SYS$SPECIFIC:[UCX$BIND], on the host where it runs. A secondary name server loads its zone data over the network from another name server via a process called "zone transfer". It saves the backup copy of the zone data in SYS$SPECIFIC:[UCX$BIND]. However, a secondary server is not required to save a backup copy of the zone data, although it is recommended, since if at a particluar instance the primary is down, and the secondary is started, the secondary will be not be able to perform "zone transfer", until the primary is up. With the backup copies, the secondary does have some data, even if it is somewhat out of date, and it can perform its basic tasks. Primary name server setup: ------------------------- To set up a primary name server, "data base files" are to be created (if they do not exist), in the directory SYS$SPECIFIC:[UCX$BIND]. These files and their purpose are as follows: NAMED.LOCAL - The UCX primary server needs this file for "loopback address", for directing traffic to itself. The network is almost always 127.0.0, and the local host number is Here is an example of a typical NAMED.LOCAL file: ; ; BIND data file for local loopback interface. ; ; Provided for DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. ; @ IN SOA ( 1 ; Serial 3600 ; Refresh 300 ; Retry 3600000 ; Expire 3600 ) ; Minimum IN NS 1 IN PTR localhost. localhost. IN A -- NAMED.CA - relates to the data pertaining to the "root name servers". This file is loaded when the name server starts. Here is an example of a typical NAMED.CA file: ; ; Data file for initial cache data for root domain servers. ; ; Provided for DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. ; ; Updated from on 16 April 1993. ; A directory of the file file showed a modification date of 5 April 1993, ; and the contents of the file were dated internally as `Apr 93', ; ; 99999999 IN NS NS.NIC.DDN.MIL. 99999999 IN NS KAVA.NISC.SRI.COM. 99999999 IN NS AOS.BRL.MIL. 99999999 IN NS C.NYSER.NET. 99999999 IN NS TERP.UMD.EDU. 99999999 IN NS NS.NASA.GOV. 99999999 IN NS NIC.NORDU.NET. 99999999 IN NS NS.INTERNIC.NET. ; NS.NIC.DDN.MIL. 99999999 IN A KAVA.NISC.SRI.COM. 99999999 IN A AOS.BRL.MIL. 99999999 IN A 99999999 IN A C.NYSER.NET. 99999999 IN A TERP.UMD.EDU. 99999999 IN A NS.NASA.GOV. 99999999 IN A 99999999 IN A NIC.NORDU.NET. 99999999 IN A NS.INTERNIC.NET. 99999999 IN A -- DOMAIN_NAME.DB - For mapping all host names to addresses. For domain "UCX.LKG.DEC.COM", the file is created as "UCX_LKG_DEC_COM.DB". Here is an example of a typical DOMAIN_NAME.DB DNS file: $ORIGIN ucx IN SOA ( 23 ; Serial 600 ; Refresh 300 ; Retry 172800 ; Expire 43200 ) ; Minimum ; IN NS IN NS ; $ORIGIN ucxaxp IN A $ORIGIN hageln IN A $ORIGIN ucx.LKG.DEC.COM. WKStesthave IN WKS 255 kempo IN A IN MX 10 IN MX 100 IN MX 100 IN MX 200 IN MX 300 boxmor IN A IN MX 10 IN MX 100 IN MX 100 IN MX 200 IN MX 300 dot IN A IN MX 10 IN MX 100 IN MX 100 IN MX 200 IN MX 300 piltdown IN A IN MX 10 IN MX 100 IN MX 100 IN MX 200 IN MX 300 celtics IN A IN MX 10 IN MX 100 IN MX 100 IN MX 200 IN MX 300 -- ADDRESS.DB - Maps address back to host names (reverse mapping). For address 16.20.208, the file is created as "208_20_16_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB" Here is an example of a typical ADDRESS.DB file (208_20_16_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB): $ORIGIN 208 IN SOA ( 1 ; Serial 600 ; Refresh 300 ; Retry 172800 ; Expire 43200 ) ; Minimum ; IN NS IN NS ; $ORIGIN 208.20.16.IN-ADDR.ARPA. 53 IN PTR 10 IN PTR 47 IN PTR 30 IN PTR 72 IN PTR 73 IN PTR 79 IN PTR -- BOOT FILE - this gets created during installation/configuration of UCX using "@SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG". The boot file gets created in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] as "UCX$CONFIGURATION.DAT". This file also holds data relating to interfaces and other components in addition to BIND. For BIND, it acts as a mechanism for pointing the "server" (here, a secondary server), to the database files. HOST TABLE - The input for creating DNS database files. It is created as "SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$HOST.DAT" and can be populated from a Unix /etc/hosts file using the UCX CONVERT/VMS HOST command or by using UCX SET HOST commands. Its contents can be viewed with the UCX SHOW HOST /LOCAL. -- The commands for creating the DNS database files from UCX$HOST.DAT for a typical domain "" are: $ UCX CONVERT/ULTRIX BIND /DOMAIN=UCX.LKG.DEC.COM (creates file: UCX_LKG_DEC_COM.DB) $ UCX CONVERT/ULTRIX BIND /DOMAIN=208.20.16.IN-ADDR.ARPA (creates file: 208_20_16_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB) NAMED.LOCAL and NAMED.CA can be retrieved from internet hosts. Here is a typical directory listing: $ dir sys$specific:[ucx$bind] Directory SYS$SPECIFIC:[UCX$BIND] 208_20_16_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB;1 NAMED.CA;1 NAMED.LOCAL;1 UCX_LKG_DEC_COM.DB;1 LOGIN.COM;1 UCX$BIND_STARTUP.COM;1 UCX$BIND_STARTUP.LOG;1 $ dir ucx$hosts Directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] UCX$HOST.DAT;1 $ DIR UCX$CONFIGURATION Directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] UCX$CONFIGURATION.DAT;1 -- To instruct the primary name server to read the DNS database files using the "UCX$CONFIGURATION.DAT" mechanism, use the following commands: $ UCX SET CONFIG BIND /CACHE $ UCX SET CONFIG BIND /PRIM=(DOMAIN:UCX.LKG.DEC.COM) $ UCX SET CONFIG BIND /PRIM=(DOMAIN:208.20.16.IN-ADDR.ARPA) $ UCX SET CONFIG BIND /PRIM=(DOMAIN:0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA, FILE:NAMED.LOCAL) $ UCX SHOW CONFIG BIND Primary Domain: UCX.LKG.DEC.COM File: UCX_LKG_DEC_COM.DB Primary Domain: 208.20.16.IN-ADDR.ARPA File: 208_20_16_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB Primary Domain: 0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA File: NAMED.LOCAL Cache Domain: . File: NAMED.CA -- The last step is to run "CONFIG" for setting up "BIND resolver" and to stop/restart the "DNS server" $ @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG -- $ ucx show name BIND Resolver Parameters Local domain: System State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: Process State: Enabled Transport: Domain: Retry: Servers: -- $ UCX SHOW SERVICE BIND Service Port Proto Process Address State BIND 53 TCP,UDP UCX$BIND Enabled ============================================================================= How to set up a secondary name server: -------------------------------------- To set up a secondary name server on a host named celtics, the steps are: Copy NAMED.LOCAL AND NAMED.CA from primary (example host: dot) Create ucx$configuration.dat (from config menu) $ UCX SET CONFIG BIND /SEC=(DOMAIN:UCX.LKG.DEC.COM, FILE:UCX_LKG_DEC_COM.DB, HOST:DOT.UCX.LKG.DEC.COM) $ UCX SET CONFIG BIND /SEC=(DOMAIN:208.20.16.IN-ADDR.ARPA, FILE:208_20_16_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB, HOST:DOT.UCX.LKG.DEC.COM) $ UCX SET CONFIG BIND /PRIM=(DOMAIN:0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA, FILE:NAMED.LOCAL) $ UCX SET CONFIG BIND /CACHE -- The last step is to run "CONFIG" for setting up "BIND resolver" and to stop/restart the "DNS server" with @SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG -- $ ucx show name BIND Resolver Parameters Local domain: System State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: Process State: Enabled Transport: Domain: Retry: Servers: -- $ UCX SHOW SERVICE BIND Service Port Proto Process Address State BIND 53 TCP,UDP UCX$BIND Enabled P.S: The serial number of SOA record in the DB files need to incremented when new db files are created or DB files updated. For most systems, the above two server set ups would suffice. ============================================================================= Setting up a Forwarder: ----------------------- Forwarders are used where off-site DNS traffic is to be limited. If the customer's site has 5 or 6 servers, for example, all servers could send off-site DNS query packets for all off-site queries generated at the site. Instead one server can be designated as a "forwarder", and all other server queries can be directed to it. If, for example, the host "dot" is to be the forwarder. the other 5 or 6 servers mentioned above could just add: UCX SET CONFIG BIND /FORWARDERS=(HOST:dot) in their configuration file ============================================================================= Configuring the remaining hosts: ------------------------------- name- (host-1) (host-2:server) (host-3) | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------ (network-A) | (host-4:server) multi-homed | | ------------------------------------------------- (network-b) | | | | (host -6) (host-7) Having configured host-2 and host-4 as name_servers for this particular example domain, the "resolvers" of the remaining hosts host-1,3,6,7 could just point to any/both of these servers. (You need not run ucx$bind in these hosts. In this example, UCX$BIND is disabled in host-1,3,6,7.) host-7> UCX SHOW NAME BIND Resolver Parameters Local domain: System State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: host-2, host-4 The BIND resolver in other hosts could be configured from the config menu "SYS$MANAGER:UCX$CONFIG" ============================================================================= Other configuration commands: ----------------------------- UCX> SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=LASSIE Upon the next UCX startup, this command enables the local BIND resolver and defines hosts LASSIE as the name server. UCX> SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /NOSERVER=LASSIE Upon the next UCX startup, LASSIE is removed from the list. If you define a server list and then issue another SET NAME_SERVICE/SERVER command, UCX appends the new servers to the end of the list. To specify multiple hosts, list them by request preference. The resolver sends the first lookup request to the first host on the list. To delete the old nameserver information and configure the bind resolver, follow these steps: Step 1: Upon the next UCX startup, configure the BIND Resolver. $ ucx sho config name BIND Resolver Configuration Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: (old name server) ( - Delete the old name server/(s) from the config list using: $ucx set config name /noserver= - view the result $ ucx sho config name BIND Resolver Configuration Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: not defined - add the new name server: $ucx set config name /server= (new server - ipaddress or name) - display the new entry $ ucx sho config name BIND Resolver Configuration Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: ( Other useful commands: [ /[NO]DOMA=domain ] [ /RETRY=seconds ] SET CONFIG [NO]NAME_SERVICE /[NO]SERVER=host [ /SYSTEM ] [ /TIMEOUT=seconds ] [ ] [ /TRANSP=protocol ] These entries will become "current" upon the next UCX startup ------- Step 2: Configure the resolver for the "current" setup.. (modify system parameters - for immediate effect) $ ucx sho name BIND Resolver Parameters Local domain: System State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: lassie (old name server) Process State: Enabled Transport: Domain: Retry: Timeout: Servers: - delete the old name server from the system table.. $ucx set name /noserver=lassie/system - view the result $ ucx sho name BIND Resolver Parameters Local domain: System State: Started, Disabled Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: No servers defined Process State: Disabled Transport: Domain: Retry: Timeout: Servers: - add the new server to the system table, enable the resolver.. $ ucx set name /server=ucxaxp/system/enable - view the result $ ucx sho name BIND Resolver Parameters Local domain: System State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: ucxaxp (new name server) Process State: Enabled Transport: Domain: Retry: Timeout: Servers: - view the new logicals $ show log UCX$BIND* (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) "UCX$BIND_DOMAIN" = "" "UCX$BIND_RETRY" = "...." "UCX$BIND_SERVER" = "........" "UCX$BIND_SERVER000" = "" (ucxaxp- new name server entry) "UCX$BIND_STATE" = "........" "UCX$BIND_TIMEOUT" = "...." "UCX$BIND_TRANSPORT" = "UDP" Related useful commands: [ /DISABLE ] [ /[NO]DOMAIN=domain ] [ /ENABLE ] [ ] SET NAME_SERVICE /[NO]SERVER=host [ /RETRY=seconds ] [ /SYSTEM ] [ /TIMEOUT=seconds ] [ ] [ /TRANSPORT=protocol ] 6. NFS (Network File System) [Anyone with more extensive experience with UCX's NFS can provide enhancements to this section. Please let us know what should be covered here]. 6.1) Where can I get an NFS client (as opposed to a server) for UCX? An NFS client for UCX has been available since the V3.2 release. It was present in the release previous to that as well, but it didn't always work. There was an NFS client for UCX offered by Process Software, but Cathy Wadelton , the Product Marketing Manager of that firm said that it is no longer being sold. Those in the know say that this client is, in fact, the client that UCX V3.2 and above uses. Just recently, Lawrence B. Henry of The Wollongong Group ( said the following in the comp.os.vms newsgroup: "Wollongong does sell an NFS Client add-on for UCX. If you need information on this product (or any PathWay product) drop a note to" Brian Tillman Senior Engineer Smiths Industries, Grand Rapids, MI USA Dave Desroches VMS Systems Manager Worcester Polytechnic Institute -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+--------------------------------