VMS graphics


VMS has never had a real official logo, but the following two logos has both been used by Digital:

When Digital celebrated the 20th anniversary of VAX and VMS they used the following logo:


Originally Digital had a white on blue logo, but in the early 1990's they changed it to a white on red-brown logo:

Servers running Digital hardware/software sometimes use the following logo:


DECUS has a logo used world-wide. It is used in many different colours. here are some examples:

OSU HTTP-server:

There is no official logo for the OSU HTTP-server. The author has suggested the following:

but the most widely used is probably the following animated one:

Purveyor HTTP-server:

The Purveyor HTTP-server uses the follwoing logo:

VMS page:

Link to VMS page.


Please email suggestions about new topics and error reports to Arne Vajhøj (ava@levitte.org)


VMS, OpenVMS, VAX, AXP, DEC, Digital, DECUS and Encompass are trademarks of Compaq.