VMS history

Version Time Features (excluding HW support)
1.0 1978 first non-beta version
1.5 1978
2.0 1980 basic file utilities moved from RSX PIP to native
2.2 1981
2.5 1980
3.0 1982 EDT-editor, MONITOR, DECnet, standalone BACKUP, ASMP
3.4 1984
3.5 1984
3.6 1984
3.7 1984
4.0 1984 clusters, split of VMSRTL, long filenames, DECnet phase IV, DCL recall/edit, C RTL, XQP, ACL's
4.1 1984
4.2 1985
4.3 1986
4.4 1986 volume shadowing, TPU-editor, SMG$-routines
4.5 1986
4.6 1987
4.7 1987
5.0 1988 SMP, LMF, DCL if-then-else-endif, kernel split, many cluster enhancements
5.1 1989 DECwindows
5.2 1989
5.3 1989
5.4 1990 host-based volume shadowing
5.5 VAX 1991 POSIX, DECthreads, DECnet Phase V
1.0 AXP 1992 first version on Alpha
1.5 AXP 1993 cluster on Alpha, SMP on Alpha
6.0 VAX 1993 VIOC, C2 classification, C++ RTL
6.1 VAX & AXP 1994 PCSI, movefile, XQP+
6.2 VAX & Alpha 1995 management station, DCL$PATH
7.0 VAX & Alpha 1995 64 bit support (Alpha only), kernel threads (Alpha only), fast IO path (Alpha only)
7.1 VAX & Alpha 1996 memory channel (Alpha only), PIPE
7.2 VAX & Alpha 1998 JDK (Alpha only), ODS-5 (Alpha only), COM (Alpha only), Galaxy (Alpha only)
7.3 VAX & Alpha 2000 XFC (Alpha only), CPU hot-swap (Alpha only), Kerberos, XML, LDAP

Colour of manuals:
Version Colour
1.x blue
2.x blue
3.x blue
4.x orange
5.x gray
6.x white
7.x blue (G)
red (S)
green (P)

Size of code:

VMS 3.0
0.9 million lines
VMS 5.0
5 million lines
VMS 5.4
6.5 million lines
VMS 7.1
25 million lines
(VMS including DECWindows/Motif and DECnet phase IV excluding DECnet OSI and UCX and PathWorks, counting non-only-comment non-only-blank lines, based mostly on rumours)

VMS page:

Link to VMS page.


Please email suggestions about new topics and error reports to Arne Vajhøj (ava@levitte.org)


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