@if "%debug%"=="" echo off rem rem NwDsk (c) Erwin Veermans rem http://www.veder.com/nwdsk/ rem rem Fd1632lp.bat is used to create Fd1632lp.img (or SFX Fd1632lp.exe) rem (IPX 16/32 client including Packet Driver and LPPRD) rem rem When you would like to create Fd1632lp.img yourself rem instead of downloading it, you should run this rem batch file in your NwDsk dir (next to NwDsk.bat). rem rem Check if everything is there if not exist nwdsk.bat goto _end if not exist bin\deltree.com goto _end if not exist bin\sedmod.exe goto _end if not exist bin\bfi.exe goto _end if not exist bin\mkbt.exe goto _end rem Set nwext set flopsz=10 set nwext= if exist cabs\nwlan.zip set nwext=zip if exist cabs\nwlan.uha set nwext=uha if exist cabs\nwlan.lzh set nwext=lzh if exist cabs\nwlan.cab set nwext=cab if "%nwext%"=="" goto _end set nwarc= if "%nwext%"=="zip" set nwarc=/1 if "%nwext%"=="lzh" set nwarc=/2 if "%nwext%"=="uha" set nwarc=/3 if "%1"==":" if not "%2"=="" goto %2 rem Delete target-dir if exist bin\deltree.com bin\deltree /y Fd1632lp rem Make default FreeDos NwDsk call nwdsk.bat Fd1632lp dos\freedos /00 %nwarc% if errorlevel 1 goto _end rem Adjust default NwDsk :_adjust rem Add all Odi32-drivers bin\xcopy.exe cabs\odi32\*.* Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\. /E /I /H /N /Y rem Remove the Token-Ring / FDDI drivers bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\cmdgodi.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\octok162.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\ibmtrpo.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\3c3x9.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\tlnkpodi.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\skfpnw.%nwext% rem Remove the big drivers bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\3c986.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi32\3c99x.%nwext% rem Add some Odi16-drivers bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\odi16\*.* bin\xcopy.exe cabs\odi16\dc21x4.%nwext% Fd1632lp\lib\odi16\. /I /H /N /Y bin\xcopy.exe cabs\odi16\fem556od.%nwext% Fd1632lp\lib\odi16\. /I /H /N /Y bin\xcopy.exe cabs\odi16\3c574.%nwext% Fd1632lp\lib\odi16\. /I /H /N /Y bin\xcopy.exe cabs\odi16\elpc575.%nwext% Fd1632lp\lib\odi16\. /I /H /N /Y bin\xcopy.exe cabs\odi16\e3000odi.%nwext% Fd1632lp\lib\odi16\. /I /H /N /Y bin\xcopy.exe cabs\odi16\3c589.%nwext% Fd1632lp\lib\odi16\. /I /H /N /Y bin\xcopy.exe cabs\odi16\e100bodi.%nwext% Fd1632lp\lib\odi16\. /I /H /N /Y rem Remove bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\level0\ntfs.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\level1\ntfs.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\level0\lfn.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\level1\lfn.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\level0\vc.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\level1\vc.%nwext% rem Add Cbcombo to \level1\ if exist cabs\cbcombo.%nwext% bin\xcopy.exe cabs\cbcombo.%nwext% Fd1632lp\level1\. /I /H /N /Y rem Move Nwlan to \Level2\ bin\xcopy.exe Fd1632lp\level3\nwlan.%nwext% Fd1632lp\level2\. /I /H /N /Y bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\level3\nwlan.%nwext% rem Add LPPRD bin\xcopy.exe cabs\lpprd.%nwext% Fd1632lp\level3\. /I /H /N /Y rem Remove IPX, TCPIP, Token Ring and FDDI bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\nw32pktt.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\nw32pktf.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\nw3232t.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\nw3232f.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\nwtcp32.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\nwslp32.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\nw32clnt.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\nwipx32.%nwext% bin\deltree.com /y Fd1632lp\lib\tinyhost.%nwext% rem Add Profiles and Global.set bin\xcopy.exe bin\Fd1632lp\*.* Fd1632lp\etc\. /E /I /H /N /Y rem Write Diskid.txt if not exist Fd1632lp.cmt goto _nodiskid type bin\diskid.1 > Fd1632lp\diskid.txt type Fd1632lp.cmt >> Fd1632lp\diskid.txt type bin\diskid.2 >> Fd1632lp\diskid.txt :_nodiskid rem Sqeeze Nics :_sqeeze if not exist Cabs\Pcidevs.%nwext% call Nwdsk.bat Fd1632lp /!! %nwarc% if errorlevel 1 goto _end rem Build a diskette image from this dir :_bfi if exist Fd1632lp.img del Fd1632lp.img > nul if exist Fd1632lp.imz del Fd1632lp.imz > nul if exist Fd1632lp.exe del Fd1632lp.exe > nul bin\bfi.exe -t=%flopsz% -f=Fd1632lp.img -b=bin\freedos.144 -l=NwDsk340fds Fd1632lp :_end set flopsz= set nwarc= set nwext=