StarGROUP Patch for Client Printing. 11/9/93 Problem: After refilling the paper tray (or clearing any printer problem) on the printer which is a client attached printer, the client printer prints multiple, unwanted, copies of the same print job. This patch is for all StarGROUP Server versions with client printer PCs running Clispool.exe or Clipcach.exe. After downloading (the self-extracting file: "cliprfix.exe") to you PC: Execute the file cliprfix.exe FTP the file "clipr" (binary mode) to your server (/tmp is recommended). Disable all client printers using the "disable" command. Create a backup copy of the current "clipr" executable by issuing the following command: cp /var/opt/lanman/clipr/clipr /var/opt/lanman/clipr/clipr.bac Move the new file (clipr) to /var/opt/lanman/clipr: cd /var/opt/lanman/clipr sum -r clipr should give:0538835 clipr Enable all client printers using the "enable" command.