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  Updated: 20 December 1997
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With 947,074 visitors on election day, we could have easily been stung

Saturday, October 12, 1996. It was the first time New Zealand’s election results were to be posted live on the Internet as soon as they came in. There would be no rehearsals and no second chances. During the peak period the website served by DIGITAL’s AlphaServer 1000A was receiving 170 hits per second. This rivals the most popular sites in the United States such as Rolling Stone and Netscape. As if that wasn’t enough, when things were running red hot, we reconfigured the Alpha in real time to handle the unprecedented demand. In the past this could not have been done without rebooting the entire system. But with the nation’s media and politicians themselves relying on the site as the earliest source of results, it had to be a foolproof operation. DIGITAL AlphaServers are the fastest in the world. And as the Chief Electoral Office have found, they keep humming along even on the busiest days. If you want a real power trip from your server call DIGITAL.

