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  Updated: 20 December 1997
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New Zealand's fish are now less slippery

Thanks to DIGITAL, the marine research division of NIWA (the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) now have a much better idea of how many fish are in New Zealand waters, what kind of fish they are, and where they are. NIWA are using DIGITAL's cutting edge AlphaServer technology to help them estimate the size of New Zealand's current and future fish stocks. NIWA then makes recommendations to the Minister of Fisheries, who uses them as a basis for setting annual fishing quotas. All of which ensures fresh fish on your table for years to come. NIWA chose to use DIGITAL UNIX and an array of DIGITAL AlphaServers because they're that much faster, and more cost effective than anything else. Anywhere. Contact us to see how DIGITAL's complete range of products, including the ground breaking AlphaServers, can help your business. Unlike fish, we're pretty easy to get a hold of.

