Digital Equipment Corporation
VAX InfoCenter
Table of Contents MicroVAX 3100 Systems MicroVAX 3100 Systems
A family of low cost, high-performance desktop servers

VAX 4000 Systems VAX 4000 Systems
Departmental series servers for business-critical computing

VAX 7000 Systems VAX 7000 Systems
High performance, powerful I/O, and great expansion for enterprise solutions

VAX 4000 Workstations VAX 4000 Workstations
Low cost workstation power for 2D and 3D graphics

VAX Workstations and Servers Comparison Chart></A>
<A HREF=Specifications for Current VAX Workstations & Servers

Specifications for Discontinued VAX Workstations and Servers

Rackmount VAX Systems

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Updated: 2 January 1997