Digital Equipment Corporation
VAX InfoCenter

Free 512MB Memory Offer - A $46,000 ($US) Savings

Digital is announcing a New VAX 7000-800 Memory Program. Under this program customers can receive an additional 512MB Memory Module with their system order at no charge!

Customers who purchase a VAX 7000-800 with base memory of either 512MB or 2 Gbytes by June 13, 1997 and request delivery no later then 6/27/97 qualify to order an additional 512MB board at no extra cost.


Order #           Description                               
VAX Advantage Server Base Systems     

7MAME-KA/KB/KC    VAX 7000-810, 512MB, NAS 200            
7MAMH-KA/KB/KC    VAX 7000-810, 2 GB,  NAS 200              

FREE 512MB MEMORY MODEL NUMBER                              

MS7AA-DA    512MB 7000 MEMORY MODULE    46,080 Savings !!!

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Updated: 20 January 1997