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  DIGITAL PC 5100 - Memory Configurations
Total Memory Socket J7
Socket J6
Socket J5
16MB 16MB    
32MB 16MB 16MB  
32MB 32MB    
48MB 16MB 16MB 16MB
48MB 16MB 32MB  
48MB 32MB 16MB  
64MB 16MB 32MB 16MB
64MB 32MB 16MB 16MB
64MB 32MB 32MB  
64MB 64MB    
80MB 16MB 64MB  
80MB 32MB 32MB 16MB
80MB 64MB 16MB  
96MB 32MB 64MB  
96MB 64MB 32MB  
128MB 64MB 64MB  
128MB 128MB    
144MB 16MB 128MB  
144MB 128MB 16MB  
160MB 32MB 128MB  
160MB 128MB 32MB  
192MB 64MB 128MB  
192MB 128MB 64MB  
256MB 128MB 128MB  
  1. Base models include 16MB or 32MB DIMM standard.
  2. Install 168-pin DIMMs using 66 MHx (or faster)64-bit SDRAMs. (Note: Install DIMMs supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation and qualified vendors. DIGITAL does not support system performance, product warranty, or service calls resulting from installatin of non-qualified DIMMs.)
  3. Single-bank DIMMs are available in 16MB and 64MB modules. Single-bank DIMMs have memory chips on only one side of the memory module.
  4. Dual-bank DIMMs are available in 32MB and 128MB (based on industry availability) modules. Dual-bank DIMMs have memory chips on both sides of the memory module.
  5. Memory Sockets J7 and J6 support both single- and dual-bank DIMMs. Memory Socket J5 supports only single-bank DIMMs.

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