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  DIGITAL Prioris XL 5000 Series - Options  
  Country Accessory Kit (Required with each system)  
  U.S. country accessory kit, including keyboard, documentation, mouse, power cord FR-PC79K-AA
  System Memory  
  8MB 70ns SIMM (2 x 4MB) FR-PC77M-AA
  16MB 70ns SIMM (2 x 8MB) FR-PC77M-AB
  32MB 70ns SIMM (2 x 16MB) FR-PC77M-AC
  64MB 70ns SIMM (2 x 32MB) FR-PC77M-AD
  128MB 70ns SIMM (2 x 64MB) FR-PC77M-AJ
  Graphics Options and Upgrades  
  Matrox MGA Millennium PCI graphics card (2MB) FR-PCXAG-AQ
  2MB graphics upgrade (Matrox Millennium) FR-PCCAM-CA
  6MB graphics upgrade (Matrox Millennium) FR-PCCAM-CB
  Storage Devices  
  3.5" 1.44MB diskette drive FR-PC7XR-AA
  2.0GB Fast-Narrow SCSI HDD (1.0", 5400 RPM), 3.5" FR-PCXAR-BA
  4.0GB Ultra-Wide SCSI HDD (7200 RPM) FR-CECBA-CA
  BA356 RAID 7-slot Wide expansion box FR-BA356-KB
  2.0GB Ultra-Wide SCSI HDD in SBB (1.0", 7200 RPM) FR-CDCBA-CA
  4.0GB Ultra-Wide SCSI HDD in SBB (1.6", 7200 RPM) FR-CECBA-BA
  9.0GB Ultra-Wide SCSI HDD in SBB (1.6", 7200 RPM) FR-CFCBA-CA
  2.5/5.0GB QIC SCSI tape drive, 5.25" (internal)^ FR-PCXAT-AD
  4.0/8.0GB DAT SCSI tape drive, 5.25" (internal)^ FR-PCXAT-AJ
  Internal Cabling  
  Wide SCSI cable adapter, Narrow SCSI inside, Wide SCSI outside, internal SCSI cable, 6" 68-pin HD female to 68-pin HD panel mount connector FR-PCXAR-WD
  Narrow SCSI cable adapter, Wide SCSI inside, Narrow SCSI outside, internal SCSI cable, 6" 50-pin HD female to 50-pin HD panel mount connector FR-PCXAR-WE
  Internal 68-pin Wide cable w/x connectors and 3 Wide-to-Narrow adapters FR-PCXAR-WA
  Internal SCSI cable adapter, 68-pin to 50-pin female adapter FR-PCXAR-WB
  Narrow inside, Narrow outside, internal SCSI cable, 6" 68-pin HD to 50-pin HD panel mount connector FR-PCXAR-WC
  Remote Server Manager  
  Remote Server Manager hardware (English) FR-PCDSC-AA
  Remote Server Manager hardware (French/Spanish) FR-PCDSC-AC
  Remote Server Manager software QB-38EAA-SA
  Remote Server Manager package (English hardware and software) FR-PCDSM-AA
  Remote Server Manager package (French/Spanish hardware and software) FR-PCDSM-AC
  Remote Server Manager Prioris XL cable kit FR-PCXCK-AB
  SCSI Adapters  
  Adaptec 2940UW Ultra-Wide PCI SCSI-2 host adapter FR-PCTAZ-DE
  Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI-2 host adapter FR-PCTAZ-DA
  RAID Controllers  
  PCI RAID - 1-channel (Fast-Wide) FR-PCTAR-GA
  PCI RAID - 2-channel (Fast-Wide) FR-PCTAR-GB
  PCI RAID - 3-channel (Fast-Wide) FR-PCTAR-GC
  PCI RAID Cache battery backup FR-PCTAR-UB
  DIGITAL Clusters for Windows NT Kit  
  Prioris Cluster Kit** FR-BA356-NT
  Second expansion pedestal for Prioris Cluster Kit FR-BA356-N2
  Network Interface Cards  
  PCI Ethernet, 3 connector, 1 channel FR-DE450-CA
  SMC 10/100 Fast Ethernet NIC FR-PCXDN-BA
  SMC 10Mbps Ethernet FR-PCXDN-BB
  Proteon P1990 ProNET Token Ring EISA adapter FR-PCXTN-AA
  PCI Fast Ethernet (10/100Mbps) FR-DE500-AA
  EISA Ethernet card (COAX/AUI connections adapter) FR-PCXAN-AC
  EISA Ethernet card (TP/AUI connections adapter) FR-PCXAN-AD
  56Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax modem PCI FR-PCXFA-AA
  MS-DOS 6.22/WFW 3.11 license, no media QA-ZR5AA-GZ
  3.5" Media for MS-DOS 6.22/WFW 3.11 QA-ZR5AB-HC
  DIGITAL Prioris Rackmount (81" [2.1m] H) FR-PCSRA-RN
  Prioris XL Mounting Kit (for Prioris Rackmount) FR-PCSRA-CL
  The DIGITAL Prioris XL 5000 Series supports all DIGITAL monitors.  
  104/105-key Windows 95-compatible keyboard FR-PXCLA-GA
  Logitech PS/2-style, two-button mouse FR-PC7XS-AA
  *Must order country accessory kit and operating system software separately.
When ordering tape drives, you must order one of the following software packages (except SCO):
Arcada Backup Exec. for DOS/Windows FR-PCXDT-BA
Arcada Backup Exec. for NLM (Enterprise) FR-PCXDT-BD
Arcada Backup Exec. for Windows NT Server FR-PCXDT-BE
Both RAID and non-RAID kits are available..
*** Modem required for server and management station

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