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DIGITAL Server 9100/9105 - Memory Configurations
System Memory Board 1
DIMM Memory Configurations (standard on primary motherboard with 4-way and 8-way models)
Total Board
Row 1
Slots J1-4
Row 2
Slots J5-8
Row 3
Slots J9-12
Row 4
Slots J13-16
128MB 128MB Kit      
256MB 128MB Kit 128MB Kit    
512MB 512MB Kit      
768MB 128MB Kit 128MB Kit 128MB Kit 512MB Kit
1.0GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit    
1.0GB 1GB Kit      
1.5GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit  
1.5GB 512MB Kit 1GB Kit    
1.5GB 1GB Kit 512MB Kit    
2.0GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit
2.0GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit    
2.0GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 1GB Kit  
2.0GB 1GB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit  
2.5GB 512MB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit  
2.5GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB 1GB Kit
2.5GB 1GB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit
2.5GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 512MB Kit  
3.0GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit  
3.0GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit
3.0GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit
3.5GB 512MB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit
3.5GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 512MB Kit
4.0GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit
System Memory Board 2
DIMM Memory Configurations (part of secondary motherboard on 8-way models only)
Total Board
Row 1
Slots J1-4
Row 2
Slots J5-8
Row 3
Slots J9-12
Row 4
Slots J13-16
128MB 128MB Kit      
256MB 128MB Kit 128MB Kit    
512MB 512MB Kit      
768MB 128MB Kit 128MB Kit 128MB Kit 512MB Kit
1.0GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit    
1.0GB 1GB Kit      
1.5GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit  
1.5GB 512MB Kit 1GB Kit    
1.5GB 1GB Kit 512MB Kit    
2.0GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit
2.0GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit    
2.0GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 1GB Kit  
2.0GB 1GB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit  
2.5GB 512MB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit  
2.5GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB 1GB Kit
2.5GB 1GB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit
2.5GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 512MB Kit  
3.0GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit  
3.0GB 512MB Kit 512MB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit
3.0GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 512MB Kit 512MB Kit
3.5GB 512MB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit
3.5GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 512MB Kit
4.0GB 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit 1GB Kit
1. Each memory board supports from 128MB to 4GB of memory.
2. Each board contains 16 slots organized in 4 rows of 4 slots each.
3. Memory is four-way interleaved requiring ALL DIMMs in a row to be of the same size, type and speed.
4. The DIGITAL Server 9100/9105 uses buffered DIMMs. The slowest DIMM on the board must be in slot J1.
5. A maximum of four DIMM memory kits can be installled on a DIMM memory board. DIMM memory kits can be mixed on a DIMM memory board.
6. Slots must be populated in contiguous order. That is, rows must be populated in a monotonically increasing sequence starting ROW 1- for example, {ROW 1, ROW 2}. An invalid, non-contiguous sequence would be {ROW 1, ROW 3}.
7. Memory features of the same size must be located in contiguous rows of the memory board. A valid sequence would be {512MB Kit, 512MB Kit, 1GB Kit, 1GB Kit}. An invalid sequence would be {512MB Kit, 1GB Kit, 512MB Kit, 1GB Kit}.
8. Total Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 supported system memory across both memory boards is 4GB. In 8-way systems, memory should be distributed evenly across both System Memory Boards. Future operating system release may support greater than 4GB.
9. All systems must be configured with one 256KB or 1MB LST (Line Status Table) SIMM per System Memory Board.

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