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  DIGITAL Server 3300/3305

digital_server_3300_beauty.gif (8388 bytes)
DIGITAL Server 3300/3305
(Pedestal model)


More Reasons to buy a DIGITALTM Server 3300/3305...
  • Reliability and Availability
    Up to 2GB ECC memory, four Hot-Swap bays, and support for multi-channel PCI RAID.
  • Manageability
    - DIGITAL ServerWORKSTM suite of manageability tools for simplified installation and management of networked servers.
    - Integrated Remote Management Console (RMC) enables users to monitor and control systems remotely.
  • Performance
    High-speed computing power of the Alpha 400/500MHz 64-bit processor with 2MB external cache, up to 2GB ECC memory, integrated PCI Fast Ethernet, and Ultra-Wide SCSI controller.
  • Scalability
    - 64-bit PCI bridged bus with up to four available PCI expansion slots, all bus-mastering.
    - Four Hot-Swap bays provide further expansion and investment protection, plus three RMD bays.
    - Upgradable to dual processors.

DIGITAL Server 3300/3305 - Rack model
DIGITAL Server 3300/3305
(Rack model)


  Q: Who uses a DIGITAL Server 3300/3305?
  • Commercial enterprises and government organizations with specific business needs requiring a high-performance workgroup server for document management or printing and publishing applications commonly found in media applications.    
  • Medium-sized organizations applying secure electronic commerce to their business procedures.
  • Organizations seeking a high-performance NT telephony server to support a telecommunications system.
  • Offices that manage remote servers and require the ability to manage and control systems from off-site locations.
  • Organizations adopting Microsoft Exchange for electronic mail and collaboration.
      A: Who doesn't?

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