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Microsoft Exchange here. Office Server there. Directories, gateways, and connectors. A mix of Windows NT, OpenVMSTM, and UNIX platforms everywhere. How can you manage it all? Quite easily, thanks to DIGITALTM Commander, designed to deliver the information you need to optimize system performance and save on operation costs.

Data sheet (Word format)
Data sheet (PDF format)

Central management
  • Manage from one central location
  • Monitor, manage, and tune messaging systems and network applications across local- and wide-area networks

Monitoring features

  • Scan the messaging traffic through your complete system, focusing on a site, a server, or a gateway.
  • Monitor traffic volume over time.
  • Select message volume by message
    size or priority.
  • Display information graphically, in
    tabular format, or as a report.
  • Check processes and batch jobs, disk space, bad message files, and event logs.
  • Trigger alarms that provide early warn-ing of impending problems.
  • Issue commands from the GUI client to start and stop mail servers, gateways, and other networked components.
  • Use PING commands to check
    network connection status and system performance.
Easy-to-use GUI
  • Easy-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI) that provides a complete real-time view of the current status of systems and applications
  • Quickly pinpoint potential or existing problems — and remedy them before they affect network performance
  • A more cost-effective infrastructure
  • Windows-based tool panels and on-screen maps
  • Configure client monitoring, add servers, activate tools and controls, and edit configuration files with the click of a mouse
  • GUI Client operates on Windows 95 as well as Windows NT running on Intel and Alpha systems

Flexible Scanning Modules

Co-resident with, and triggered by, the Server, DIGITAL Commander Scanning Modules transparently check the status of their respective products, as well as standard system components and message traffic. The collected information is then sent via the Server to the GUI for display. You can define scanning intervals to determine how frequently products are monitored, or you can choose to monitor a product continuously.

In addition, PING, Network, and CONTROL Management Scanning Modules are included with the DIGITAL Commander Server. PING is particularly useful for verifying network connections and application availability, and for checking network performance. To ensure smooth, continuous network operations, Network Scanning Modules monitor the DEC Naming Service (DNS) in DECnetTM and Internet Protocol Subnet Monitoring (ISM) definitions and changes. Command Modules provide you with the tools you need to start, stop, and restart remote applications such as gateways and mail servers.

Customize your Scanning Modules

You can easily select the applications that you want the Scanning Modules to monitor, or add more applications. Plus, you can set the frequency at which these application entities are scanned.

An optional software developer’s toolkit allows you to develop and integrate
new Scanning Modules, so you can extend the monitoring capabilities and benefits of DIGITAL Commander to cover your specific mix of applications and E-mail systems.

Alarms warn you of potential problems

The DIGITAL Commander Alarm Module ensures that problems can
be identified and preventive action taken before users are affected.
Such advance warning enables you to keep user disruptions down and productivity up.

The Alarm Module can even be programmed to signal a system operator’s pager when a potential trouble spot is found.

Reports detail performance

Easily displayed on screen, detailed reports provide a snapshot of the performance and traffic volume of each message transfer system. You can control the severity level and type of information displayed.

Easy migration

An essential component in any enterprise deployment of electronic messaging systems, DIGITAL Commander is a particularly valuable tool when you are in the process of upgrading, migrating, or integrating new solutions into your existing messaging environment.

For example, if you are upgrading from ALL-IN-1TM to an Office Server solution, migrating from a VAXTM-based to an AlphaTM-based MAILbusTM messaging backbone, or deploying Microsoft Exchange, DIGITAL Commander enables your old and new messaging environments to operate and be monitored in parallel. You get a complete picture of the upgrade process. And, most importantly, you can manage that process in a more planned, controlled, and cost-efficient way.

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