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DIGITAL Visual Batch
The Premier Enterprise Job Scheduler for the  Windows NT Environment

Automated job scheduling and processes save time and computer resources, enabling customers to take full advantage of their distributed computing environment.   DIGITAL Visual Batch reduces labor costs  by automating repetitive tasks, freeing staff to manage more productive work.   

Advanced Job Scheduling 
DIGITAL Visual Batch offers very sophisticated scheduling capabilities, giving you flexible control over your computing tasks and resources:  

  • Ability to set up and manage all scheduling centrally  
  • Extensive scheduling parameters - for example, run everyday; run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only; run last day of the month; run 3/15/98. 
  • Ability to set up complex dependencies between processes, so that one job doesn't launch until another has finished, or until some other condition has been met. 
  • Provides unlimited scheduling of jobs, important for enterprise environments 
  • Allows queuing of  jobs on assigned machines, or to run them on the first available machine 
Elegant Graphical User Interface 

DIGITAL Visual Batch adds two very useful visual components to its advanced job scheduling technology --  Visual Coordinator and Visual Batch Script.  Visual Coordinator provides a visual drag and drop interface allowing users to quickly and efficiently create, customize and schedule jobs. Once created, elements such as calendars, machine assignments, and notifications can be reused by simply dragging and dropping to another job.   For creating new jobs, Visual Batch Script provides an object oriented development environment that is easier and more powerful than developing batch jobs under MS-DOS.  

DIGITAL Visual Batch: 

Optimizes system resources: process scheduler provides centralized control of jobs and resources  
Reduces time and training: elegant easy-to-use visual Interface for job scheduling and job scripting  
Integrates fully with Windows NT: Tested with BackOffice, and granted the right to use the "Designed for BackOffice" logo by Microsoft 

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