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A major corporate asset is the information held in many millions of E-mail messages and other electronic documents. The safe storage and retrieval of electronic information is vital to the enterprise. While companies need to secure and retain this valuable data, they don’t want to tie up their front-line systems with aging messages. DIGITAL
TM Enterprise Vault for Microsoft Exchange addresses these needs with an enterprise-scale information archival, storage, and retrieval service.

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Data sheet (PDF format)

  • Archives large volumes of information in a central area, subject to corporate policies.
  • Offloads front-line messaging services, improving their performance.
  • Quickly restores single messages, without having to restore entire database.
  • Recovers usable messages.
  • Easily searches and retrieves documents, based on multiple attributes.
  • Exploits AltaVistaTM search engine.
  • Provides the user interface necessary to set up and control sophisticated message journaling.

Safe storage, easy retrieval

DIGITAL Enterprise Vault is an enterprise-level archival, storage, and retrieval service for Microsoft Exchange electronic mail and documents. DIGITAL Enterprise Vault centrally archives large volumes of information, enabling corporate control and availability of documents. It stores and retrieves with original message headers, giving users "live" mail for easy reply and editing. It also allows users to easily search and retrieve documents, based on multiple attributes, using the AltaVistaTM search engine. DIGITAL Enterprise Vault combines DIGITAL expertise in highly scalable, highly reliable systems with Microsoft’s popular, feature-rich mail/messaging product.

Complete mail solution

DIGITAL Enterprise Vault provides a centralized archival/retrieval service on Windows NT, augmenting Microsoft Exchange to offer a reliable and complete mail solution for large enterprises. When used in conjunction with Exchange v5.5 SP1, DIGITAL Enterprise Vault complements the journaling capability which enables enterprises to meet federal E-mail requirements.

Commonly, individual systems may not do backups, and users probably do not back up to floppies. Even if they do, recovering messages from system backups is slow and difficult. With DIGITAL Enterprise Vault, mail servers store to the Vault, and multiple mail servers can connect. The Vault service can reside with the Exchange server, or it can be connected via a LAN or WAN. Use of the Vault service allows off-site archiving for disaster tolerance.

Background agents Vault and/or delete files from mail servers, and all archived files are AltaVista indexed, so finding them is a snap. Individual users can initiate archiving directly, saving mail administrators time and resources. Restoring files is just as easy, with users able to search the Vault index and restore messages as "real" messages. Shortcuts to archived files can be retained, and users can restore directly from these shortcuts

Enterprise-wide control and security

DIGITAL Enterprise Vault uses Windows NT security services to protect your valuable data. Storage is reliable, and can be physically compartmentalized within the Vault. Centrally defined policies control the whole service. Policies or "rules" can be customized to provide flexibility. For instance, you can Vault, then automatically destroy, after a specified period of time; or you can Vault company confidential mail separately. You define the parameters; DIGITAL Enterprise Vault will do the rest.

Files can be optionally managed via an HSM (hierarchical storage management), allowing older files to be moved to less-expensive media so that cost of storage per message is minimized. Because the front-line systems are freed up, they run more efficiently, reducing the number of administrator calls.

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