DIGITAL Windows Enterprise Computing
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  DIGITAL Product Rebrand Guide
  Did you miss the news?  
  January 1998

DIGITAL Announces New Server Systems

New Single Server Product Line for the Windows NT Market Combines its Intel- and Alpha-Based Systems

The Prioris and AlphaServers formerly known as: have become DIGITAL Servers...

FR Part Number

Prioris MX 6200 /256KB

DIGITAL Server 3100

(no change in part number)

Prioris MX 6200 /512KB

DIGITAL Server 3105

Prioris MX 6266 /512KB

DIGITAL Server 3200

Prioris HX 6200 /256KB

DIGITAL Server 5100

(no change in part number)

Prioris HX 6200 /512KB DIGITAL Server 5105
Prioris HX 6266 /512KB DIGITAL Server 5200
Prioris XL 6000 Series DIGITAL Server 1200/1205 (upgrade)
Prioris ZX 6000 Series DIGITAL Server 7100/7105 (upgrade)
AlphaServer 800 for Windows NT EV5/400 DIGITAL Server 3300/3300R



AlphaServer 800 for Windows NT EV5/500 DIGITAL Server 3305/3305R
AlphaServer 1200 for Windows NT EV5/400 DIGITAL Server 5300


AlphaServer 1200 for Windows NT EV5/533 DIGITAL Server 5305
AlphaServer 4100 for Windows NT EV5/400 DIGITAL Server 7300/7300R



AlphaServer 4100 for Windows NT EV5/533 DIGITAL Server 7305/7305R
  October 1997 - "DIGITAL takes wraps off newly named corporate PCs" InfoWorld Electric
The desktop formerly known as: has been renamed as:
Venturis FX-2 DIGITAL PC 3100
Celebris FX-2 DIGITAL PC 5100
Celebris GL DIGITAL PC 5400
Celebris GL-2 DIGITAL PC 5500

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