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HiNote VP 535 Wins PC Computing Torture Test

Bake it, freeze it, hurl it, drown it. hinote_VP_500.jpg (21566 bytes)

That’s what they do to notebooks in PC Computing’s Torture Test. Talk about nerve-racking. As a notebook vendor, the very mention of this annual challenge is enough to make you shake. After all, we expect our users to handle even the most rugged electronic products with care and respect. All that goes by the wayside in the torture test.

The great news is that of the 16 notebooks put to the test, the DIGITAL HiNote VP not only survived, it beat all contenders!


WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) Check out the test site.   See the test results for yourself!    Bake, Freeze, Drop, Spill…and yes, performance and battery life count too.

WB01339_.gif (896 bytes)Learn why HiNote VP is tops: When speed and ruggedness are tops on your list, look no further says PC Computing.

WB01339_.gif (896 bytes)Find out why a DIGITAL HiNote VP is your best decision.

WB01339_.gif (896 bytes)More information about the HiNote VP 500 . . .



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