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Download DIGITAL HiNote VP 700 Windows NT 4.0 Utility Applications/Drivers

To ensure proper operation of your HiNote VP 700 with Windows NT 4.0 Operating System, please download the following file. Then, please follow the installation instructions to install HiNote VP 700 Windows NT 4.0 Utility Applications and Drivers.

WARNING! Complete download of the HiNote VP 700 Windows NT 4.0 Utility Applications/Drivers and Installation Instructions requires about 35 minutes at 28.8kbps or 70 minutes at 14.4kbps. The kit contains approximately 5.75Mb of data.

From your Internet provider’s perspective, during download, it will appear that your system is idle. Some providers will notify you with a dialog box that they have detected system idle and ask if you want to continue with your connection. If you do not affirm that you want to remain connected, after a brief period of time, your provider will disconnect your system from its network.

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