I have problems enabling quotas on a OSF2.1 ufs fileystem.
The fstab entry for the fs looks like that.
/dev/rz4g /home/exph ufs rq 1 3
quotacheck tells me just nonsense:
# quotacheck /dev/rz4g
/dev/rz4g not found or not properly enabled for quotas in /etc/fstab
# quotacheck /home/exph
/home/exph not found or not properly enabled for quotas in /etc/fstab
I've executed quotaon -av before quotacheck. The file content of the file
/home/exph/quota.user does not matter. It can be empty or it can contain
correct quota entries for users. (we generate them externally).
edquota wouldn't start with a usable mask and requota doesn't tell me
Anything known about that?
Received on Mon Jan 02 1995 - 13:13:53 NZDT