Performance and Memorybandwith

From: Claus Nagel <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 95 21:20:42 +0100

Dear Managers,

we intent to buy a AlphaStation or AlphaServer. But this morning i got
the Summary about "AlphaStation 4/233 vs. 3400" Performance describing
the outperforming of the newer 4/233-machine by the older 3400.

There are a lot of factors which determinates the performance of a
special application on a special platform. Dave Cherkus answer was
that the main memory bandwith may cause the difference.

My question: Where can i find informations on the bandwith of main memory
             for Alpha 3000 AXP and the newer Alpha Stations/AlphaServers.
             Is there a file/directory on gatekeeper to search in?

Thanks for any help (i'll summarize),

#postal University of Stuttgart (Germany), #
#address: Institute of Process Engineering and Power Plant Technology (IVD),#
# Claus Nagel, Pfaffenwaldring 23, D-70550 Stuttgart . #
#phone: 49 711 685 -3751, -3563, -3487 _ - |\ #
#fax: 49 711 685 3491 - | \ #
#email: | \ */ O #
# .__|___\|_. \* #
Received on Tue Jan 10 1995 - 15:18:09 NZDT

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