From: Daniele Fua <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 12:04:37 +0100 (MET)

My questions regarded:
1) dump failure
2) why the same procedures in /sbin and /usr/sbin have different sizes.

I received many kind answers, what solved my problems said:

1) there is a known problem (and solution) where dump aborts
if there is an nfs entry in /etc/fstab that doesn't start with
a backslash (like in a mfs definition): comment that line!
Hopefully, new O.S. versions will have better solutions.

2) files in /sbin are statically linked, files in /usr/sbin are
dynamically linked; as I understand this means that /sbin files (larger)
can run as they are, while /usr/sbin files need other files to run.

Thanks to:
Dan Cambron
Andrew Gallatin
Kobi Gover
David Habbot
Pete Hendry
Carl Hillsman
Kevin Houle
Helleby Knut
Simon Monday
Ezra Peisach
Kevin J. Walters
Daniele Fua', G24
Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita' "La Sapienza"
Ple A. Moro, 2
00185 Roma, Italy
Fax: +396-49913522
phone: +396-49913515
Received on Wed Jan 11 1995 - 06:02:21 NZDT

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