as a fairly new group member I think I should sit quietly and
just read messages --- but I cannot! I joined the group to get help
or to give help when needed, and what I see? All serious questions
remain mostly unanswered, while the group is polluted with simple
questions comming from the laziness. Is it really so hard to check
the hardware manual comming with the computer to see how to turn
on/off autobooting? Or is it really so hard to ls /dev directory and
read the one and only file with the mysterious name: MAKEDEV? Or is
is it really so hard *NOT* to post such a summary?
Please forgive me MHO above, but I just still prefer to crawl
through manpages and manuals rather than bothering fellow
administrators "just a few keystrokes away".
BTW, thanks to people who responded to my question about problems
with xdm authorisation on enhanced security:
jay_at_tippecanoe.com (Jay Cotton)
embich_at_admin.lvc.edu (Russ Embich)
Spider Boardman <spider_at_orb.nashua.nh.us>
To be frank, two of the answers were potentially disastrous, but one
helped me track down the problem (mostly hidden somewhere else and
beein my fault, I admit). I will post a summary if needed.
First I guess I should post a question and then a summary (!!!)
on how to use, say, ls. Just a few more obvious bytes on the net...
'vi'ssic Park: Come and see those who did not find time to learn emacs!
Received on Tue Jan 17 1995 - 11:46:24 NZDT