Low-cost video for Alpha OSF/1 machine?

From: Mike Hannon; UCD Physics; (916)-752-4966 <"Mike>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 10:59:13 PST

Greetings. Some of the research groups here have gotten interested in making
use of MBONE (the multicast backbone facility, used for videoconferencing over
TCP/IP networks). One of the groups in particular has been using OSF/1 Alphas
to participate passively in MBONE conferences. The particular model is a DEC
3000 Model 400, running OSF/1 version 3.0.

Now they'd like to participate actively, including the transmission of video.
There doesn't seem to be any builtin input for video on the workstation. DEC
does sell a board which apperars to have the capability, the "Sound and Motion
J300". But it is fairly expensive ($2795 in the DECdirect catalog) and
includes such things as CD-quality sound, hardware JPEG compression, etc.,
which would seem to be overkill for this group's application.

Hence, I'm trying to find out if anybody has an alternate way to send video on
an OSF/1 Alpha. This research group also has VMS Alphas, DEC-MIPS Ultrix
machines, various VAX-VMS workstations, and numerous Macintoshes. I presume
they'd be interested in hearing of MBONE solutions for any of those platforms
as well (although they already have everyting else set up on the Alpha).

                                        - Mike
Michael Hannon hannon_at_physics.ucdavis.edu (Internet)
Dept. of Physics
University of California ucdhep::mike (42385::mike) (HEPnet)
Davis, CA 95616-8677 916-752-4966 (Voice) 916-752-4717 (FAX)
Received on Mon Jan 30 1995 - 16:07:13 NZDT

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