More POP problems...

From: Mike Godsey <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 12:19:20 -0800 (PST)

Well, I'm back, with more problems running POP. Now, I can get
the mail delivered to the appropriate /usr/spool/pop named file
for the user, but the users can't get to their mail via popd.

If I try to telnet to port 110, I get :
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 Connection closed by foreign host.

The /var/adm/sys.all log file shows:
 alfa01 popd[853]: starting
 alfa01 popd[853]: unable to bind socket: Address already in use

Excerpt from /etc/services:

pop 110/tcp

Excerpt from /etc/inetd.conf:

pop stream tcp nowait root /usr/lib/mh/popd popd

What is my conflict? I only have one service on port 110. Any ideas
or help would be much appreciated!

|  Mike Godsey                         |
|  Medio Multimedia, Inc.                                         |
|  Redmond, WA                                                    |
|  <A HREF="http://www.Medio.Net/users/mgodsey">Mike Godsey </A>  |
Received on Thu Feb 09 1995 - 15:25:37 NZDT

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