Want to Hide hosts names

From: <ltun_at_npcc.org>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 95 10:14:52 -0500

Can anyone tell me how to hide the host names in the "from" address. My problem
is when I send mail out from one of the NONhost machine some people have trouble
replying using the "reply" feature. Eg. the from address would be
"mkuras_at_VENUS.npcc.org" instead of just "mkuras_at_npcc.org".

The small network with three workstations looks like:

                | | neptune (HOST)
        | |
        | |
   | | Clients (venus,jupiter, etc.)
I am running the BIND server on neptune, and clients on the other machines. The "aliases" file in /usr/adm/sendmail/aliases
looks like:


and "hosts" in /etc/namedb/src/hosts looks like:


Thanks in advance for all the help.

+ Lin Tun Ph (212) 840-1070 +
+ ltun_at_npcc.org Fx (212) 302-2782 +
+ +
+ NE Power Coordinating Council +
+ 1515 Broadway +
+ NY, NY 10036 +
Received on Tue Feb 14 1995 - 10:14:54 NZDT

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