Thanks for all the quick responses! It was pointed out to me by several
people that /sbin/init.d/motd, pointed to (probably) by /sbin/rc3.d/S60motd,
doing the check on the file and updating it with the operating system version
in the first two lines, at every boot. Suggested remedies are:
* don't share /etc/motd
* mv /sbin/rc3.d/S60motd /sbin/rc3.d/s60motd so the script is not run,
thus not checking and updating at every boot.
* modify /sbin/init.d/motd so it doesn't do the modification at
at every boot.
It was further noted that modifying this behavior may break install scripts
that check /etc/motd.
Thanks again...
Judith Reed
Received on Tue Feb 28 1995 - 11:02:38 NZDT