su - problem

From: <invisible!sycmail!javier_at_Sunmexico.Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 19:46:50 CST

Hi managers:

One stupid client was playing with /etc/passwd, suddenly appeared
like this on the line of root...

root:p7maek5FS2i6I:0:1:system PRIVILEGED account:/:/usr/bin

so when he tried to "su -" the answer was "no shell", so I booted
Single user and modified the /ettc/passwd manually and appeared
like this...

root:p7maek5FS2i6I:0:1:system PRIVILEGED account:/:/usr/bin/ksh

the result was the same. Even if I tried to login at the console
as root, the answer was "root login refused on this terminal.".

So I repeated the procedure to change from /usr/bin/ksh to
/bin/sh, the result was the same.
I checked the file permissions on sh and ksh and look normal to me

% ls -l /usr/bin/ksh /usr/bin/sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 278528 Aug 8 1994 /usr/bin/ksh
-rwxr-xr-x 2 bin bin 139264 Aug 8 1994 /usr/bin/sh

my /etc/inittab looks like this

cons:1234:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty console console vt100

my /etc/securettys looks like this


Do I need to do an extra configuration, or modify something else?

How can users can login to root even if they are not on the console?

Thanx in advance, I'll appreciate any idea.

 ######################## Javier Scanlan Sierra
##------------------------- Sistemas y Computadores
##-----%%%%%----%%%%%%----- de Gestion, S.A. de C.V.
##----%%---%%--%%%--------- Technical Support Manager DEC Division
##----%%%%%-%%%%%%--------- Av. Revolucion #2042-8th. Floor, San Angel
##-------%%--%%-%%--------- Mexico, D.F. 01090, Tel. 550-0740
##----%%%%---%%--%%%%%----- e-mail:
##------------------------- invisible!sycmail!javier_at_Sunmexico.Sun.COM
                             "God gave ROCK 'N' ROLL to you..."
                                                   Rod Argent.
Received on Tue Feb 28 1995 - 20:55:10 NZDT

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