shlib surgery

From: Doug Berry <>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 1995 17:42:16 -0500

I would like to replace the DEC supplied BIND
distribution with 4.9.3-BETA17.(1)
All compiles fine, and runs quite niceley.

I don't know how to replace the DEC supplied resolver library
with the new one.

Can anyone send me a cookbook aproach to replacing
modules in /usr/shlib/lib*.so?

Has anyone replaced BIND on OSF/1 v3.0? Any gotchas?

Thanks for your time,

Sheridan College, Ontario
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 15:32:49 -0800
From: Paul A Vixie <>
Subject: BIND 4.9.3-BETA17 ready for public testing
Message-Id: <>
Gentlemen and ladies, we are "inches from a clean getaway"(*) with 4.9.3.
Please take a minute to make sure this thing still builds and runs on your
offbrand backroom boxes.  I want to rename it to "4.9.3-Rel" with no further
patches, and I will, unless someone speaks up pretty quickly about a problem
that is pretty serious.
        FTP Server:
        Path:           /pri/vixie/bind-4.9.3-BETA17.tar.gz
        Size:           1532332 bytes
        BSD checksum:   36044 1497
        POSIX checksum: 3451112785 1532332
        MD5 checksum:   604340af2eb7225819264c2ccf592bbd
Let's try a kinder, gentler notice about my FTP server:
        You won't be able to "ls" or "dir" the file.  You must "cd" (inside
        of FTP) to the remote directory (/pri/vixie) unless you plan to create
        a local /pri/vixie or unless you plan to give "get" a second argument.
        You can't ping this ftp server, ever.  To retrieve this file, do this:
                $ ftp
                user: anonymous
                password: (your e-mail address)
                ftp> cd /pri/vixie
                ftp> binary
                ftp> get bind-4.9.3-BETA17.tar.gz
                ftp> quit
(*) (thanks to jack nicholson in _terms_of_endearment_)
Received on Wed Mar 01 1995 - 17:46:28 NZDT

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