Thus far summarizing the answers to my questions has been relatively easy,
there have been none. I will post a followup summery next week if I
receive any responses.
My orginal post:
I have become involved in a project that is attempting to use US Robotics 4
port modem cards together with a Gandalf Xpressway with GPS Plus 16 port
terminal server to provide telnet, SLIP, & PPP access to a UNIX cluster.
We're not having a lot of luck with getting reliable dialin to the Gandalf,
and I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of making this
work. We have not yet purchased the Gandalf, and would consider an
alternative if someone knows of one with similar features, especially the
macro capabilities.
1.) The GPS Plus is apparently something Gandalf picked up from Penril, as
the manual is a photocopy of a Penril manual. How long has this been on the
market, has Gandalf had good results with it, and is anyone using it
successfully for this type of operation?
2.) Does anyone have any macros they are currently using with the Gandalf
that work and we could take a look at. The explanation of using them in
the documentation is very brief, and the few examples very buggy.
3.) Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will summarize to
the list.
Stan Huhman
John Deere
Waterloo, Iowa 50701
319 292 8687
Received on Fri Mar 03 1995 - 11:48:56 NZDT