Weird Group/NFS problems

From: Ken Mayer <>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 10:57:11 -0500 (EST)

I am having what appear to be related problems with group memberships.

Problem 1:
        PC using Frontier Technologies SuperTCP/NFS. User mounts
        /home/projects2 and can only see one of more than a dozen
        directories. The directory that shows up has nothing to do with
        the user or his group memberships.

        This used to work fine when /home/projects2 was located on my Sun
        server. Since I migrated the file system to the Alpha, I keep
        getting this consistent error.

Problem 2:
        A user, who's default group is 1025 and is a member of another
        group (SOCR) tries to list a directory underneath another users
        home directory with the following permissions:

        # ls -lgd . *fred*
        drwxr-s--- 46 ksheers staff 2560 Mar 8 09:51 .
        drwxr-s--- 3 ksheers socr 512 Mar 3 17:34 for_fred

        When the user (fred) tries to ls /home/ksheers/for_fred, he gets
        a permission denied error. When I change fred's default gid to
        staff (10), things work as they should.

I'm stumped. I can't figure out why group permissions are working out so
weirdly. I'm probably missing something obvious. Any ideas?

Ken Mayer Words ought to be a
MRJ, Inc. (703) 277-1722 little wild for they
10560 Arrowhead Drive (703) 385-4637 fax are the assault of
Fairfax, Virginia 22030-7305 thoughts on the
USA unthinking.
finger for PGP public key -- John Maynard Keynes
Received on Wed Mar 08 1995 - 10:58:05 NZDT

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