LAT & PolyCenter ConsoleManager

From: <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 16:23:57 -0900

Greetings -

I'm having some unfortunate problems attempting to use PolyCenter
Console Manager on my OSF/1 v3.2 DEC 3000-300 (via LAT to a DS200
which has a DEC 7000-620 console attached) and crashing my system.

# setld -i | grep -i console
DCROSF151 installed Console Mgr V1.5 ECO 1
DCROSFBASE150 installed Console Mgr Base
DCROSFBIN150 installed Console Mgr OSF/1 AXP
DCROSFENS150 installed Console Mgr Event Notification
DCROSFMAN150 installed Console Mgr Man Pages
DCRREL150 installed Console Mgr Rel Notes

PCM Edit> show system glacier
Full or Brief listing? [f=full, b=brief] (b): f
Output file (stdout):

System Name = glacier
    Information =
    Connection = LAT (terminal server)
    Terminal Server = LAT_08002Bnnnnnn
    Server Port = GLACIER-CONS
    Terminal Device = /dev/tty02
    Scan Profile =
    Icon filename = DEC_7000.xbm
    Console line = Enabled
    Logging is enabled, directory = /var/opt/console/logs

when the Terminal Device is /dev/tty02, or /dev/lat/621, I get
the following when I try to start console manager:

# /sbin/init.d/consoled start
POLYCENTER Console Manager starting.
Starting the ENS Daemon
Starting the Console Controller Daemon

    <screen goes inverse - black with white outlines and letters>

    trap: invalid memory read access from kernel mode

        faulting virtual address: 0x0000000000000048
        pc of faulting instruction: 0xfffffc000030d280
        ra contents at time of fault: 0xfffffc000030d1f4
        sp contents at time of fault: 0xffffffff8fbdea00

    <now the system hangs trying to synch disks>

*but* when I leave the "/dev/" off of the Termianl Device entry, this
doesn't happen, but I get a 'can't open device or file' message when
attempting to connect to the console device (seems obvious to me).

(/etc/inittab has no lat entries per the console manager user's guide).

# latcp -d

Node name: ICEFOG
Multicast timer: 60 seconds
LAT version: 5 ECO: 2

Selected Interface Name(s): ln0
LAT Protocol is active

Service information
        Service name: ICEFOG
        Service ID: DEC OSF/1 Version V3.2 LAT SERVICE
        Rating: Dynamic 221
        Groups: 0

# latcp -d -P

Local Port Name = tty02 <application>

        Specified Remote Node Name = LAT_08002Bnnnnnn
        Specified Remote Port Name = GLACIER-CON

# latcp -d -P

Local Port Name = 621 <application>

        Specified Remote Node Name = LAT_08002Bnnnnnn
        Specified Remote Port Name = GLACIER-CON

# ccr -c ln0 -n LAT_08002Bnnnnnn -h 08-00-2B-nn-nn-nn
ccr: Remote console reserved

DECserver 200 Terminal Server V3.0 (BL33) - LAT V5.1

Please type HELP if you need assistance

Enter username> ^Z

Local> show port 2 char

Port 2: Server: LAT_08002Bnnnnnn

Character Size: 8 Input Speed: 9600
Flow Control: XON Output Speed: 9600
Parity: None Modem Control: Disabled

Access: Remote Local Switch: None
Backwards Switch: None Name: GLACIER-CON
Break: Local Session Limit: 4
Forwards Switch: None Type: Soft

Preferred Service: None

Authorized Groups: 0
(Current) Groups: 0

Enabled Characteristics:

Autoconnect, Autoprompt, Broadcast, Input Flow Control,
Loss Notification, Message Codes, Output Flow Control, Verification


Any ideas? Do I have a hardware problem? A software (LAT device driver)
problem? Anybody else using PolyCenter Console Manager? The docs say to
set up the Terminal Server just like one would set it up for a Printer -
it looks to be correct to me, am I missing something?

Thanks in advance, I'm also sending this off via DSNlink to CSC, summary
is pending a solution.

Randy M. Hayman
Received on Fri Mar 10 1995 - 20:23:06 NZDT

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