Alternative backup systems

From: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 95 17:47:09 gmt

     ARM: 95-03-14
     We have looked at Network Save and Restore to use for our
     backups, and have found it not suitable for our needs (we
     may take another look at the product to see if the situation
     has changed).
     We have a global network using low speed (compared to
     ethernet and fddi) lines. We are looking for a product that
     will allow us to manage all our backups centrally (say in
     London), while the backups are performed on remote Alpha OSF
     systems to locally attached tape drives (ie not across slow
     WAN links). Backups would be file systems, as well as Oracle
     databases (Oracle on OSF).
     Does anybody know of a product that could do this reliably.
     We use Sun Net Manager for managing our network, although a
     X console manager for a backup system on an Alpha
     workstation would be feasible.
     Alastair Munro
     Global Asset Management
Received on Wed Mar 15 1995 - 17:28:42 NZDT

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