OSF 3.0 Accounting Functions

From: Saul Tannenbaum <stannenb_at_emerald.tufts.edu>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 13:36:26 -0400 (EDT)

In order to generate usage reports that our management likes, we've
been struggling with getting OSF accounting working.

After numerous patched images from Digital, we've moved from the point
where any attempt to do anything dumps core, to the point where, somewhat
reliably, we can generate reports.

What we can't do is generate reports for which we have any confidence
in the data. We've established test accounts, used know amounts of
resources, and the data generated bare little resemblance to the
resources used. It would appear to me that none of this stuff was
tested under anything close to "real" conditions nor with any
sort of validity testing.

My question is:

        Has _anyone_ gotten OSF accounting to work reliably, generating
        data that they trust?

Thanks in advance, and, of course, I'll summarize to the list.

        - Saul

Saul Tannenbaum, Manager, Academic Systems | "It's still rocket  
                stannenb_at_emerald.tufts.edu |    science" - Vint Cerf
Tufts University Computing and             |
                Communications Services    |
Received on Mon Apr 10 1995 - 13:37:01 NZST

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