Original question:
Is there a virtual "halt" button on a 200 4/166.
There is, I am told over the phone, no physical halt button
as on the 300lx.
(editor: liar!)
A local admin is in the loop where
his machine is set to boot to multiuser mode, but he
messed it up so it won't come up.
(editor: more explicitly, AUTO_ACTION = boot and init is failing.)
There is a real reset button (sorry for the misinformation in the first
summary). If your system is set AUTO_ACTION = boot
then you have to interupt with a ^C (the virtual part I was hunting for).
Jumper J3 can be configured to change what the button does.
anthony baxter <anthony.baxter_at_aaii.oz.au>
For our 4/233's, I always find that hitting ^C a lot during the self-test
drops it to the console prompt. There may also be some wierdo combination
of ctrl-alt-return or ctrl-alt-delete (like the 5k/25's had).
Andrew Gallatin <gallatin_at_isds.Duke.EDU>
I was just poking through my 200 4/233 manual & think that I may have
serendipitously found the answer to your question.
According to my manual (on page C-8) the J3 jumper will generate a
reset with Pins 1 to 2 jumpered and a 'Halt request CPU interrupt'
with pins 2 to 3 jumpered. It claims the system is shipped with pins
1 to 2 jumpered.. Perhaps you should check this jumper, maybe
somebody moved it.
Torbj|rn Lindgren <tl_at_ae.chalmers.se>
Press the reset button and then press ^C when it tries to boot (after
the self-test, but before 'jumping to bootstrap code'). This should
leave you in the console mode (at least that's what I use on our 200
4/166). If you don't have a reset button you could use the big power
button instead (the rest of the procedure remains unchanged).
According to 'User Information, Appendix C' it is possible to change
the operation of this button from 'Reset' to 'Halt Interrupt Request'
by changing one jumper on the motherboard (jumper J3, page C-8).
^C is documented as meaning 'Terminates the foreground process' in
Table A-2, SRM Console Special Characters. The manual I have is
'Digital AlphaStation 200 Series, User Information,
Order Number EK-PCDTA-UI. D01').
Ray Stell stellr_at_vt.edu (703) 231-4109 KE4TJC
Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS!
Received on Fri Apr 28 1995 - 16:58:10 NZST