An Overview of the Digital Product Performance Group

From: Chris McCabe <>
Date: Wed, 3 May 95 14:58:01 EDT

     To: osf-managers Date: May 2, 1995

                                          From: Chris McCabe


                                          Group: Digital Product Performance

                                          Phone: (508) 486-2676

     Subject: An Overview of the Digital Product Performance Program


          I have been on this distribution list for a while and I feel this

     is exactly the target audience I would like to get a message out to

     around a program at Digital that you might be interested in. After

     reading the charter for the mailing list, I decided to send this mail

     because I firmly believe this program can have a positive impact for

     Digital Unix (OSF/1) system managers by giving you a high quality

     product, and since our Software ships with OSF/1 version 3.2a, there

     may be some questions you may have around the program that others on

     this distribution list also have and I will answer them for you here.

          If any of you were at Spring DECUS last year we presented the

     program there along with other quality programs at Digital. You

     should be seeing more information on the program on upcoming Software

     and Hardware releases.

          I manage a program called the Digital Product Performance (DPP)

     program that collects reliability and availability information from

     customer sites World-wide. I would like to take a moment to give you

     an overview of the DPP program and ask that you consider installing

     our monitoring software on your Digital Unix (OSF/1) systems at your

     site. Our group provides reports directly to the Hardware design

     groups and the Operating Systems group on the performance of the

     monitored system. We work with these groups as well as MCS and

     Manufacturing to improve the reliability and availability of Digital

     products at your site. We are currently monitoring approximately 3000

     system World wide, most of which are OpenVMS. We would really like to

     increase the sample size of our Digital Unix (OSF/1) customer base.

     If you have any additional questions about the program, please don't

     hesitate to ask. In keeping with the theme of this distribution list,

     I will compile a list of your questions, respond to them and post the

     results. I hope you will consider participating in this mutually

     beneficial program. Thank you.




          The Digital Product Performance (DPP) Program monitors and

     verifies the availability and reliability of Digital systems. This

     program provides our Service, Manufacturing, and Design Engineering

     organizations with accurate information on the performance of released

     products at customer and Digital internal sites. This program also

     provides Design Engineering with accurate information on the

     performance of Field Test products during Internal and External Field


          The DPP group has developed a system monitoring tool called

     Monitoring Performance History (MPH). MPH collects error log entries,

     crash dump footprints and configuration information from customer and

     Digital internal systems. The information is collected on a periodic

     basis (biweekly for Digital Unix (OSF/1) sites) and sent back directly

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     to Digital. This data is analyzed and reports are issued directly to

     Hardware and Software Engineering, Manufacturing and Digital Service.

     All system information collected is Digital Confidential and is only

     used to gauge and improve availability and reliability.

          The MPH process, with the exception of installing the software,

     is automatic, requiring no human intervention. The software will not

     impact or degrade your system's performance. MPH runs as a background

     task utilizing negligible system resources. The disk space required

     for the collected data and the application is approximately 300 blocks

     per system.

          There are versions of MPH for OpenVMS, Digital Unix (OSF/1),

     Ultrix and the Windows NT Operating system. The MPH kits employ

     various transport mechanisms to transfer the data to Digital including

     DSNlink for OpenVMS and Internet mail for OpenVMS, Digital Unix

     (OSF/1) and Ultrix. Windows NT data is collected via FTP to a VMS or

     Digital Unix system with Internet mail or DSNlink. The MPH for

     Windows NT kit is currently in Internal Field Test and should be

     released in the near future.

          Additional Information on MPH or the DPP program can be requested

     by sending mail to Using the keyword

     INFO anywhere in the subject header of your message will expedite

     routing of your request.


          The latest MPH kit is located on the OSF/1 Version 3.2A

     Complementary Products CD. It is part of the base operating system

     i.e. it is included in the V3.2 patch and not a separate entity on

     the CD. After installing the V3.2A software the MPH files are

     contained in the /usr/field/mph directory. To install the MPH for

     OSF/1 kit please see the detailed instructions at the end of this


          You may also use anonymous FTP to access the MPH archive on to obtain the MPH for OSF/1 kit. The OSF/1 MPH

     kit and installation guide can be found in the directory:


     The kit is available as a tar set called mph_osf.tar After you have

     connected with FTP, give these commands:

     ftp> ascii

     ftp> get /archive/private/mph/osf/mph_osf.tar mph_osf.tar

     ftp> bye

     Another method to obtain the file by ftp is as follows:

     ftp> ascii

     ftp> cd /archive/private/mph/osf

     ftp> get mph_osf.tar

     ftp> bye

     Note that since this is a private area, FTP will close the connection

     if you attempt to do an ls of any of the directories in the /private


          The text and postscript versions of the installation guide are

     contained in the TAR set and are called user_guide.txt and

                                                                     Page 3

          Additional information on MPH for OSF/1 can be requested by

     sending mail to Using the keyword OSF

     anywhere in the subject header of your message will expedite routing

     of your request.


     3.1 Installation From CD

          The installation procedure must be executed as user root. To run

     the installation procedure, set the working directory to:


     and execute the command:


     and enter the data requested by the installation procedure.

     3.2 Installation From FTP

          The MPH kit is contained in the tar file mph_osf.tar. Prior to

     installation this tar file must be expanded to obtain the kit files -

     it is recommended that the file is expanded to an empty directory.

     The following command will expand the tar file:

        tar xvf mph_osf.tar

          The installation procedure must be executed as root. To run the

     installation procedure set the working directory to be the directory

     where the tar file was expanded and execute the command.


     and enter the data requested by the installation procedure.

     3.3 Effect Of Installation

      o Create an MPH directory (the default location is /var/mph).

      o Update the system crontab files to execute the MPH files files at

         the appropriate times. The binary error log extractor runs daily

         at 2 A.M., with the data being mailed to Digital at 3 A.M. every

         Wednesday and Sunday.

     3.4 Notes

      o The MPH OSF installation will take approximately 5 minutes.

      o Disk space requirements for MPH OSF are approximately 100 blocks

         after installation.

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      o The installation *must* be performed as root.

      o MPH OSF will need to be reinstalled with each new OSF/1 baselevel.

      o If the system needs to be shutdown for any reason, it is extremely

         important that an orderly shutdown process be followed.

      o Note: If installing from the V3.2A Complementary products CD

         please ignore the following error messages:

                cp: No such file or directory

                cp: user_guide.txt: No such file or directory

                These files can be found in /usr/field/mph
Received on Wed May 03 1995 - 15:05:05 NZST

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